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Suggestion Name: Fake Game Moderators on the roads


Suggestion Description: even if it has a limited effect we all know that trolls and racing drivers are very careful when they see a Game Moderator on the road. Because if they do something wrong it will be a direct punishment. With that in mind, it would be beneficial to have the system randomly make normal players "fake game moderator". The player would look like a GM from the other players point of view, with his name in red etc... But would obviously have no power or additional feature.

Some will say that people who have been set to "fake GM" could abuse it and do the police on the road (i.e. car driver blocking traffic etc...). But they could still be reported like any other player and real GMs could punish them for their bad behaviours.

Some others will say that you can easily check people's profile to see if they are real GMs etc... But when you're driving you can't check it instantly.


Why it should be added: improvement of road behaviours. Reduction of reports. No need for more staff for that. Probably fairly easy to implement.

  • Woah! 1

Hey, Foobrother, 


First of all, I would kindly thanks for your suggestion and trying to make thus community about some news to put into game. 👍


I'd like to say my opinion about your "fake police". I honestly don't know what you came up with, but I don't see any future in this solution, why should there be players who will look like Fake Moderators, where is the point? I probably missed the point of your idea, but I think it's unnnecessary. The situation on the servers isn't going and won't get better. The players are mostly responsible for everything that happens to the driver anyway, not the game moderators! Secondary, keep in mind that the moderators can't be in current time somewhere where some accident will happen some kind of accident. 
I think it would just make the servers worse as everyone else would be playing at being a Staff TMP community. 


What advantages would it have to make you look like an admin? 

- Would you only have a red name, or access to the police car as well? 

                   - No, it's not possible, and I think that Management will not accept this as the special cars are allowed only for Game Moderatos and Upper Staff


Why is that unnecessary? 
- A player can easily get to know if someone is an admin or not by clicking on their name or by their behaviour (if there are bans, kicks etc.) 


If you've already read, TruckersMP has started to change their strategy in reports to integrate moderators to be more present in the game -

For me this is a really unnecessary thing and unfortunately I can't agree with it. 


I will be more than glad, if you would tell me how "fake admins" can improve game experiences as I can't find any possitive because I know the players and it will not make nothing good for TruckersMP Community. 


Have a good day! 


RedWolf [CZ]

TruckersMP Veteran Driver | MCG Veteran Driver 


I think this may actually cause more chaos than it will prevent...

There's usually people intentionally following GM's to be "cool" which results in lots of reckless overtaking and crashes to be #1 behind them.

And...the majority of people intentionally breaking the rules don't care whether there's a moderator nearby or not.

  • Upvote 3



And what will these fake moderators actually do ? just driving on C-D back and forth ?  This is more suitable for a special event then rather on actual public server imo.

Also this would make the work of the game moderator actually more difficult then that it helps, first to find out if they are actually staff or not, secondly if they have done something bannable while they are impersonating staff.

  • Upvote 1




These "Fake Moderators" will be falsely reported for the following rule:

  • 1.6 - Impersonation of any kind
    Impersonating other users, staff members, political figures, law enforcement, leaders and authorities, criminal organization's of any kind, acting like someone who is more superior or acting like a member of a verified VTC you are not part of.

Even if this was to become a thing, did you thoroughly think of these problems?

  1. How will the Admins decide how many and who gets the Fake Role?
  2. How will they go about enforcing the rules but not able to act on it?
  3. How will the fake mod be forced to abide by their fake role and not verge into power hungry?

If anything, these need to allow staff the option to appear "Offline" on the button. And they need to let them go in Undercover vehicles with police lights. They also need to allow trucks to be fitted with police lights. That way, they can blend in with as a truck. Instead of being in the car all the time.


I don't know what the purpose of such a design would be, and while it may seem interesting, I can responsibly say it doesn't make sense. As mentioned in previous comments, this would disrupt the work of real GMs. Furthermore, it's worth reminding that GMs can also be reported and banned. I believe TruckersMP wouldn't add such a feature in a place where it doesn't serve a meaningful purpose.

The above is solely my personal opinion.





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13 hours ago, [S.PLH]Warrior said:

And what will these fake moderators actually do ? just driving on C-D back and forth ?

Correct. From my experience in TMP and IRL people tend to stop driving badly when they see GMs/police on the road. But yes, as soon as they are passed they continue with their bad behaviours. Still it's few minutes of peace for people in the area.


