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Community Survey 2023


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4 hours ago, blabberbeak said:


Thanks for the information.

Here are some random questions that came to mind.



What aspects of truck simulation do you find most engaging?


What features or improvements would enhance your gaming experience?


On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the realism of the multiplayer?


What types of cargo or missions would you like to see added to the game?


Do you use mods or user-created content to enhance your game experience? If so, which types of mods are your favorite?


Would you like to see more official support for modding and user-created content within the game?


How important is the ability to customize and personalize your vehicles in the game?


Would you like to see realistic trucking challenges or regulations (e.g., rest periods, weight limits) incorporated into the game?


How important is it for you that the game accurately reflects real-world trucking regulations?


Would you prefer an option to adjust the level of regulation enforcement in the game to suit your playstyle?


How important is it for you to adapt to different sets of regulations when traveling through different regions within the game?

I think you're forgetting that this a TMP survey, not an SCS survey.

- I'm not saying I'm Wonder Woman; I'm just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman in the same room together.

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1 hour ago, blabberbeak said:



Alright, let me point it out then.


19 hours ago, blabberbeak said:


Thanks for the information.

Here are some random questions that came to mind.



What aspects of truck simulation do you find most engaging?


What features or improvements would enhance your gaming experience?


On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the realism of the multiplayer?


What types of cargo or missions would you like to see added to the game?


Do you use mods or user-created content to enhance your game experience? If so, which types of mods are your favorite?


Would you like to see more official support for modding and user-created content within the game?


How important is the ability to customize and personalize your vehicles in the game?


Would you like to see realistic trucking challenges or regulations (e.g., rest periods, weight limits) incorporated into the game?


How important is it for you that the game accurately reflects real-world trucking regulations?


Would you prefer an option to adjust the level of regulation enforcement in the game to suit your playstyle?


How important is it for you to adapt to different sets of regulations when traveling through different regions within the game?


I would like to know how the bolded questions relates to an unofficial mod of the game that has no say in the base game mod support, regulation enforcement etc.


If this purely relates to multiplayer, which is very limited what they can add without causing major chaos amongst it playerbase then it all could be narrowed down to "On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with the realism of the multiplayer?".


You putting "into the game" in each sentence only verifies that these are questions you would like the see SCS ask in regards to their Convoy mode, not TMP, which is a mod not supported by SCS.


This one is confusing me: "How important is the ability to customize and personalize your vehicles in the game?" - What can TMP change about it? All vehicles, except for alternating vehicles (for obvious reasons), can be customised, so of course that is a very important aspect of the experience. Even if 95% of the players said "meh idc about painting my truck" then TMP wouldn't remove that future. Because it's a part of the gaming experience of playing ETS2/ATS.

Some things can't be changed without altering the basic gaming experience that TMP is built on. TMP isn't a new game or trying to be a new game. It's a modification to an already existing game.


I am sorry, but the majority of these questions can be narrowed down to one question (already mentioned above). SCS already offers the posibility to enforce regulations on yourself. Simply enable speeding tickets and fatigue simulator and stick to the road laws. This feature hasn't been disabled on TMP. Stay away from C-D road and you're good to go. This way you control your own realism settings within a mod that is very limited, because of it's player base, to enforce regulations without scaring players away. This is exactly what youre asking for in "Would you prefer an option to adjust the level of regulation enforcement in the game to suit your playstyle?- It's already possible and the exact same thing would happen. Players who don't want to follow regulations will just turn them off. And forcing them on to players is not going to happen, because that is not why they are playing TMP.


- I'm not saying I'm Wonder Woman; I'm just saying no one has ever seen me and Wonder Woman in the same room together.

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On 10/15/2023 at 10:48 AM, Jeronimο said:


The Community Survey is designed to gather demographic and psychographic data, and assesses various user experience metrics. In short, it allows for the review of the community health and aids in the identification of any leads to guide future decision-making. Note that the Community Survey 2022 was aimed to gauge overall sentiments within the community, whereas yhe threefold (mini-)surveys in February followed up on the results from the Community Survey and were targeted at specific topics. 


I am interested to hear what questions you would suggest asking in future editions, as well as how you would utilise the results and for what purpose. If you have concrete ideas, feel free to share them. Keep in mind that the number of questions is limited to avoid survey fatigue and that the intended results must be actionable.

