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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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About FL总部指挥中心

  • Birthday 05/24/1998

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  • Interests
    Police simulation, truck simulation, military simulation
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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Kassel
  • Known languages
    Chinese English

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  1. I have the same opinion. My suggestions were previously open for discussion and had high views. Many people agreed with them. The forum was redesigned and my suggestions were closed. I saw that you have the same question.
  2. Light bars like this are used on Skoda.
  3. I put forward this suggestion first.Later, because I didn't update it for a long time.At that time, the general project person came out to ask, and he also agreed.There has been no plan since then.
  4. Suggested name: LED New Yellow Warning Light Suggestion: The spiral warning light is outdated and a new module should be modified. Any example image: This example is the same as the flashing warning light model used by the host Why add it?: Administrators use blue LED flashing warning lights, while players use yellow LED flashing warning lights
  5. Amazing update! Thanks to the developers.
  6. Can the old version, navigator, and pilot skin return? Can you add new top warning lights, windshield warning lights, rear glass warning lights, and rear bumper warning lights for the player navigator pilot?
  7. 矿山卡还不如来加来小路
  8. 游戏TAB支持显示中文玩家昵称
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