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Found 23 results

  1. [ETS] Liste - Voici la liste actuelle de tous les concessionnaires de camions dans Euro Truck Simulator 2. Toutes les villes marquées par des symboles ( ) sont des grands concessionnaires avec des ateliers et des lieux de repos. Les concessionnaires DAF: Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) Bergen (Norvège) Bordeaux (France) Burgos (Espagne) Bremen (Allemagne) Cardiff (Grande-Bretagne) Catania (Italie) Glasgow (Grande-Bretagne) Iași (Roumanie) Leipzig (Allemagne) Maribor (Slovénie) ---> Nouveau Saint Petersburg (Russie) Salzburg (Autriche) Sevilla (Espagne) Skopje (Macédoine du Nord) ---> Nouveau Tartu (Estonie) Zürich (Suisse) Les concessionnaires camions Ford: Berlin (Allemagne) - Mod from SimulasyonTurk -> https://fmax.simulasyonturk.com/?lang=en (if you want the truck, then download here -> https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1915802227) Les concessionnaires Iveco: Almeria (Espagne) Belgrade (Serbie) ---> Nouveau Brussels / Brüssel (Belgique) Bucharest (Roumanie) Constanța (Roumanie) Copenhagen (Danemark) Frankfurt (Allemagne) Galați (Roumanie) Gijón (Espagne) Grimsby (Grande-Bretagne) Hamburg (Allemagne) Helsinki (Finlande) Klaipeda (Lituanie) Le Mans (France) Rome (Italie) Torino (Italie) Vienna / Wien (Autriche) Zaragoza (Espagne) Les concessionnaires MAN: Ajaccio (Corsica - France) Berlin (Allemagne) Bern (Suisse) Birmingham (Grande-Bretagne) Calais (France) Cluj-Napoca (Roumanie) Cordoba (Espagne) Dortmund (Allemagne) Edinburgh (Grande-Bretagne) Kraków (Pologne) Linköping (Suède) Madrid (Espagne) Marseille (France) Munich / München (Allemagne) Porto (Portugal) Riga (Lettonie) Rijeka (Croatie) ---> Nouveau Split (Croatie) ---> Nouveau Taranto (Italie) Tirana (Albanie) ---> Nouveau Tuzla (Bosnie) ---> Nouveau Les concessionnaires Mercedes-Benz: Badajoz (Espagne) Bologna (Italie) Bratislava (Slovaquie) Genf (Suisse) Istanbul (Turquie) Kaliningrad (Russie) Kalmar (Suède) Nantes (France) Newcastle (Grande-Bretagne) Plymouth (Grande-Bretagne) Podgorica (Monténégro) ---> Nouveau Rotterdam (Pays-Bas) Sassari (Sardinia - Italie) Szczecin (Pologne) Stuttgart (Allemagne) Valladolid (Espagne) Warsaw / Warszawa (Pologne) Les concessionnaires Renault: Barcelona (Espagne) Bourges (France) Budapest (Hongrie) Dusseldorf (Allemagne) Felixstowe (Grande-Bretagne) Kaunas (Lituanie) Kragujevac (Serbie) ---> Nouveau León (Espagne) Ljubljana (Slovénie) ---> Nouveau Lyon (France) Oslo (Norvège) Palermo (Italie) Paris (France) Praha (République Tchèque) Rostock (Allemagne) Sofia (Bulgarie) Szeged (Hongrie) Toulouse (France) Les concessionnaires Scania: Aberdeen (Grande-Bretagne) Bayonne (France) Banja Luka (Bosnie) ---> Nouveau Brest (France) Cagliari (Sardaigne - Italie) Dresden (Allemagne) Florence / Firenze (Italie) Gdansk (Pologne) Hannover (Allemagne) Lahti (Finlande) Lille (France) Lisboa (Portugal) Milano (Italie) Manchester (Grande-Bretagne) Pitești (Roumanie) Stockholm (Suède) Straßbourg (France) Tallinn (Estonie) Zagreb (Croatie) ---> Nouveau Les concessionnaires Volvo: Albacete (Espagne) Brașov (Roumanie) Graz (Autriche) Göteborg (Suède) Limoges (France) London (Grande-Bretagne) Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Malaga (Espagne) Naples / Napoli (Italie) Nürnberg (Allemagne) Osnabrück (Allemagne) Plovdiv (Bulgarie) Prishtina (Kosovo) ---> Nouveau Turku (Finlande) Verona (Italie) Vilnius (Lituanie) Wroclaw (Pologne) Si vous souhaitez visiter la salle d’exposition du concessionnaire de camions, tous les concessionnaires de camions sont ouverts du lundi au samedi de 8h00 à 18h00. Profitez de votre nouveau camion et passez une bonne journée. -Un grand merci à Andalusi Trucker (pour la liste ATS+ETS) Source:
  2. Good day, I opened this topic because I would like to introduce the community to working with Blender. In this topic I will share various pictures of my work in Blender and also answer questions about the software etc. to the best of my ability. Furthermore, it is possible or desirable to discuss in this topic. You can also express wishes or give feedback on various topics. I hope everyone has fun in this topic. With kind regards ArkticJu | Julian
  3. Olá caminhoneiros, Galera como todos já sabem irá vir uma nova versão do Euro Truck Simulator 2 a 1.32, ah mais esperadas com vários updates, o que vocês acham sobre o Truckers MP trazer nessa nova versão o sistema de tráfego, falem sua opnião e digam sugestões sobre isso até porque galera é uma coisa bem complexa e séria, ao colocar tráfego no MP, claro que vai trazer uma melhor simulação para o jogo mas me digam o que vocês acham sobre isso e quem ainda não está sabendo irei deixar o link do video aqui em baixo:
  4. ¡Muy buen día a todos! Hoy quería promocionar la nueva empresa filial a mi clan para toda aquella persona que no la conozca o bueno que quiera unirse a nosotros. Nuestro objetivo es sencillo, reclutar a conductores hispano hablantes o bien a quiénes les interese ingresar a nuestra empresa, tomamos de forma seria y profesional los ingresos, esperamos tenerlos como nuevos reclutas en TDRNSN! ¿Qué Ofrecemos? Reuniones E Igualdad Para Nuestros Conductores. Rangos Dentro De La Empresa. Reglamentos Detallados Y Únicos Tanto Como Empresa Y Clan. Posibilidad De Integrar Las Filas De Nuestro Clan Al Ingresar A La Empresa. Convoys Mínimo 3 Veces A La Semana. Comunicación Activa De Nuestros Conductores. Experiencia De Liderazgo Al Éxito Heredada Del Clan TDRNSN. Redes Sociales Únicas Para Empresa-Clan. Alianzas Con Otras Empresas Y Trabajos Mutuos. Rutas Variadas Para No Fatigar A Nuestros Conductores. Actividades Internas De Entretenimiento. Entrenamiento A Nuevos Conductores Aspirantes A La Grandeza En La Carretera. Una Experiencia Única En La Conducción. Requisitos De Ingreso; Haber Cumplido O Ser Mayor De Los 15 Años. Mantener Comunicación Vía TeamSpeak3/Skype/Curse Y Si No Cuentas Con Micrófono, Al Menos Tener La Posibilidad De Escuchar. Contar Con Euro Truck Simulator 2 Y American Truck Simulator Originales Y Con El Mod MP. Ser Activo. Te invito a visitar nuestras Redes Sociales, TS3 y Nuestra Web para solicitar el ingreso o bien informarte más sobre nosotros; VTC. Web. Twitter. YouTube. TwitchTV. Facebook. Instagram. TS3: TS-3.Net:13534
  5. Un saluto a tutti, cerchiamo persone serie che giocano a ETS 2 ed ATS ed altri simulatori e tanti altri giochi. Cerchiamo persone serie che evitino di farsi bannare sul multiplayer e che commettano continue sciocchezze. Giochiamo e ci divertiamo. Organiziamo convogli ogni giorno, anche fino a 4 convogli al giorno e minimo 1 ogni giorno. Discord: Discord: https://discord.gg/FUdxwvz Telegram Canale: https://t.me/icgcanale Telegram gruppo: https://t.me/icggruppo Forum: http://italianclangamers.forumattivo.com/
  6. Dear fellow members and mods, been wondering why am I having high ping in ets2 truckersmp? Tried connecting to europe servers, and get average 92-100 ms. As I did speedtest and set the server location to France, I get 71/75 ms? Please help! Thanks in advance EDIT: The most thing I'm confused of, around 4 months or so, I used to get stable 82/84 ms, and never received high dosage amount of choke, lag and ping? That time I used to get ADSL, now moved to fiber optic and connected to an ethernet, and I just received a big amount of ping from 82 to 95 to 100 or sometimes 300 ms, which isnt stable at all, I've tried updating my drivers, used WTFast, tried tweaking my settings, disabled my auto update in windows 10, any help would've be really a big help for me, thanks in advanced..
