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About ashokazylstra

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  1. Due to additional problems, my TruckersMP situation has not been solved. *I will add a different topic because this next issue is far worse than the one before. It has to do with the TruckersMP client.*
  2. I had to go to a previous version of ETS2 to fix up a profile. After cleaning up my profiles, i re-opted out of all betas and the game re-updated to the current version. After it re-updated, I tried launching the Multiplayer version through TruckersMP. *The photo shows what the Fatal Error says* The underlined number highlights the issue. Again, after checking the version 5 times, I already opted out of all betas. I've checked other forum topics and I couldn't find similar issues. How can I possibly downgrade while keeping myself opted out of all betas? Please help. This is very frustrating.
  3. Well then rip... I spent 40 bucks on this game already so that will prolly not happen. Thanks for letting me know anyways.
  4. Attempt 1: I go on TruckersMP Launcher. I click on ETS2, and the error says "Can not inject core (initialization of client failed)" … Attempt 2: I run TruckersMP as Admin again, and the same issue happens again. Attempt 3: Because my ETS2 was not from Steam, I add both TruckersMP and ETS2 as "Non-Steam" Games. Still the exact same result as before. Attempt 4: I do the reinstallation of TruckersMP. I use the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2" for installation. Then I try to launch again... Still the same error as attempt 1. Attempt 5: I look up on the forums for the same issue. I see the same threads. I did everything the previous thread suggested. Taking that advice, as it said in previous threads, I reinstall and try putting TruckersMP in the ETS2 Multiplayer file... just one problem: There's no ETS2 Multiplayer File. So I create one in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Euro Truck Simulator 2" and titled "Multiplayer" …. It won't let me install there because it is "not a valid path" according to the error. Help me please. I've been trying to fix this for 3 hours straight.
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