Hello! Nice you hear from you. It's been a while 🙂

Unfortunately it's been more than 2 months since I filled this survey and provided these comments. I can't remember the questions of the survey. It would be great if someone could share them again.


The only thing I can say for now is that I did provide an example of why I found some questions "too generic". Here is the full sentence:


Some questions are too generic and could be interpreted in very different ways. i.e. "Do you agree/like with the reporting system?", someone might disagree/dislike it because it's not well designed while someone else will dislike it because he/she gets banned regularly! In that example the first person is very happy with a reporting system but doesn't like that one while the second person doesn't want a report system at all.

So to come back to your idea of "gathering demographic and psychographic data, and assesses various user experience metrics". I would then simplify the question to: "Do you agree with the concept of reporting offenses?". And eventually have a second one saying "Do you agree with the concept of bans?". Your question is asking people if they like the current reporting system, which, as I said, can be interpreted in many different ways.



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3 hours ago, Captain Mix said:

I would like to know how the bolded questions relates to an unofficial mod of the game that has no say in the base game mod support, regulation enforcement etc.

I think  @blabberbeak's questions are related to TruckersMP, and should be asked. 

"What types of cargo or missions would you like to see added to the game?"

TruckersMP has added a number of custom cargoes and job-based "missions" to the game in the past. Examples include Operation HQ, Fruity Fiesta, and the TruckersMP Logos. Asking people what they might like to see in-game may enable TruckersMP to add more custom cargoes and create additional job-based "missions" in the future.

"Do you use mods or user-created content to enhance your game experience? If so, which types of mods are your favorite?"
Currently, only a limited number of mods are supported. Asking a question like this may pave the way for the inclusion of more mods. Contrary to the assertion that TruckersMP has no influence over the base game mod support, this is inaccurate. TruckersMP has the autonomy to support whichever mods it chooses, thanks to its own mod manager. Furthermore, if you categorise "smart signs" as a mod, TruckersMP has the capability to develop its own mods as well. This question is clearly aimed at TruckersMP although, the same question could be asked to non-TruckersMP players. 

"Would you like to see more official support for modding and user-created content within the game?"
What I said above applies here too. 

"How important is the ability to customize and personalize your vehicles in the game?"
Not 100% on this question, but I'd assume it has something to do with implementing fixed profiles so everyone has the same set of trucks with the ability to do very little modification. Probably to make everyone's experiences more realistic, as you don't tend to see fully blacked-out trucks with more lights than a Christmas tree in real life.

"Would you like to see realistic trucking challenges or regulations (e.g., rest periods, weight limits) incorporated into the game?" 

If a strictly realistic approach were developed, players might wish for rest periods to be enforced. They may also desire the ability to not carry more weight than laws allow, alongside adherence to other real-life regulations, such as working hours.

"How important is it for you that the game accurately reflects real-world trucking regulations?"
This ties in with the question above; some players may wish for a more realistic experience.

The other two questions also link into what I've already said, so I won't mention them again. 

Everything asked, as far as I know, can be added. Therefore, why shouldn't these questions be asked? It's been suggested time and again that the game should be more realistic. These questions seem to be aimed at gathering an idea of how many people support such a suggestion. TruckersMP most likely has control over how realistic they wish to make their modified version of the game. SCS has a near-zero impact on that.

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3 hours ago, Foobrother said:

The only thing I can say for now is that I did provide an example of why I found some questions "too generic". Here is the full sentence:



Some questions are too generic and could be interpreted in very different ways. i.e. "Do you agree/like with the reporting system?", someone might disagree/dislike it because it's not well designed while someone else will dislike it because he/she gets banned regularly! In that example the first person is very happy with a reporting system but doesn't like that one while the second person doesn't want a report system at all.


So to come back to your idea of "gathering demographic and psychographic data, and assesses various user experience metrics". I would then simplify the question to: "Do you agree with the concept of reporting offenses?". And eventually have a second one saying "Do you agree with the concept of bans?". Your question is asking people if they like the current reporting system, which, as I said, can be interpreted in many different ways.