  7. KURALLAR ║ ● »ASALET LOJİSTİK'e Katılmak İçin Euro Kamyon Simülatörü 2'ye Sahip Olmanız Gerekmektedir. ║ ● »Yaş Sınırımız 16'Dır ║ ● »İsim değişikliği ve profili resmi olarak değiştirme zorunluluğu vardır. ║ »» Ekibimiz Her Zaman Birbirinden Haberdardır, Bu Nasıl TakımSpeak3 Kullanımı ve Mikrofonu Olması Zorunludur. ║ ● »Oyun Esnasında Kişisel Konulara Girmeyiniz Gircek Olursanız İlk Başta Rica Ederek İzin Alınız. ║ ● »Konvoy Esnasında karşınızdaki Araca Uygun Görev Mesafesi Koyunuz Aksi Bir Durumda (Görevli, Ping, vs) Gibi Durumlarda Aynanızı Kontrol Ederek Konvoy Şefinden İzin Alarak Bir SOLLAMA Yapınız. ║ »» Hangi Oyunda Olur Olun Bilgisayarında açık ve oradan gelen Ts'de ayrılan zorunludur konuşma istemi safra AFK odasında Duruyor. ║ ● »Konvoy Esnasında Konvoy Şefi Her kimse onun harekete geçireyecektir. ║ ● »Küfür, Argolu kelimeler kesinlikle yasaktır. ║ ● »Oyunda diğer atleþmek, önüne kırmak vs gibi þeyler kesinlikle yasaktır. Alım Şartlarımız 1) Yaş sınırımız + 16'Dır 2) Olgun davranan ve kişiliği düzgün bireyleri aramız görmek isteriz. 3) Karakterli ve yaşına uygun davranan kişileri aramızda görmekten mutluluk duyarız. 4) Küfür, argo ve saygısızlık yapan kişilerle yollarımız ayrılır. 5) Teamspeak3 ve discord zorunludur 6) Konvoylarımız önceden planlanmış ve herkese duyurulur. 7) Konvoylara gelinmediğinde mazeret bildirilmesi zorunludur. Teamspeak 3: Kısa Süreliğine Kapalıdır. Yakında TekrarAçılacaktır Discord : özelden atılacaktır Buhar Grubumuz: http://steamcommunity.com/groups / Asaletgroup Https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1y0yjY0iqkt4pjMPQBk_ooaMkCWVHxN8A__WsT8Df0ys/ Başvuru formumuzu uygulayın.
  8. So, i see this question a lot and as far as I know (correct me if i'm wrong) there are no other help topics on it. So I thought I would make one, just to help you. I know that most of the time when you start up Truckers.MP that there are no jobs to pick from in the job market, its a common question, "how do I solve it?" Its actually a really simple answer: You don't have to exit the game again, (as I used to do) you just drive to a rest area and sleep, when you check the job market again the usual jobs will be there. It works by resetting the job market to update to the Truckers.MP server time. Hope this helped, have a nice day!
  9. Hello when I want play a ETS2 after month I saw the new mod, but when I download this winter mod a game says you must change a version,then I say two buttons do you need help with changing version? And NO when i click yes i want TruckersMP crashed but when I click NO game says you must reinstall modification, but I dont know how reinstall, please help me with changing version.
