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Suggestion Name: New location for the CB channel switching
Suggestion Description: So instead of having to switch CB channel manually on the radio, you can instead have some buttons on tab which can then display which channel you're on, and the buttons to either switch up or down. But I think the original switching method should be kept because it is realistic, and I'm all up for that!

Any example images: Nope

Why should it be added?: I think that will be much more convinient since you don't have to adjust your camera upwards and press on the clunky radio. You can just open tab and press some buttons there. The same as reporting. And I also think that many people are a bit unsure about how to switch channel on the CB. So it will  get much more clear how you do it.

  • Upvote 1

Hey Leff,


I think that is a good idea especially for people who have a rubbish computer/laptop like i did a few months ago when i couldn't even play in number 1 cam! And also if there are people shouting down the CB and your driving on the outside cam and you want to keep a eye on where you are driving you dont exactly want to be going in cab and looking up at the CB to change the channel without having to stop or take a eye of the road typically causing a crash.


All in all... a good suggestion in my eyes :)


^ I totally agree, If this could be done it would be an amazing addition to ATS MP, This would remove some trucks crashing into the barrier or from being late to there loads.  :)


I get your points and that would be useful but I wouldn't benefit from it either way. To use the CB or the tab menu I have to use the right mouse click which slams on the brakes and makes people slam the back of me -_- 

But +1 for idea

-1 for me using mouse :P


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