Thanks. I'd like to point out that the question was "How would you rate our web report system?", which is not the same as agreeing or liking, but you are correct that it is not completely unambiguous. For instance, one may rate is based on their experience with the reporting form, whereas others may rate it by how reports are handled by our team. While it may not be ideal to exactly pinpoint specific issues, it does provide an overall indication as to how that system is perceived by users, which is in line with the aim of the survey. A (very) long list of questions is to be avoided as survey research shows that for every additional question that is added to the list, the participation rate drops.


On 10/15/2023 at 2:25 PM, blabberbeak said:

Here are some random questions that came to mind.



Thanks, good questions indeed. I'll take note of them! 👍

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1 hour ago, Jeronimο said:

I'd like to point out that the question was "How would you rate our web report system?"

As I said, I don't remember the questions and would really like to have them shared again here. Back in August I quoted the question "Do you agree/like with the reporting system?" not "How would you rate our web report system?". I don't know if it was me re-phrasing your question or an actual question which was part of the survey?


1 hour ago, Jeronimο said:

it does provide an overall indication as to how that system is perceived by users

Yes it does. But can you do something with it? I don't think so. Since you don't know what it means. i.e. 80% of the people rate negatively our web report system. Does that mean they don't want a web report system anymore? Or does that mean they want one but don't think the current one works?

You can't make any conclusion/decision from questions like that, except saying it's a negative answer and people aren't happy (but we don't know why). And same applies if people reply positively (you don't know which part/aspect of the reporting system makes them particularly happy)


But if that's what you were looking for to be able to make your next surveys 6 months later, great. Won't make things progress very quickly imho 🙄

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  • Business Analyst
39 minutes ago, Foobrother said:

As I said, I don't remember the questions and would really like to have them shared again here. Back in August I quoted the question "Do you agree/like with the reporting system?" not "How would you rate our web report system?". I don't know if it was me re-phrasing your question or an actual question which was part of the survey?


I'm not going to share all the questions here as that has no relevance. It may or may not have gotten lost in translation if you completed the survey through one of the translated versions; the question I quoted comes directly from the original (English) survey. Anyway, this topic was temporarily reopened to gather feedback since I noticed a few users indicated the questions were too generic; after that, the topic will be archived again.


39 minutes ago, Foobrother said:

Yes it does. But can you do something with it? I don't think so. [..] You can't make any conclusion/decision from questions like that


Certainly can. It's also a typical CSAT (satisfaction) question. In addition, another (CES) question was included to gauge feedback on how easy or difficult it is to use that system. Furthermore, users were asked what they would change or improve. Besides, there are plenty of means through which user feedback is acquired. Hence, all in all, it is certainly possible to interpret the findings and draw conclusions. If something majorly stands out, there is always an opportunity to follow up on it, as we have done in the recent past. Generally, one also wants to avoid paralysis by analysis, which favours generalising where applicable rather than overanalysing things. If there is a desire to get into the nitty gritty of the report systems we utilise, it would be better to host a targeted survey rather than utilising the Community Survey for that.

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52 minutes ago, Jeronimο said:

I'm not going to share all the questions here as that has no relevance

OK. But I'm not trying to trick you in any way. I genuinely don't remember the questions. 


52 minutes ago, Jeronimο said:

It may or may not have gotten lost in translation if you completed the survey through one of the translated versions; the question I quoted comes directly from the original (English) survey.

I used the English version as far as I remember. But I may have re-phrased one of the questions. Possible.


52 minutes ago, Jeronimο said:

Certainly can. It's also a typical CSAT (satisfaction) question. In addition, another (CES) question was included to gauge feedback on how easy or difficult it is to use that system. Furthermore, users were asked what they would change or improve. Besides, there are plenty of means through which user feedback is acquired. Hence, all in all, it is certainly possible to interpret the findings and draw conclusions. If something majorly stands out, there is always an opportunity to follow up on it, as we have done in the recent past. Generally, one also wants to avoid paralysis by analysis, which favours generalising where applicable rather than overanalysing things. If there is a desire to get into the nitty gritty of the report systems we utilise, it would be better to host a targeted survey rather than utilising the Community Survey for that.

I don't disagree with any of this. I just think it's a long process which might not be that relevant for such a small dataset/population with features that don't require heavy/long costly research and development like in a multinational corporate software company.

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