  10. I already know how to post screenshots but how do you get one to be your cover photo for your profile? All I see is upload image and I cant do that as the image file is too big, and there is no option as far as I can tell to put a image URL from a image hosting site. Any help will be appreciated!
  11. Guest

    Plays.TV OyunDVR Hatası

    Selamün Aleyküm Arkadaşlar.Başlıkdanda Anladığınız Gibi Plays.TV'de OyunDVR Hatası Alıyorum Fakat Ats'de Almıyorum Bi Fikriniz Olabilirmi? Yardımcı Olursanız Teşekkür Ederim ^^
  12. +++ We want you! +++ Hallo, du möchtest mehr sein als einer von vielen? Keine Nummer in einer großen Spedition, sondern ein Fahrerkollege, der gut in unser bestehendes kleines Team passt? Dann ist die Gelderner Transportgesellschaft genau richtig für dich! Was können wir dir bitten? · Wir bieten dir nicht irgendeine Spedition, wenn du in unser bestehendes Team passt, gehörst du zur „Familie“. Der Spaß steht bei der GTG im Vordergrund! · Wir bieten dir eine Spedition die es vieles nicht so ernst nimmt und in der du deinen LKW, deine Map, deine Tour und deine "Arbeitszeit" frei auswählen kannst. · Wir bieten dir ein Team, in der keine Kinder sind, sondern nur Kollegen zwischen 20 und 65+. Und du wirst schnell mehr wie sehr wir uns gegenseitig anheizen und vorantreiben! Zudem hat jeder für jeden immer ein offenes Ohr für dich! · Du suchst eine Spedition mit Humor, lockeren Sprüchen, jede Menge Spaß über Discord & WhatsApp mit vielen Touren im Single- und Multiplayer? Kurz zu uns: Die GTG besteht seit Mai 2017 und hat zurzeit 7 aktive Fahrer. Max. werden es bei uns 15 Fahrer eingestellt. Jeder Fahrer darf mitentscheiden. Das heißt die Geschäftsleitung lässt bei allen wichtigen Belangen die komplette Belegschaft mitentscheiden! Jede Stimme zählt und hat die selbe Gewichtung! Nach 2 Wochen „Probezeit“ entschließt das Team, ob du in unsere „Familie“ passt oder nicht. Als Abrechnungsprogramm benutzen wir www.trucksbook.eu. Altbackene Foren, Beweisfotos, nervige Onlineformulare, Zwangstouren, Praktikanten-LKWs oder irgendwelche anderen Zwänge gibt es bei uns nicht! Bei uns zählt die Freude am Fahren UND dass du zu uns passt! Interesse geweckt? Dann join us! Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung! Schreib uns gern über Facebook oder kommt auf unserem Discord-Server: https://discord.gg/supqCMe Abends ab 19 Uhr ist eigentlich immer wer erreichbar. https://www.facebook.com/GeldernerTransportGesellschaft/ Gelderner Transportgesellschaft - Überraschend. Überzeugend. Anders!
  13. Então galera, comprei o jogo na Steam nessa promoção de inverno. Baixei o TruckersMP e joguei online normalmente nos 2 primeiros dias, Porém hoje não consigo entrar no online. Quando inicio o jogo, simplesmente a tela fica toda preta porém o som continua rolando normalmente, até que a tela inicial aparece, porém a tela que aparece não é a do Online e sim do Offline. E assim que aparece a tela, o jogo trava e não consigo mexer o mouse. Gostaria de saber se alguém tem a solução pra esse erro. (Lembrando que nos dois primeiros dias pegou normal e hoje, 05/01/2017, o modo MULTIPLAYER não quer pegar) Att.
  14. Hello people, I'm from Germany so my English is not the best, but let us give this a try: I have the following problem: The Launcher of the ETS2MP (TruckersMP) begins ETS2 always in 64 bits. My play thereby falls always because the multiplayer modus runs only in 32 bits. How can I put it in such a way that it always starts in 32 bits? Thanks for all answers Kilian
  15. Witam! Ostatnio cofnąłem wersje ets2 do 1.26 żeby móc pograć z modem na singlu. Teraz mi się znudził więc z powrotem chciałem wrócić na multiplayer. Jednak nie mogę znaleźć tej wesji w Properties na steamie :/ opt out of all beta programs nie działa bo jak wchodzę do ets2 pisze ze mam :/ Pomóżcie Proszę.
