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Veteran Driver VII
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About L0rdLogan

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  1. Yes, I agree, I have all the DLC's currently in the game, but some of my friends don't, I may get them and gift them to them/ I know they probably won't install it, but it's worth a shot. Thanks for taking the time to reply
  2. Hi. The reason for this request is it is such a shame to have an epic DLC skin on your truck for other players who don't have the required DLC to see a random truck colour. Is it possible to add such a feature where players are able to see the DLC skins, but not buy them if they don't have the DLC skin packs installed? Same with the trailers, like High Power Cargo Pack. Thanks,
  3. Need to delete this as the issue is solved
  4. ^ No, I have tested the graphics on LOW too, in ATS and the separate options menu (tab) and It still lags.
  5. Here is a video of how well it works: This, like you did not happen in ETS2MP
  6. Hi There. Suggestion Name: No collision Zones around spawned/spawing players Suggestion Description: I personally think I have a great idea. Due to framerate Lag when a lot of players are about, people crash and when they do, they reload their gamesave. Now, this poses an issue to on-coming drivers like myself as seen in the video. Please, could we make a system where a spawning player has a NCZ/"ghost" around him/herself for maybe 10 seconds? Why should it be added?: See above. I crash near the end of the 1 minute clip and I take about 60% damage. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6S7YMKvtnZec2FvOHFJR3FDTnM/view?usp=sharing Thanks for viewing.
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