13 hours ago, [S.PLH]Warrior said:

Also this would make the work of the game moderator actually more difficult then that it helps, first to find out if they are actually staff or not, secondly if they have done something bannable while they are impersonating staff.

Why? People who are doing bannable stuff would either be directly punished by a REAL GM in-game or via a report. I don't see why it would make things more difficult?


11 hours ago, Somehow Lucky said:

These "Fake Moderators" will be falsely reported for the following rule:

  • 1.6 - Impersonation of any kind
    Impersonating other users, staff members, political figures, law enforcement, leaders and authorities, criminal organization's of any kind, acting like someone who is more superior or acting like a member of a verified VTC you are not part of.

Same rule as now would apply. If you change your name to someone else, then you can be banned. It's not because your nickname is now in red (like for a GM) that you can impersonate someone else.


11 hours ago, Somehow Lucky said:

How will the Admins decide how many and who gets the Fake Role?

You don't one a GM every 1km of course. But I would have 1-2 fake GM for every 250 or 500 users. And it would be randomly given (like IDs).


12 hours ago, Somehow Lucky said:

How will they go about enforcing the rules but not able to act on it?

They won't do anything (and shouldn't)! They are FAKE. Like a fake traffic camera/radar. Ideally they shouldn't even know they are seen as GMs by the others.


12 hours ago, Somehow Lucky said:

How will the fake mod be forced to abide by their fake role and not verge into power hungry?

Not sure I understood. But if you are worried about fake GMs trying to use their GM appearance to do the police or benefit from it, then people can report them and REAL GMs can obviously punish them for that (like they already do today).


Just to be clear: fake GMs would have 0 extra power/permission. And ideally they shouldn't even see that they look like GMs while playing!


14 hours ago, P h o e n i x said:

I think this may actually cause more chaos than it will prevent...

There's usually people intentionally following GM's to be "cool" which results in lots of reckless overtaking and crashes to be #1 behind them.

And...the majority of people intentionally breaking the rules don't care whether there's a moderator nearby or not.

If what you're saying is true, yes it's not very helpful. But I've not seen it personally. And usually I see people slowing down and not doing reckless driving when they see a GM in front of them.




Correct. From my experience in TMP and IRL people tend to stop driving badly when they see GMs/police on the road. But yes, as soon as they are passed they continue with their bad behaviours. Still it's few minutes of peace for people in the area. 


> This doesn't work like that at all. Most of the players do dangerous maneuvers and movements just to follow a police car, which causes more troubles and problems considering that there might be players with red names and police accessories. This will also not decrease the quantity of players breaking the rules, as i've been in C-D with a patrol many times and i got people crashing into my car several times. 


Why? People who are doing bannable stuff would either be directly punished by a REAL GM in-game or via a report. I don't see why it would make things more difficult?


> Your suggestion doesn't help TMP at all, and indeed causes more troubles than fixes. We are gonna have thounsands of players who don't even know the system correctly and yet they could get access to a RED NAME and a POLICE CAR. This would clearly go against the rule 1.6, since NO ONE CAN ACT AS A POLICE OFFICER in-game.


Same rule as now would apply. If you change your name to someone else, then you can be banned. It's not because your nickname is now in red (like for a GM) that you can impersonate someone else.


> The rule 1.6 isn't only to be considered on names, please read it again so you can fully understand it...


You don't one a GM every 1km of course. But I would have 1-2 fake GM for every 250 or 500 users. And it would be randomly given (like IDs). 


> ???, seriously, you are not even thinking of the problems this may cause. 


They won't do anything (and shouldn't)! They are FAKE. Like a fake traffic camera/radar. Ideally they shouldn't even know they are seen as GMs by the others.


> I'd prefer having an AI doing that instead of letting players who do not know the rules, traffic signs and many other things, to be honest. (An no, i don't think an AI is needed either, it's just an example.)


Not sure I understood. But if you are worried about fake GMs trying to use their GM appearance to do the police or benefit from it, then people can report them and REAL GMs can obviously punish them for that (like they already do today).


> You are literally giving us work that could be avoided. We decreased the maximum report limit to decrease the quantity of useless reports and yet you still want to "implement" this thing that would literally give us even more work to do when can be 100% avoided. 


Just to be clear: fake GMs would have 0 extra power/permission. And ideally they shouldn't even see that they look like GMs while playing! 


> What's the point of giving them a car with a red name specially to new players who don't know how TMP even works? 


