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Veteran Driver VII
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About roberto396g

  • Birthday 12/21/1997

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  1. Alrght, but as I sad before. I log in with the account I bought the game, and login with worldoftrucks and doesnt sync my money, truck, etc
  2. Answers? 1- Those two account is mine, at the same computer. 2- Only the first Steam Account has ETS2 bought. Another information, if I play ETS2 on the account that I bought the game, I also started from 0. (without car, money, etc..) Alright, But if I play the game on my own account (that I bought the game)... It's not loading sync my truck, money, etc.. It is starting from zero
  3. Hi everyone, I have 2 accounts on steam, I would like to play with the same acount witch include truck, money etc on a different account. I went into the config and authorized my Steam account to share my games on library. but, now that I loged into a different account and login with World of Trucks, my name and photo is there.. Alright until here... Until I start play and I found out that I lost everything, my trucks, my money, my status.. SO, my doubt is Can't I play sync my account settings on a different account of Steam ?
  4. Boa tarde! Estou procurando alguma empresa entrar ? alguém pode me recrutar ?
  5. Do whatever I wanna to, without thinking about the consequences

    1. Pieter


      That's what happens when i walk into McDonalds :3

    2. _J-M


      LMAO Pieter

  6. Yes I know, but it's not good (my opnion), all the time which I plan a convoy with my friends on TeamSpeak, we need to find a city with a lot of cargo for the same place, and most of the time, we go to different places because there isn't a cargo for everybody on convoy, in this system which I suggest, should be created all the cargos for the players on convoy automatic
  7. My suggestion it's a Convoy System... How does it's work ?? You guys should create a command on ets mp which we write, (for example) /convoy, and then a list of convoy created by players, show us the place which will start, and the place which will finish, and also the status to show us if the convoy had already started or no. example: Rotterdam -> Amsterdam If we want to quit the convoy, we should write /quitconvoy Some topics about how should works ... Must be created a cargo for everybody of the convoy, with the same destiny of begging and end To join the convoy, you write /convoy, and then at the list you choose a convoy and click at "join convoy" (I mean, the bottom") To finish the convoy everybody needs to unload the cargo, even if u get first, everybody get pay when all players unload the cargo If somebody get 100% damage on cargo, that player get kick of the convoy. When everybody unload the cargo, we receive the salary time the number of people on convoy.... What do u mean ?? *- Imagine 5 players on convoy, and the cargo it's $3.000 *So we do 5 x 3000 = $15000 of money per player, of course if u get 0% damage. That's my suggestion, I don't know if there is possible, but I saying a similar system of gta san andreas (a mod), which were used to be famous online...
  8. Why do u like rotterdam ? I really like Rotterdam, Because there's a lot of people, and that makes the game more real with traffic, convoy and a lot of people driving there, as the real life. What do u dislike ? Most of the people probability, has the same opinion, The worst thing in rotterdam it's the lag, I still thing the problem it's the server, and not the computer of the players, sometimes it's terrible I just give up and take a break for a minute, if its very full the city, OMG... Everything start to break, I can't stand when my truck sank on the road and I got 100% damage. How do other players behave ? I don't, really... Sometime a accident happened because of the lag on the city, I had already seeing that before, you are driving back of the truck, and then he just stop from nothing, and you hit him, but in seconds truck start move again and the person sometimes realize whats happened.. What can other players do to improve the city ? That's a interesting question, I think that depends of the players, they should stop trolling and be patient. Sometimes it's very boring u drive just by yourself on the street, and when u see someone you horn to him and him back... Who doesn't ?? I think it's amazing... Now imagine that on rotterdam full, everything start brake, your fps get lower and the worst case, your game stop work....
  9. Yeah, ETS is not a race simulator, but is ridiculuos you have 90 speed limit, when in the real life you can drive with max power
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