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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by lkk65df

  1. Happy Birthday.

    1. legress


      Thank you so much, mate! <3

  2. Happy Birthday.

    1. Yoyo_ManSg


      Thanks. And thank you for the follow. :kappa:

  3. Very good system. Thanks TMP-developers.
  4. Happy Birthday. Have a nice day!

  5. Happy Birthday. Have a nice day.

    1. ян Powerful

      ян Powerful

      Thank you very much!

  6. Happy Birthday. Have a nice day.

    1. TheGoodGuy1515


      Thank you kindly :)

  7. Very good update. Thank you TMP.
  8. Happy Birthday

  9. I also rode this evening. It was very nice.

    1. .Rhys.


      What did you ride? :P

    2. lkk65df


      With my Scania truck and my trailer. See the previous status update for a photo.

    3. .Rhys.


      Oh, I thought something irl lol

  10. I always use the headlights when I drive.
  11. My truck:). I made this photo but I am not a professional.:D


  12. Thanks for the answers. I thought the speed limit was 50 km / h, but it is 80 km / h. Sorry my mistake. This topic can close for further replies.
  13. Yes I know. Normal, the limit is enabled but now, it is DISABLED. But why is it disabled?
  14. Hi truckers, I have one question, why is the speed limit of the cities disabled (50 km/h)?
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