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World Of Trucks


  1. Question is in the title, how do I stop my account appearing in the "who's online" list?
  2. So, i changed my windows from 7 to 10 and my account at single player which was authorised at World of Trucks gone there were like 50% map explored Now i cant participate at nowadays event. Is there any solution?*
  3. If I purchase a car on multiplayer, and then leave the server, and then play single player, do I have to buy the car again the next time I play multiplayer, or do I own it permanently? This is NOT about trucks or any other purchases made while in multiplayer, JUST CARS!
  4. Estou com problema em iniciar meu euro truck simulator 2 online, pois diz que a versao está errada. por favor me ajudem!
  5. I have played ETS2MP for some time now and my friends wanted to try it but they can`t register. They only get this: "We were unable to find Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on your account, please ensure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game at least 2 hours" They have their steam accounts set to public and more than 5 hours in ETS2 and a world of trucks account but it`s still not working. Please help us. Thanks in advance.
  6. Herkese selamlar; truckersmp ye tıklayıp launchETS2 butonuna basıyorum ve giriş yapıyorum ancak multiplayer değil normal açıyor, steam ı işlemi sonlandır deyip tekrar birçok kere denedim yine olmadı. (sürümüm güncel)
  7. Hello! My friend has recently purchased ets2 and his account will not register with truckersmp, I don't know why and I need help. Notes about his account: *Used CD Key to get game and registered it on steam *100% Public Profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198858774337/ *Played 2 hours + Thanks
  8. Hola. Mi duda es... ¿Si tengo mods y skins de steam puedo tener problemas con el online?. El juego online se carga bien sin los mods pero viendo el incendio que esto puede crear en el juego he decidido crearme otro perfil solo para el online. No sé si es necesario todo eso y si puedo jugar con mods en steam y luego pasarme al multi sin problemas con la mismo perfil. Mi idea es jugar con los mods ( buscando más realismo, no trampas) en el juego offline aunque no me gusta estar quitándolos y poniéndolos . Creo que este tema puede ser interesante para todos los nuevos. Parece que el online no es compatible con mods y skins de Workshop o quizá existen otras opciones. ¿y los mapas de internet? Gracias. Saludos. PD: También pretendo instalar algún mod de camiones rusos y mapas que no son de Steam. Se agradecen consejos en cuanto a este tema.
  9. Hello, So my girlfriend wants to create an account on the truckersmp so we can play together but she gets this error message when trying to link her steam account to the website "We were unable to find Euro Truck Simulator 2 or American Truck Simulator on your account, please ensure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game at least 2 hours". She has ~34h playtime and her steam profile is set to public (also inventory). Could help me with a solution? Regards, Baetu. LATER EDIT: FIXED. had to change the game details to public also. happy trucking!
  10. İyi günler american truck simulator online girmek istiyorum truckersmp ye girip tıklıyorum onaylasın diye hiçbir şekilde onaylanmıyor hesabım açık ve 10 saat oynama sürem var sebebi nedir
  11. truckersmp ye kayıt olamıyorum ets 2 yi buharla aldım en az 2 saat oynadım, buhar herkese açık, kamyonların dünyasına bir giriş yaptım ama hala "Euro Truck Simulator 2 veya American Truck Simulator'u hesabınızda bulamadık, lütfen profilinizi sağlayın herkese açık ve en az 2 saat oyun oynadık "hatası alıyorum.
  12. how to increase this?
  13. Willkommen bei der HHG. Lockere Schwerlast-Spedi für alle, die zum Spaß zocken... Fahrt was, wie und wann Ihr wollt. Mindestens 1x mal die Woche ist bei uns Pflicht. Die Nähe zum Thema wird gern gesehen ;-) Wir sind ein kleiner illustrer Haufen von 55 Fahrern und 30 Begleitschutzfahrern mit den unterschiedlichsten Berufen. Unser Stammsitz befindet sich sehr zentral in München. Transportiert wird alles was groß und schwer ist. Bigger is better und Kies fahren kann jeder! Egal ob Schwerlast, Heavy Cargo oder Spezialtransport. Passt es gerade so um die Kurve, dann ist es genau richtig für uns. Natürlich fahren wir auch normale Frachten... Immer offen für Convoifahrten mit anderen Speditionen oder auch nur firmen intern. Wir bieten auch einen Begleitschutz Service an. Wer also gerne als Absicherungseinheit unterwegs sein möchte, der ist bei uns genau richtig. Wir suchen immer fähige Leute und das tolle daran ist, das Ihr nicht mal eure aktuelle Spedition dafür verlassen müsst! !!! Uns fehlt noch ein ADMIN zur Konvoi Absicherung ;-)!!! Der Verdienst ist übertariflich mit 3.000€ Brutto, Spesensatz für 24h Deutschland sowie diversen Bonuszahlungen. Bei Fragen könnt Ihr mir einfach ne PN schicken, oder auf der SpedV HHG Group oder Ihr kommt direkt zu uns auf den TS: Unsere Homepage: https://virtual-heavy-hauling-group.jimdo.com/ Bewerbungen gehen Über die SpedV Seite, die Homepage oder direkt im TS. Viele Grüße DeMuddi
  14. Hello everyone, this is my sceond forum-post and i am not sure if i do that right but i hope so. I wanted to make my TruckersMP profile a little bit cuter so i started to write a description and so on. But i read something like that on my profile: Account Status: Not activated. Now i want to do that but i don't know how. I couldn't find some instructions on my profile. Maybe someone can help me :j (If i made somthing wrong, please tell me what so i can improve my forum-post-skills =) ) Have a nice day, newt.