  16. Arkadaşlar öncelikle merhaba benim bu sorunum gerçekten can sıkmaya başladı.Geçen gün herifin biri otobanda bana girdi hızlıca ben yamuldum.Destek ekibini çağır dedim yükleme ekranı geldi ve öylece dona kaldı.Görev yöneticisini açtım euro truck simulator çalışmayı durdu yazıyor ve pc de de hiçbirşeye tıklayamıyorsunuz res atmak zorunda kalıyorsunuz.Bugünde gemi ile karşıya geçicektim enter a bastım yükleme ekrani geldi yine dondu.Herşeyi denedim ama olmadı.Sistemim iyi yani oyun içi kasma falan öyle bir derdim yok ama bu donmalar beni öldürecek.Sadece mp deyken yapmıyor normal de de yapıyor.Önceden böyle birşey yoktu gerçekten.Lütfen cevap atın.
  17. mjekus


    Nick w grze: Mjekus Wiek: 19 Miejsce zamieszkania: Polska Sterowanie:Klawiatura/Myszka SteamID 64 lub adres do profilu steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/mjekus Staż w grze: Rok na singlu/1 miesiąc na multiplayer Czy dostałeś kiedykolwiek bana?: Nie Przedstaw się: Mikołaj, elektryk, zapalony motocyklista oraz wielbiciel ciężarówek. W przyszłości zamierzam zrobić prawo jazdy kat. C+Eedit: Nie posiadam na dzień dzisiejszy żadnych dodatków. Nie stać mnie
  18. Hi guys , i have a question , when i'm in loading scene or in pause menu i have like 60 FPS constant , when i start game i have 25-30 FPS all the time no matters what graphics are , my PC is pretty good 4 GB RAM , 1 GB graphic (128 bit. ATI HD Raedon 6570) and D-C Intel 3.0 procesor .. I need help fast , i can't enjoy this game when i see 30 FPS + i want to play it on high (low is not funny) , HELP ME FAST GUYS PLEASE <3
  19. boa noite, alguem pode me ajudar a resolver meu problema? eu entro no jogo ets2mp normal, ma quando vou jogar aparece no canto inferior esquerdo: conection refused. you are using invalid client. se alguem souber o que posso fazer me ajude por favor.
  20. Witam chciałbym wam przedstawić firmę: Master_Trans Oferujemy: - Miła atmosfera - Ogarnięta administracja - Konwoje raz na tydzień - Special konwoje ze znanymi Youtuberami - Miłą zabawę Rekrutacja otwarta [ON] Nasze Forum na którym dowiesz się więcej: www.mastertrans.ugu.pl Strona Informacyjna: http://mtspedition.wix.com/master-trans TeamSpeak3 TS3Husiek.net strefa MasterTrans Zapraszamy!!!
  21. Hello! I know many of you will buy the new DLC from SCS. The Scandinavia DLC, but do you even know the release date? I have found one that may be correct in form of what SCS have said themself's. I got the link to where you can pre-order the DLC and American Truck Simulator. It says 4th of February. Well.. does that mean the DLC or the ATS? Link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Euro-Truck-Simulator-Scandinavia-Add/dp/B00M6SFN9W Greetings!
  22. Hello i can only drive max 60km/h in amtserdam is this normal and out amsterdam i can drive normal 90 km/h ???? is this a bug?
  23. HI. i bought the Retail boxed version of Euro Truck Simulator 2 GOLD and i typed the Activation key into steam and it started downloading ETS2. After i went on the ETS2MP Website to download the mutiplayer mod and it asked me to sign in to my steam account which i did and found ETS2 in my game library and gave me the Link to start downloading ETS2MP. Installing ETSMP was sucessful but when starting MP i pick the server then this message popped up. Unsupported game version detected! To play ETSMP you need to have ETS2 1.12.1s(Steam Release)! I heard people that has the retail copy could access mutiplayer after downloading it via steam. The Version i'm currently on is 1.14 and i have disabled every mod.
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