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AFK Kick is a little too aggressive


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Suggestion Name: Increase AFK time!!


Suggestion Description You shouldn't be kicked when you are in a "Resting Zone" (Garage, or any rest stop along the road)

Maybe set it up for No kick in resting zones, unless the server is nearing full capacity, then make it a 10 minute AFK in resting zones!!!
Any example images: None

Why should it be addedWas in my garage, Alt+Tab out to check my E-mail messages, and to find something on the ETS2MP forum, come back and I have been kicked!!! And I was only gone for less than 5 minutes!!!

Not saying there shouldn't be an AFK kick at all, just saying it should be laxed a little bit!! The time given is to little as I know of a few people that were at a dealer upgrading their truck and got kicked for being AFK, they weren't even AFK, they were in game upgrading!!!

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It does seem quite a harsh afk timer.. Many other MMO (WOW,League Of Legends,Runescape,etc.) have an afk timer of 15 mins or more... I do agree with Usta though... I feel that it should only be implemented when the server is over 80% (and with EU#3 on it's way if I have heard rightly, it might not be even necessary any more).


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I agree with suldok maybe when the server size gets bigger but for the moment so many people are trying to log in and can't because people are afk. Yesterday I waited about 30 mins to log into ets2mp because it was full. It should even be less maybe 6-7 mins because of the wait. So -1 for me



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I think it's a hard one to agree on, I would like to see increased times, But at the same time why should someone else who wants to be trucking have to wait an extra 5 minutes or more for someone to leave.

Also if I think it should be done on something like:
0-500kms = 5mins
500-1000kms = 10mins

1000-2000kms = 15mins

2000+kms = 20mins

This to have to been done all in the current session. So if you load in the game do 500kms quit rejoin you start again. However if you crash you have 5-10 minutes to get back in or it then resets your session back to 0. So it goes on if you're actually driving or not, then people that are doing long trips have time to make a sandwich and have a wee before getting back to it.

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Obviously, people don't read the entire post before commenting!!!!!!

As I said in the original post,,, People are getting kicked for being AFK while they are upgrading their truck,, How is that fair?????


That can be fixed while they are actively fixing their truck I agree but if the screen of upgrading their truck is left on and the mouse hasn't been moved they should be kicked. It is people like you that stay in resting zones for 10 mins and prevent me, waiting 30 mins, to get on the server therefore I think that the afk time should be limited to 5mins with the exception of your mouse is moving while fixing your truck. Interpret this how you want but I am not saying either -1 or +1 

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Obviously, people don't read the entire post before commenting!!!!!!

As I said in the original post,,, People are getting kicked for being AFK while they are upgrading their truck,, How is that fair?????

Autokicking is still at its starting point and tracks only your position changing. It will be fixed sooner or later.

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That can be fixed while they are actively fixing their truck I agree but if the screen of upgrading their truck is left on and the mouse hasn't been moved they should be kicked. It is people like you that stay in resting zones for 10 mins and prevent me, waiting 30 mins, to get on the server therefore I think that the afk time should be limited to 5mins with the exception of your mouse is moving while fixing your truck. Interpret this how you want but I am not saying either -1 or +1 

"People like me" Umm, sorry, usually I never go AFK, only when needed to, and even then I am only AFK for a couple of minutes!!

But it doesn't matter, neither here nor there, because until they introduce "Traffic" with no speed limiter on a US server, I am done with MP!!! Boring as hell!!!

See, I prefer for a "Simulator" to be realistic,, and Speed Limiters, and NO traffic, is NOT realistic at all!!!!!!!

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"People like me" Umm, sorry, usually I never go AFK, only when needed to, and even then I am only AFK for a couple of minutes!!

But it doesn't matter, neither here nor there, because until they introduce "Traffic" with no speed limiter on a US server, I am done with MP!!! Boring as hell!!!

See, I prefer for a "Simulator" to be realistic,, and Speed Limiters, and NO traffic, is NOT realistic at all!!!!!!!

Trucks in europe have a speed limiter, and traffic is not easy to code and syncing for all players. They would need a NASA computer to let AI drive over the whole map. So know what you are talking about before raging
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AFK system needs an upgrade

My suggetions:

1. Resting zones: 15m if server is not on load and if the players has been on-line for some time

2. Highways: 5m if the truck is on the side of the road and hazards and hand brake on. Why? Cause I might need to visit a toilet room or I might get a phone call and it'll take a bit to fix it :) While on the job then coming back sometimes forces the job to go over time.

3. If possible, should be related to player's ban rating :)

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