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Found 15 results

  1. Merhabalar.Bu paylaşmış olduğum konu single player oynayan ve skin(kaplama) yapmaktan hoşlanan arkadaşlar için yararlı bir konu. Şablonun resmi: Not: Lütfen resim'e sağ tıklayıp indir yapmayın.Şablonun boyutu büyük olduğu için görüntü kalitesi kötü bir resim koymak zorunda kaldım.Anlayışınız için teşekkürler. Skin kaplama yapmayı bilmeyen ve yapmak isteyen arkadaşlar buradaki video'yu izleyerek yapabilirler. Şablonu indir
  2. Merhabalar.Bu paylaşmış olduğum konu single player oynayan ve skin(kaplama) yapmaktan hoşlanan arkadaşlar için yararlı bir konu. Şablonun resmi: Skin kaplama yapmayı bilmeyen ve yapmak isteyen arkadaşlar buradaki video'yu izleyerek yapabilirler. Şablonu indir
  3. Hola, he visto que muchas vtc usan skins personales porque incluso en sus cajas llevan su propio logo, me gustaría aprender y saber como lo hacen porque, trate de meter un skin mod para los camiones de la base scs y pues no ha funcionado, me gustaría saberlo ya que así podríamos abrir algo bastante grande a toda la comunidad, y si no es posible aun, me gustaría recomendarles que no seria mala idea que crearan un motor para el uso de las skin mod locales uwu, Buen dia
  4. Slt après avoir installé mon mod (peinture) en solo, avoir fais une sauvegarde etc... quand je lance le multijoueur la remorque qui était avec le skin devient blanche. si quelqun pourrait m’expliquer précisément comment on fait pour avoir le skin sur TruckersMP ou juste m’envoyer le lien d’une vidéo ytb qui montre comment faire svp. merci d’avance aux admins de laisser mon message jusqu’à avoir une réponse claire svp.
  5. Suggestion Name: Workshop skins on multiplayer. Suggestion Description: I would like for the custom skins in ets2 steam workshop to be usable in multiplayer, I do realize that it's not allowed at the moment because you are not aware of who uses sfw skins or not but I have a solution. You could make it so if other players haven't downloaded the paint job you are using from steam workshop they would not be able to see your skin, it would be like how you can't see dlc paint jobs on other players unless you have bought the dlc pack. I think this could work. Any example images: N / A Why should it be added?: It would be much more cozier to drive with whatever skin you want rather than the usual boring paint jobs, It wont hurt other players if they can't see my paint job while I can.
  6. The VTC system is ok, but it can be better if you could add an "auto-tag" pending on your VTC, and skin for your truck, trailer or pilot car, if it can be posible, pending on your VTC too. The idea for the skin is that you as the Owner of the VTC can upload a DDS texture to TMP servers, and in game you go to the service and add your skin to your truck, and another hired driver can go to service and use the skin too. This idea is the same as Minecraft skins functionality.
  7. Hey ther I created some skin mods for ETS2. Now I'd like to know if I can use them in TruckersMP somehow.... I would appreciate a quick answer. Have a nice day! [GER] Leif
  8. Two skins were given at the New Year's event. The skin for the truck is no problem.But the skin for the trailer is problematic. I use it but other players just say it's a white trailer. I'm using a standard trailer, not a dlc trailer. I've never seen this skin on other players' trailer. What I see as white is probably using this skin. Is there a study on this?
  9. I saw many people with custom skins but tehyre not in shop? how to get? thanks
  10. hi, i was wondering why there was no way to use mods in MP, i know there are mods to "increase power" and stuff but like the cosmetic mods why cant i use them like custom paints
  11. Hello, I have a quick question to ask. Will mods that change the texture of the interiors work on TruckersMP? I was curious to know as I would like to use one of those mods. It is just a colour change in the textures so would it work on MultiPlayer? Thanks.
  12. Hallo allemaal! Ik heb net 2 trailer skins gemaakt. Allebei hebben ze iets te maken met België. Ik heb een skin van de federale politie gemaakt en een skin van het belgische rode kruis. Ik begin nog maar net, en dat is ook te zien. Ik heb de strepen op de trailer van de politie van een andere afbeelding geknipt dus het wit van de strepen en van de rest van de trailer zijn niet helemaal hetzelfde. Maar ik zal proberen om dat nog aan te passen. De links naar de download staan hieronder. Het zou heel fijn zijn als jullie me konden zeggen wat jullie ervan vinden en wat ik eventueel zou moeten aanpassen. Bedankt! politie: http://www.mediafire.com/download/l8diotnpgi6nahg/politie.scs rode kruis: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3h19q2lr75n58u8/belgischerodekruis.scs
  13. Hi everyone, My name is Aaron and a big fan of Scania. I play ETS2 for 2 months now and I really would like to have a skin of A.stam Opperdoes. Can Someone help my to create that? I'm not so technical -I run 1.19 (steam) -I have the Scania topline (in the link You can see more photo's http://transportfotos.nl/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1913 ) Let me know!
  14. Hello fellow truckers! A couple of days ago i had my mind on skins and paintjobs while i was driving in ETS2, and i came over a little idea i think would make ETS2 more creative and more fun to play. The idea is probably mentioned before, but i'll rewrite it again. The idea is that you can skin and paint your truck with custom made decals. A decal system like they have in APB: Reloaded & CoD: Black ops. So that you can make your own decals with basic made decals and put them on your truck, as well as putting in custom numbers, letters, symbols & color. This would make the game more fun and creative to see what people want to do with their truck. As well as putting those things in and paintjob that has been released by SCS. So, tell me what your thought is and if i should go any further with this. You guys have probably been thinking about this yourself, and SCS have probably thought about this as well. So let me your opinion about this idea, and if it gets positive respone i will bring it further, but with too much negative i will let it be for the time being. Greetings!
  15. Basically that above, supposed to be a solid blue. Anyone have ideas as to why this happens?
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