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Speed limit by levels


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Dave has yet to post hmmm...

Or just download a savegame with a higher level.


Possible setup for Beta:


Server side game data(you cant download this, gaining access to the server to manipulate this violates many many laws):

Possible XP giving data:

Distance (logged threw gps collection, same data that allows drivers to see you) Driven in Collision area

Parking bonus

Time online (not idling in NCZ, etc)


Not XP worthy:

Distance Total Driven

Total funds in bank


Removal of XP:

Kicks (excluding Ping/NCZ AFK, AFK in CZ = loss of XP)



the speed limiter will not change as all they do is force enable the bull in limiter. They would have to completly rework the limiter in order for anything like this to happen.

I doubt they would have to "rework" the entire thing... Its all about the "if's" and "else's"




$limit = "90";


$connectiontodb$rank = "##";if ($rank <= "20") {    $Limit ="##";} elseif ($rank >= "21" && $rank <= "50" ) {    $Limit ="##";}

Etc... Tada problem solved... The server/game calls the limit imposed with is (im guessing) hard coded into the server settings.



However i do not support neither levels nor the speed limit and as stated in previous topics i think it should be eradicated not so i can be a speed demon (with my 120T trailer? Yea right...), but because i dont think condoning lack of respect for the rules of the road should be permitted.


Simply put, "Cant Drive, Get Banned". Yes this is a simulator so why not "simulate" the benefits of being a idiot? You head on someone else in real life you die (at the speeds rammers do it), you head on someone in game and get reported for it your ban says "Death by Head on (Permanent Ban)"


So for me great idea but no. Eradication or nothing.


Oh here in the USA/Canada on the open milti lane highways its not uncommon to see trucks going 100+ during non peak traffic times unless restricted by law (fuel, other hazardous items or livestock)

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I was refering to speeds based on level. Thats easy. What your suggesting is hard. you would need the GPS coordinates for the length and width of the highway, the beginning and ending (ramps, defining where the limit should begin and end ???) of the highways. thats possibly tens of thousands of lines of GPS coordinates for the sever to sort threw, and would prob require a dedicated server just to do it. Best way of pointing this out is actually Runescapes chat (Jagex because they include funorb, friends chat clan chat etc), Its ran on a dedicated server(s) stand alone from the game server you are logged into.


This is because they dont know where you will be where your friends/clan will be so by putting it in one central location separate from the game it self reduces that servers cpu load by loading every little bit running threw scripts etc. Instead the server would call a one liner and a CSV or similar file is sent to the server live to the user, displaying the friends name world on/off.


For MP you would need 3-4 GPS coordinates. Width Left, Width Right, Length Front, Length Back. 4 be best because it creates a (square) bubble, that so long your bubble has the same limit thats what you are limited too. Once your bubble gets a lower number in front of it (or front and a side or rear/side etc) it drops to that number. Only way of increasing your speed is by getting into the bubble with the same number within it. this means your trailer has to pass the limit # before you can accelerate.


See how much hassle that be? Tho if implemented the server could then auto kick fro wrong way as the gps would dictate what side of the road you are on and which direction... But as stated specific speed zones would require a dedicated server to handle the requests.

Signature removed by a wondering ghost


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I´m starting to doubt why some posts (which may be interesting) are rejected almost after being posted without any feedback on them, and this, which only got negative answer from the community, is still here. Seems the words "speed limit" will always be in somewhere. :unsure:


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Let me explain why doing away with speed limit is bad, I played for hours on end ets2, I used to race to get deliveries finished, my best was 16 hour trip done in 9 hours, did not need to rest in that time.

MP,Now I enjoy it much better,and got 2 more achievments i did not think i would ever get, doing 5 jobs without damage and no breaking speed limits, forget the other but you see where i am coming from.

I love the graphics,trees,roads,towns so instead of racing just enjoy your time

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So basically the speed limit "forced" you to behave then?

What if it got lifted? Would you go insane, and drive like a lunatic?

You think I got the "careerist" achievement because the server forced me to play by the rules?


I think they have issues with achievements again because my different loads and contracts should be about 30% done...

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So basically the speed limit "forced" you to behave then?

What if it got lifted? Would you go insane, and drive like a lunatic?

