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Veteran Driver X
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About Biggi

  • Birthday 09/18/1990

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  1. Happy birthday to a former admin. I wish you a wonderful future, no matter where this ends up.   

  2. can you pls Pm me?

    1. Biggi


      Why can't you pm me?

  3. Please don't share that link again. Our users have reported it.

    1. Hook'IT


      Reported for what exactly??? o.O

  4. It's not allowed, it causes a distraction.
  5. Just install over, uncheck wintermod as said above downloaded installed in seconds. And I am sure as said above that this has already been accepted and will be in a future update.
  6. Yeah, Devs and CM's But also the people that banned them, We are only to override if it's been descussed. Or if the admin has left/been kicked from our team, So it's mainly up to the admin that bans them
  7. December to the 5th of Jan is always a busy period for most people. expect kids xD So everything will go back to normal in 2-3 days time if not before!
  8. I think it's a hard one to agree on, I would like to see increased times, But at the same time why should someone else who wants to be trucking have to wait an extra 5 minutes or more for someone to leave. Also if I think it should be done on something like: 0-500kms = 5mins 500-1000kms = 10mins 1000-2000kms = 15mins 2000+kms = 20mins This to have to been done all in the current session. So if you load in the game do 500kms quit rejoin you start again. However if you crash you have 5-10 minutes to get back in or it then resets your session back to 0. So it goes on if you're actually driving or not, then people that are doing long trips have time to make a sandwich and have a wee before getting back to it.
  9. Could have it side by side one EN one PL, however I think it should be done from the NEWS thread, Could also have a little one somewhere for Facebook but it's not needed.
  10. Well even tho everyone said -1 as an Admin and often asked to go in to other servers it would be nice to switch from one to the other without reloading the game. But they're right it doesn't take all that long to reload the game. So even tho it would be nice I don't think it's something for the Devs to do right now, but should consider it later down the line. Ps: @Cal it's temp, keep on topic.
  11. Off-Topic: The suggestion made about levels for when stats become server side, Make your own suggestion thread on it. (I rather like the idea). Secondly People say "I drove at 120kmh" or w/e and not crash it's not you why its implemented, infact not even 100% due to bad drivers either, it's meant to be close to real life, and irl we have trucks limited. Thirdly: If you think about the speed limiter being on there are some good and some bad points, but it stops you from getting hit as hard and makes it harder for those who toll and just wanna wreck not want to play + if they do you don't get so damaged. Also give you more time to see people. and more time to stop. Although I hate being speedlimited the upsides are so much greater then the downsides. On-Topic: I think it would be a good idea to stop the talking of speedlimiters as a rule giving them a small ban of up to 3 days and the topic locked. However I think it's also nice because we do get other ideas when people are not just ranting. Perfect example would be the guy that suggested increased speed for each level. So in some respects if people can put forward useful or suggestful information about it then it should be allowed. So really it's a hard one to really call.
  12. We have rules. It Ban times change due to many different things, One being how popular, if there committing other offences, Just because they've been banned for ramming doesn't mean they didn't drive reckless, or on the wrong side to do so. So it changes with every situation we approach, also if they have previous bans for it. But as for a name change, they get 3 warnings as the post above said, if they fail to do so then we can give a ban depending on there name, But still if they have been banned for it before or another offensive name.
  13. Trucks are made to only go 90KM/H as they do In Real Life, This is a simulator, and the Devs want to keep it as real as possible. But as the guy above said, it's disable-able in the options, But.. The speed will be limited on all other servers but the Free roaming one(s)
  14. Biggi

    Friend system

    A few questions, not saying they're possible: Would you want it on the GPS in the truck - On the GPS on the (Left/Right) hand side (The vertiual one) On the map when you press M? In the Scoreboard (Tab list)?
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