I don't wanna sound rude, but seriously, this suggestion is terrible and there's no way it's gonna be accepted. If you encounter people breaking the rules, you must make a report. Having "fake polices (???)" around will change nothing since they don't even drive properly when they see us. Also, the red name on GMs is NOT a perk, but a tool. To me it sounds that you wanna act as a GM, without being one. You are not even taking into consideration the amount of people that will break many rules (apart from the 1.6) such as 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6. Before you say "if they do this, you must ban them", OF COURSE WE MUST DO THAT, but the amount of reports we are gonna get is gonna be insane, to the point where we will end up removing this "feature" or whatever u wanna call it. 

  • Upvote 1
  • HaulieLove 1

Kind Regards, 

El Reja

Game Moderator Leader


TruckersMP Rules - Appeal System - Report System - Feedback System



2 hours ago, El Reja said:

This doesn't work like that at all. Most of the players do dangerous maneuvers and movements just to follow a police car, which causes more troubles and problems considering that there might be players with red names and police accessories. This will also not decrease the quantity of players breaking the rules, as i've been in C-D with a patrol many times and i got people crashing into my car several times. 

Well, I've not seen this behaviour myself. But I've not seen many GMs on the roads to be honest 😅.

So I'll accept this argument.


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

Your suggestion doesn't help TMP at all, and indeed causes more troubles than fixes. We are gonna have thounsands of players who don't even know the system correctly and yet they could get access to a RED NAME and a POLICE CAR. This would clearly go against the rule 1.6, since NO ONE CAN ACT AS A POLICE OFFICER in-game.

Did I say anywhere people would have access to police cars?! I even said that ideally people would not even be able to see that they are displayed as GMs.

But if someone becomes aware (because someone else told them), yes there might be a couple would want to do the police. As I said they could be punished for that. BTW, I prefer someone who does the police rather than someone who is crashing into everyone. But having both isn't good indeed.


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

The rule 1.6 isn't only to be considered on names, please read it again so you can fully understand it...

Yes and I replied "same rule as now would apply". If people do anything wrong because they consider they are entitled to do it with their "fake GM" status, they should be punished for it.


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

???, seriously, you are not even thinking of the problems this may cause. 

I would love to see 1-2 REAL GM for every 250 or 500 users. Are you saying that having more REAL GMs on the roads would cause more problems? And we should have less because people do stupid things when they see GMs? 😂


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

I'd prefer having an AI doing that instead of letting players who do not know the rules, traffic signs and many other things, to be honest. (An no, i don't think an AI is needed either, it's just an example.)

Of course. Like I would love to have an AI that detects automatically any rule offense and kicks people automatically. But none of these exist. However if you're aware of some new TMP feature coming soon with AI doing what you're saying please let us know!


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

You are literally giving us work that could be avoided

Yes it might generate some additional reports. But it might also avoid many others where people would have crashed or doing stupid reckless driving, but instead drove correctly for a few minutes because they are seeing a GM in front of them.


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

What's the point of giving them a car with a red name specially to new players who don't know how TMP even works?

Well if you're writing that it means you understood nothing I'm afraid. The point of this suggestion is to have OTHER players viewing a GM on the road. But the fake GM should continue to drive/behave like a normal player! Again, IRL if you see a police car on the road you're automatically taking extra care to respect the road rules because you don't want to be stopped/fined by this police car. (AGAIN I'm not saying TMP "fake GM" players should be given police cars!!)


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

Having "fake polices (???)" around will change nothing since they don't even drive properly when they see us.

If this is true, that shows that TMP went into a VERY VERY ugly state and you have a very serious problem! It basically means that people are not worried about GMs and the punishments they give (or not). 😩


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

Also, the red name on GMs is NOT a perk, but a tool. To me it sounds that you wanna act as a GM, without being one.

Again you completely misunderstood my messages. Not sure how clearer I can phrase it: I said that ideally people would not even be able to see that they are displayed as GMs.

Sorry if you can't understand this sentence.


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

You are not even taking into consideration the amount of people that will break many rules (apart from the 1.6) such as 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6. Before you say "if they do this, you must ban them", OF COURSE WE MUST DO THAT, but the amount of reports we are gonna get is gonna be insane, to the point where we will end up removing this "feature" or whatever u wanna call it. 

It seems that you have an even more pessimistic view than me. Sounds like most of the players on TMP are dedicated to break the rules? Scary! At least you're not trying to hide the truth unlike some other staff members.


