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  1. Hello, I just brought a new PC and downloaded ETS2 from my Steam account to transfer it from my old Laptop to my new. And I have the game. Unfortunately, my profile didn 't download from Steam, and I figured out that it's because my profile is on my old PC, not in Steam. What should I do to get my profile on the new laptop?
  2. Why the paintjob from Portugal doesn't work? I get kicked, can anyone help me? Sry for my bad english.
  3. Hello, I'm here again. Well, a few days ago I asked for help here because my Truckers Multiplayer was not loading the players and even then it appeared on the "TAB" key. Well, I followed these steps: Hello, try those: Go to Documents and Delete the ETS2MP Folder Press the Windows Key + R (Win + R) on your keyboard Enter "% programdata%" and press Enter (Without the quotes) Find the folder "TruckersMP" and delete that folder. And Navigate to C: \ Program Files \ and delete the folder named "TruckersMP Launcher" And, go to re / download this launcher here And also these steps: 1. Try turning your router off for 1 minute and then turning it back on and see if you still have connection problems 2. Try clearing your DNS cache, follow this link for the guide https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+To+Clear+Your+DNS+Cache 3. Try changing your DNS to Google's one and see if that has any effect https://www.techworm.net/2016/08/change-default-dns-google-dns-fast-internet-speeds.html 4. Try re-setting your win-sock cache step 1: click on windows search program and type "cmd" enter (run cmd as admin, right click run admin) step 2: once you're in, type "netsh winsock reset catalog" enter step 3: type "netsh int ip reset.log hit" enter step 4: restart your computer Reset your network adapter, firewall and DHCP. Okay, I did this and solved it, but now I connect in the truckers and the players load too, but soon after loading they stop and it happens like in the following images: NOTE: The wheels of the trucks keep walking, but they are stopped. HELP!
  4. Im asking for a friend , he already installed and uninstalled the game and truckersmp, with no results. pls help us we want to play play together.
  5. Hi, i need help, since i install the client, truckersmp, the sound and mods of my truck has gone, both of them single and multiplayer, how can i fixe that?
  6. Hello I'm having a problem in my game more precisely in Mp truckers, I enter the game but the trucks do not load in Mp, Note that I can see the Players as shown in the picture But I can see them on the control panel (TAB)
  7. I recently damaged my phone and there was the authenticator. Now I need to access my truckers account and I can not enter, is there a way to reset that to get in? Thanks in advance, regards
  8. Help! My game keeps crashing when I change my graphic settings. This never happens because I always run my game on the highest settings and the game runs very good. Until one day, my graphic setting, resets and then I change it, it crashes or freezes and then I shut off the laptop and turn it back on. I tried deleting the game and re downloading on Steam, updating drivers, making a new profile. Please help me, I haven't gotten to play this in 2 weeks. Thanks! SPECS: GeForce GTX 1070 Max Q 8 GB Intel i7 8 Gen Processor 16 GB of RAM
  9. Hello, I am new to using VTC and i have created one with a friend of mine. I am wondering how to make money that goes towards the company to pay my drivers. If anyone could help that would be amazing.
  10. When I open my ets2 multiplayer, this message appears "There was an error contacting our update servers. Press Ok to try again or cancel to visit our download page." And when I click cancel, the last update is downloaded, but I've already downloaded it. I downloaded the update several times, I already uninstalled ets2 and installed again, I deleted this new update, which is this launcher, and installed again, I suspect there may be something missing from the program files, but I can not resolve it this problem. I've tried the following options: Reinstall and download the TRUCKERSMP initiator again; Clear temporary Windows files; Download the updated FrameWork. And yes, I have windows 10, 64 bit.
  11. I would like to know why the suspension to air is prohibited in the TMP being that it does not disturb any player, just another player that will see the truck with the tires under the asphalt.
  12. Hi Everyone What We Need To Do To Open A Private Server ? ----------------------------
  13. Hello, I asked to the staff in the Feedback if a can be unban because the ban appeal didn't work for me, but I did the feedback the 16 July and now it is the 23, i don't know the system, is it normal to wait all this time because of the heavy work ? Did i something wrong and the feedback doesn't appear to you ? That's the first time i use the Feedback so i really know nothing Thank you all for your help ! And have a nice game
  14. Hello.I have an in-game problem.Idk but the game freezes when I enter or approach a zone with 5+ players.Also they render very close to me even tho they are set to render at 500m...tags says it all about this.I don't lag in general,40 fps in average and even in Duisburg and Calais I have 20 fps on Ultra.Halp ok thank.
  15. Hello Everyone , Part 1: My car is limited to less than 40 km / h: To do this, you must go to Game Settings (Options) / Controller / then go to the Automatic line to put Sequential: Then: Then Then scroll down the drop down menu Then click on Sequential Part 2: How the Sequential box: For this, make it in Game Settings (Options) / Keypad Keys / and found the location Upper and Lower Ratio Then Then Then you can choose a touch for the Superior Report (1-2-3-4-5-6) And a touch for the Inferior Ratio (6-5-4-3-2-1) Sincerely, French Trucking Published on: 17/07/2018
  16. O meu computador esteve danificado, e foi a uma loja informática para reparar. Ele teve que ser formatado e eu gostaria de saber se será possível reaver o save antigo ou poderia começar do zero com outro perfil e mesma conta da steam, os ficheiros dos documentos foram todos apagados. My computer was damaged, and went to a computer store to repair It had to be formatted, and I would like to know if it will be possible to recover the old save or could start from scratch with another profile and same steam account, the documents files were all deleted.
  17. Riddele


    Why I have been kickt 3 times? I dont have Headlights on because it says: Turn off your headlights but I dont have Headlights on! Can please somebody help me?
  18. Ребят добрый день. подскажите как пофиксить 2 проблемы. Одна проблема это белый экран лаунчера , напрягает просто https://imgur.com/a/sUUiU9j Второе , сегодня началась бесконечная авторизация , вчера благополучно играл. https://imgur.com/a/oEhoInX Заранее благодарю за ответы
  19. ATS 4 hours pls help me not regsiter
  20. Casper58a


    Pomocy, włączam grę i nie wiem co się dzieje. http://prntscr.com/k0uzsr Help, I turn on the game and I do not know what's going on. http://prntscr.com/k0uzsr
  21. Hi, ich wollte fragen, wie ich unter "My Attatchments" ein Bild entfernen kann? Denn immer wenn ich es versuche bekomme ich diese Meldung: (Sorry, there is a problemYou do not have permission to view this content. Error code: 2F173/K ) Mich würde auch interessieren, ob sich mehr Speicher bei "My Attatchments" auch auf die 150.016kb Profilbild begrenzung auswirken würde. https://www.pic-upload.de/view-35546681/Unbenannt.png.html MfG Daniel
  22. Guest

    help with ban history

    Back in the summer of 2016 I was banned four times and about 5 days ago banned another time. I was wondering if my next ban would be a perm no matter what. I'm unsure if it depends on when the previous bans occurred?
  23. Ive seen trucks and trailers occasionally in-game with the text on their licence plate coloured in blue or red etc. If that is allowed how do I do it? Any answer is appreciated! Thanks.
  24. Hi, I have just made a program for ETS2 and will release it soon but what is the easiest way to convert it to exe from python 3.4. Thanks
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