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Veteran Driver VII
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About Charlotte050

  • Birthday 06/23/2001

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Buses, Trucks
  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    Nevada: Reno
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Groningen
  • Known languages
    Dutch, German, English

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  1. Happy easter hunt!!

    1. PinkNub_


      Thank yuu Charlotte. Happy Easter 🐰

  2. So if im correct triple b trailers or just 3 trailers without dolly are allowed now?
  3. They could've at least make Groningen a place where the Dutch can drive doubles but no instead they restrict the whole BeNeLux for doubles. Groningen isnt that busy anyways.
  4. Well kill me then. I have 6 bans on my history wich of 5 expired and the last one expires at 19th October. Even if all expired I have litterally zero chance of becoming a game mod gues ill just die then
  5. Yes its a shame its not allowed since Sweden allows 31,5 meters instead of 25,25 meters
  6. Suggestion Name: Doubles map Suggestion Description: The red lines show what area u cant drive with doubles (its not the best edit but if you look good you will notice) Also its forbidden to take doubles with the ferry to Calais (u must use the tunnel instead) Europoort is allowed since it has the connection to the mainland of Europe Any example images: https://imgur.com/a/JtDwrui Why should it be added?: Because in the Netherlands Doubles are officially allowed and because cities like Bremen and Groningen aren't that busy Red line: Not allowed for Double Trailers
  7. How can I upload a mod? how does it work?

  8. Article 13 could destroy the whole mod community and the multiplayer of Ets2 :( 

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