To conclude: until GMs process in-game reports (which they are still not doing) I'll continue to propose solutions as I want to see less reckless drivers and trolls on the roads. Maybe that suggestion isn't the best. But I think it still can help. 


So these fake moderators will report though in-game system and these will prioritized ? so for example 5 fake moderators driving c-d and these 5 will report anything it will add up quickly imo, but what about other reports that are pending from other players ?

i don't think this fair treatment and it will only favorite those who drive on C-D. 



3 hours ago, Foobrother said:

Well, I've not seen this behaviour myself. But I've not seen many GMs on the roads to be honest 😅.

So I'll accept this argument.


Did I say anywhere people would have access to police cars?! I even said that ideally people would not even be able to see that they are displayed as GMs.

But if someone becomes aware (because someone else told them), yes there might be a couple would want to do the police. As I said they could be punished for that. BTW, I prefer someone who does the police rather than someone who is crashing into everyone. But having both isn't good indeed.


Yes and I replied "same rule as now would apply". If people do anything wrong because they consider they are entitled to do it with their "fake GM" status, they should be punished for it.


I would love to see 1-2 REAL GM for every 250 or 500 users. Are you saying that having more REAL GMs on the roads would cause more problems? And we should have less because people do stupid things when they see GMs? 😂


Of course. Like I would love to have an AI that detects automatically any rule offense and kicks people automatically. But none of these exist. However if you're aware of some new TMP feature coming soon with AI doing what you're saying please let us know!


Yes it might generate some additional reports. But it might also avoid many others where people would have crashed or doing stupid reckless driving, but instead drove correctly for a few minutes because they are seeing a GM in front of them.


Well if you're writing that it means you understood nothing I'm afraid. The point of this suggestion is to have OTHER players viewing a GM on the road. But the fake GM should continue to drive/behave like a normal player! Again, IRL if you see a police car on the road you're automatically taking extra care to respect the road rules because you don't want to be stopped/fined by this police car. (AGAIN I'm not saying TMP "fake GM" players should be given police cars!!)


If this is true, that shows that TMP went into a VERY VERY ugly state and you have a very serious problem! It basically means that people are not worried about GMs and the punishments they give (or not). 😩


Again you completely misunderstood my messages. Not sure how clearer I can phrase it: I said that ideally people would not even be able to see that they are displayed as GMs.

Sorry if you can't understand this sentence.


It seems that you have an even more pessimistic view than me. Sounds like most of the players on TMP are dedicated to break the rules? Scary! At least you're not trying to hide the truth unlike some other staff members.


To conclude: until GMs process in-game reports (which they are still not doing) I'll continue to propose solutions as I want to see less reckless drivers and trolls on the roads. Maybe that suggestion isn't the best. But I think it still can help. 

The fact that you've not seen any GM in these places doesn't mean no one drives there. Many of us do it with trucks and our red name hidden and i'm sure you don't know all the GMs to remember their names when you go there, so, you may not notice many of us. 

Regarding the lack of activity in-game, TruckersMP is aware of the lack of moderators and they are gonna work into it asap. This is something everyone knows and we expect to improve these areas soon.


When i said the police car thing, you literally mentioned something related to the police in your post. In fact, you said; "Some will say that people who have been set to "fake GM" could abuse it and do the police on the road". Probably i have not understood this correctly, however, the suggestion is still not good at all and will not be implemented either if players have or do not have a police car.


We are not gonna put more stress to the problems that TMP already have, and this suggestion just leads to that, more internal problems that people won't notice cause they are not part of the team and sadly do not work how we work internally. Do we have problems right now with the trolls and the activity in-game? Of course we do have such problems, but if you think that adding "fake gms" will solve this, trust me, you are extremely wrong and as i mentioned before, just leads to even more problems instead of calming things down.


I won't respond to every single quote you made because i will be repeating myself again and again. The idea isn't good and will most likely be rejected. I appreciate the time you take to make suggestions, but everytime i see you, you are hating and giving negative critisism about TMP. While feedback is always appreciated (either positive or negative), i personally expect to see good suggestions from the "haters", because saying that all we do is wrong and etc is easy. 





Kind Regards, 

El Reja

Game Moderator Leader


TruckersMP Rules - Appeal System - Report System - Feedback System



2 hours ago, El Reja said:

The fact that you've not seen any GM in these places doesn't mean no one drives there. Many of us do it with trucks and our red name hidden and i'm sure you don't know all the GMs to remember their names when you go there, so, you may not notice many of us. 