  15. BLACKING S.A. Te invitamos a ser parte de este proyecto empresa Mandanos tu solicitud en http://myvtc.net/r/73631 Tu solicitud sera cursada con un maximo de demora de 12 hrs. ACTUALIZACIONES DIARIAS Nuestros Requisitos son simples: - CANADIAN PAINT JOBS PACK - CUENTA EN Truckers MP (Mod Online) http://truckersmp.com/es_ES -(una vez contratado) Se solicita poner el nombre de la empresa antes del nombre usuario. Ejemplo: " [BLACKING S.A.] TrucKillerZ " Una vez aceptada tu solicitud de empleo serás asignado como CHOFER y podrás seguir escalando hasta llegar a ser GERENTE DE FLOTA. Dependiendo de tu habilidad y tu constancia en nuestra empresa. Poseemos un excelente sistema de puntaje (CREDITOS) que nos ayudaran a sacar lo mejor de cada camionero. Te esperamos
  16. How or Where can i find my TruckersMP Account ID I cant find it or im to dump to see it XD
  17. Here is my Problem in TruckerMP. https://pastebin.com/K4GiiK34 Crash.log
  18. Hello. I have question, can you unregister my old account " email-deleted "? I registered it in 2016 and i lost ETS2 on my old steam account. Now I have new steam account with ETS2, but i can't login, because I can't register new account on TruckersMP. Thanks for answers.
  19. Hello I've been playing recently in ETS 2 mostly for the last 6 months, and I have installed ATS to give it a go so I have installed that game too on existing account. What I have done I have reinstalled TruckersMP installation program and I have added ATS installation paks too. And I can normally login to ETS 2 multiplayer which on the TruckersMP main screen stays on the right, and ATS on the left, but if I provide the same login values, I can't connect. Direct me to TruckersMP website to press 2 separate buttons; "Check Owned Games If you now own American Truck Simulator click the button below to check now. Note: Make sure your profile is set to public and that you have played the game for at least 2 hours." ...but last time I was waiting for 3 days and nothing happened, so I repeated that section again. Is there anybody that can solve my problem, my games are linked to steam account too. regards
  20. Ik heb een keer gehoord en gezien in de herfst is geraakt en hij was gekruist omdat 1 van pech strip, dus hij moest uitwijken en moest toen remmen om volgende rit naar rammen en schuin rijden achter om meer 155 per uur te rijden en dat was ook stil omdat de persoon die ken ken moest stoppen omdat hij door die eerste truc met hem pestte en ik ben er zeker van dat ze samen hebben gewerkt om die persoon bij elkaar te brengen iemand blokkeert axpres en wie moet die persoon blokkeren die ik ken maar andere niet en zijn twee verkeerd gegaan om snelle en slechte woorden te rijden, en 1 op een road ride zonder pinkers. als we ondertekenden, zeggen een aantal spelers ook dat ze niets zullen doen !!!! soms gebeurde het al eens dat er geen tijd was om je garage in te rijden en te rijden, en de vrachtwagen volledig kapot gemaakt door meer vrachtwagens en auto's. als je je aanmeldt maar iemand die het opzettelijk met twee doet, dan blokkeren we ons en beperken we het creëren van snelheid? en eerste foto's bekijken en blokkeren. Ik ben er helemaal voor na na het zoeken naar iets om live te gaan of via video om te bewijzen dan dat de foto's ze laten gaan, omdat, zie de hulp geen kanten. aube iets doen. omdat er velen zijn die ook zeggen dat ze het zijn en dat leden van dat spel het erover eens zijn dat ze niet willen springen of kunnen en ja, hoe meer klachten die persoon heeft, dan weet je zeker dat dat doel is. groetjes tinkermaggie omdat er velen zijn die ook zeggen dat ze het zijn en dat leden van dat spel het erover eens zijn dat ze niet willen springen of kunnen en ja, hoe meer klachten die persoon heeft, dan weet je zeker dat dat doel is. groetjes tinkermaggie omdat er velen zijn die ook zeggen dat ze het zijn en dat leden van dat spel het erover eens zijn dat ze niet willen springen of kunnen en ja, hoe meer klachten die persoon heeft, dan weet je zeker dat dat doel is. groetjes tinkermaggie
  21. Hello. I wanna ask you is it legal to have more than 1 account? I know it isnt legal if u ban evade, but if u don't, is it legal then? NexooYT
  22. So about 3-ish hours ago i was playing ets2mp on my normal account and i safely close out and get off and go out for a few hours. i come back load up ets2mp but i see theres an update. i update my game and I launch ets2mp but when i get to the login screen my crednetials are not there. i think this is wierd but i go ahead and put my login info in and i next get prompted to make a company. this is wierd since i already have like 3 or 4. so i close out of the game and load up normal ets2 and the same thing happens. so i go to my profiles directory in my dcuments tab and i find that they are all gone. that it is empty as seen to the right. any idea as to how this hapened? i really would like my accounts back and my computer has not been touched. plz help
  23. I can not enter truckersmp after re-existence I have error connect. I have versions of ets2 [temporary_1_30]
  24. Guest

    Wrong Status link (Launcher)

    Simple thing, the status link on the launcher. ( directs to the wrong website. http://truckersmpstatus.com/ Which doesn't work, though if you get rid of the http:// part, it displays an Apache Ubuntu setup page. Actual Link: https://truckersmp.com/status Mod Version: Controllers Used: Keyboard/Mouse Description of Issue: Wrong link when 'Service Status' is clicked. How to reproduce: Click 'Service Status' on launcher. Screenshots / Videos: N/A Didn't fit into the other categories, so hope here is fine.
  25. Hey there Truckers, Today i tried to log onto the TruckersMP and got a pop up box telling me to go to the TruckerMP page and download. I did this and i kept getting a message telling me that an error had occured. Is anyone else having this problem or had this problem and managed to solve it, if so please help
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