You think I got the "careerist" achievement because the server forced me to play by the rules?


I think they have issues with achievements again because my different loads and contracts should be about 30% done...



You have some issues my friend, it did not force me to do anything, it made me see there is more to the game than seeing how fast you can complete a job   :lol:

if it was lifted *yes* I would speed everywhere 

I do not think anything about you and how you got achievement as i do not know you,   :lol:   :D


have a nice day

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No, simply no!.

ETS2 is *NOT* a race simulator. Maybe instead of choosing 750HP engine, why don't you play with a 410HP engine. 

You want to speed: go to the #EU2 server..


As long as people have problems following the rules (have you even watch the in-game chat), it's simply not responsible to drive faster and the international speed limit is 80. 

As EP/Harwich is the most crowded place in ETS2MP, let's take a look at those (real world) speed limits:

Netherlands: Highway & secondary roads: 80kph.

For the UK it's a bit more complex as your maximum speed is determined why the type or road you're driving on and the maximum speed for cars. The highest speed sign in the UK is the 60mph sign. However if you're truck and cargo (total combination) is over 7.5t, you're are only allowed 50mph (80kph). On single lane secondary roads with a 60mph sign, you're even allowed only 40mph (64kph).


France is actually one of the few countries where you can drive 90kph provided that you don't haul dangerous goods, however most heavy goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes are banned from the French road and motorway network  every weekend between the hours of 10 p.m Saturday and 10 p.m Sunday.  There are exceptions for trucks carrying perishable produce or refrigerated produce, trucks servicing sporting events or trade fairs, and a few other cases.


Besides, even while the speed limit topic get keeping posted every few weeks, the answer stays the same. Not only is the speed limit in the game based on the highest truck speed limit in Europe, it's also there because some people have very laggy internet connections and therefor driving at a higher speed causes more problems.

Yeah, ETS is not a race simulator, but is ridiculuos you have 90 speed limit, when in the real life you can drive with max power

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My level is 58 (Legend) but my speed limit is 90km/h.. in Mp

How can i release my speed limiter?


You can't release your speed limiter, or you will be banned for speed hack!

Tag Line: Want to Have fun, join Trucking World at ETS2, ATS and TruckersMP.


Respected Member of the Arab Community and TMP
Former: Forum Moderator, Support Team & Game Moderator

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is it possible to only let 30 mph in towns? speed limiter in towns would be great

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You get accidents no matter how fast you go,its strange why if there is no traffic around why can you not go faster? UK motorways are 70 mph not 60 :P it is 60 mph on all roads except for built up areas,speed limiter is for children witch i do think it should either be raised or turned off, You try driving on motorways doing 70 mph? it is so real,not dangerous,hit speed camera,auto kick,why? it will keep you alert not to break speed limits where positioned,kicked not banned

In the UK, as stated in the Highway Code, articulated vehicles (trucks, cars and vans towing trailers) are permitted to go 60 mph on motorways, 50 on dual carriageways (A roads), 40 on single carriageways (A/B roads) and 30 in urban areas.

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I like the idea because I get pretty annoyed when I am overtaking people, I get stuck at 56 same as them and then I am stuck in the opposite lane unable to do anything, so personally if they made it so that people could choose it would be more fun personally (Remember this is my personal opinion, so don't go mental on me).


The only issue I see is that dim whits who cannot drive would cause havoc on the server

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It's not a regular driving game, it's a simulator (or does its best to be one). In Europe, trucks are legally required to have a speed limiter that limits them to 90km/h. They also must have a (working) tachograph installed. I you want to race around with trucks, wait for GTA5 or use some older game that allows you to do so (GTA:SA also has a multiplayer mod), or go to the free roam server.


-10 to this idea.

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Trucks in the Uk are limited to 56mph as stated on the back of them and cars are permitted to drive 70mph on the motorways.


The speed limit in the UK is 70mph, dual carriageways are between 40mph to 60mph. It depends on the area but most of the time it is 40mph or 50mph on the dual carriageways. Even though it says 70mph on dual carriageways in that link its not the case on the dual carriageway near me, it's 50mph.







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In game rules can be found here:https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/115-in-game-rules/


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