OK, fair enough. But I'm still seeing people being banned/kicked. The problem is that 90% of the time I don't see anything happening. Even at peak times on CD.


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

Regarding the lack of activity in-game, TruckersMP is aware of the lack of moderators and they are gonna work into it asap. This is something everyone knows and we expect to improve these areas soon.

What are you waiting for? The report system limits have been set 21 days ago. The web reports system status says "normal" now (not much load and more time for in-game moderation). Yet, today I went on CD at peak time with 3400+ players connected and didn't see any GM playing nor kicking/banning anyone while I was on that road (but I had 2 collisions due to reckless driving and seen many others). And I don't even mention in-game reports which obviously timed out (as usual).

If we don't have any moderation at peak times I really don't see why we have GMs! Report Moderators would be enough for the same result 😂


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

however, the suggestion is still not good at all and will not be implemented either if players have or do not have a police car.

That's your opinion. I don't agree (obviously)


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

We are not gonna put more stress to the problems that TMP already have, and this suggestion just leads to that, more internal problems that people won't notice cause they are not part of the team and sadly do not work how we work internally.

Well, as I said, until I see my in-game reports processed, I'll continue to submit suggestions like these to push for improvements. Solve the in-game moderation problem and you won't have me on your back. And I really don't care about your internal problems! If you want to keep the details internal also keep your argument. I don't want to hear people moaning about things they can't expose to standard players.


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

but if you think that adding "fake gms" will solve this, trust me, you are extremely wrong and as i mentioned before, just leads to even more problems instead of calming things down.

In that case you shouldn't allow ANY GMs to be visible in-game with distinctions like their name in red etc... Since it's apparently causing more troubles 😆

(I guess that's just a new good suggestion I've just given you and that you should agree with? 😉)


2 hours ago, El Reja said:

but everytime i see you, you are hating and giving negative critisism about TMP. While feedback is always appreciated (either positive or negative), i personally expect to see good suggestions from the "haters", because saying that all we do is wrong and etc is easy.

You don't read my posts very well apparently. Because I do say when things go in the right direction. I do thank people for spending time and energy on this project. And I've posted and contributed to MANY suggestions (not necessarily on the suggestions forum) which have rarely been commented by staff (strangely). Except that one which seems to find more criticism as it's maybe a bit more "exotic" than the others.

But I also say when things are not going in the right direction and I don't think I have ever posted any one liner short reply like "Won't work" or "Bad idea" or "This is stupid" etc... I'm always spending time explaining my point of view with arguments. And since, like others on this forum, I don't see much improvements or instead a decline, I'm complaining much more than giving compliments. Like it or not.


3 hours ago, [S.PLH]Warrior said:

So these fake moderators will report though in-game system and these will prioritized ? so for example 5 fake moderators driving c-d and these 5 will report anything it will add up quickly imo, but what about other reports that are pending from other players ?

What??? Where did I write something that made you think this?

Again, nothing different from usual except that a few players will be seen by others as GMs. And if they cause a collision or break rule 1.6 etc... they should/will be reported and punished like any other player. But nobody prioritised. And these fake GMs won't have any extra power/permission (no prioritized reports etc...).


The only goal of this suggestion is to simulate a bigger/higher presence of GMs on the roads so that people behave better when they see them.

11 hours ago, El Reja said:

I won't respond to every single quote you made because i will be repeating myself again and again. The idea isn't good and will most likely be rejected. I appreciate the time you take to make suggestions, but everytime i see you, you are hating and giving negative critisism about TMP. While feedback is always appreciated (either positive or negative), i personally expect to see good suggestions from the "haters", because saying that all we do is wrong and etc is easy.


I reported you for slander and defamation.

Not at least as a TruckersMP team member, you should know better than that. An apology would be a good start.



  • Thanks 1
  • HaulieThumbsUp 1
9 hours ago, Foobrother said:

OK, fair enough. But I'm still seeing people being banned/kicked. The problem is that 90% of the time I don't see anything happening. Even at peak times on CD.


What are you waiting for? The report system limits have been set 21 days ago. The web reports system status says "normal" now (not much load and more time for in-game moderation). Yet, today I went on CD at peak time with 3400+ players connected and didn't see any GM playing nor kicking/banning anyone while I was on that road (but I had 2 collisions due to reckless driving and seen many others). And I don't even mention in-game reports which obviously timed out (as usual).

If we don't have any moderation at peak times I really don't see why we have GMs! Report Moderators would be enough for the same result 😂


That's your opinion. I don't agree (obviously)


Well, as I said, until I see my in-game reports processed, I'll continue to submit suggestions like these to push for improvements. Solve the in-game moderation problem and you won't have me on your back. And I really don't care about your internal problems! If you want to keep the details internal also keep your argument. I don't want to hear people moaning about things they can't expose to standard players.


In that case you shouldn't allow ANY GMs to be visible in-game with distinctions like their name in red etc... Since it's apparently causing more troubles 😆

(I guess that's just a new good suggestion I've just given you and that you should agree with? 😉)


You don't read my posts very well apparently. Because I do say when things go in the right direction. I do thank people for spending time and energy on this project. And I've posted and contributed to MANY suggestions (not necessarily on the suggestions forum) which have rarely been commented by staff (strangely). Except that one which seems to find more criticism as it's maybe a bit more "exotic" than the others.

But I also say when things are not going in the right direction and I don't think I have ever posted any one liner short reply like "Won't work" or "Bad idea" or "This is stupid" etc... I'm always spending time explaining my point of view with arguments. And since, like others on this forum, I don't see much improvements or instead a decline, I'm complaining much more than giving compliments. Like it or not.


What??? Where did I write something that made you think this?

Again, nothing different from usual except that a few players will be seen by others as GMs. And if they cause a collision or break rule 1.6 etc... they should/will be reported and punished like any other player. But nobody prioritised. And these fake GMs won't have any extra power/permission (no prioritized reports etc...).


The only goal of this suggestion is to simulate a bigger/higher presence of GMs on the roads so that people behave better when they see them.

It's not up to me when they decide to hire moderators. I'm just a GM following rules and trying to be clear with the community. 


Regarding GMs not being visibles and etc, we as a moderators don't usually drive on C-D when the server is full, and instead, we moderate with free cam cause we know that using a police car will make things even worse. The police car is an accessory and isn't needed to do our tasks, and in fact, we barely use it. We need our red tag because if we have something important to say to X person or to the whole area, the idea of the red tag is for us being noticed when we talk. Again, isn't a perk but a tool.

Kind Regards, 

El Reja

Game Moderator Leader


TruckersMP Rules - Appeal System - Report System - Feedback System




Hey 😄

I kinda get your point here but I also don't think, that this will be a solution for the problem(s). 



But the effect on other drivers will be extremely low. As soon as a person starts to overatake incorrectly, it would most likely be too late already. Fake Game Moderators couldn't even handle a situation correctly and at this point TruckersMP could also hire "real" Game Moderators. The "Real" ones would be able to distribute punishments instantly. 


Fake GM would only cause more chaos and a lot more confusion - A mistake is made andd the game moderator does nothing about it? What should that look like? 

  • True Story 1
On 9/20/2023 at 10:22 PM, Foobrother said:

Suggestion Name: Fake Game Moderators on the roads


Suggestion Description: even if it has a limited effect we all know that trolls and racing drivers are very careful when they see a Game Moderator on the road. Because if they do something wrong it will be a direct punishment. With that in mind, it would be beneficial to have the system randomly make normal players "fake game moderator". The player would look like a GM from the other players point of view, with his name in red etc... But would obviously have no power or additional feature.

Some will say that people who have been set to "fake GM" could abuse it and do the police on the road (i.e. car driver blocking traffic etc...). But they could still be reported like any other player and real GMs could punish them for their bad behaviours.

Some others will say that you can easily check people's profile to see if they are real GMs etc... But when you're driving you can't check it instantly.


Why it should be added: improvement of road behaviours. Reduction of reports. No need for more staff for that. Probably fairly easy to implement.


Thanks for taking the time to raise this suggestion, I can see members of the gm team have already stated a few opinions in here that I fully agree with and fully respect, specially the points raised by @El Reja. Currently, you are correct, when people see GM's around, they'll drive more carefully, then the second we disappear, they start driving normally, it's like real life, I know some people that slam their brakes on when the see IRL police cars in fear of getting caught speeding or similar and it's only natural. The idea of fake GM's won't work. They wouldn't have any power in game, and would just get targetted. Not to mention by allowing fake GM's, we'd also be going against our impersonation rule, and that would lead to uncessicary bans there. For the reasons I've mentioned here, and the reasons mentioned above, I'm afraid I'm going to be declining this suggestion. While your suggestion hasn't been accepted on this occasion, I still thank you for the time taken to suggest improvements to our modification.

Kind Regards,
TruckersMP Game Moderation Manager

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