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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by SrPeter

  1. Is it just me or the Tab to see the nearby players doesn't work now? Haven't played for a long time lol

    1. DJ Jefferz

      DJ Jefferz

      It does work..

    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      It works fine. Make sure you simply don't have the MP interface/names off. Press F11.

  2. This helped! And just to make sure I reinstalled TruckersMP and ETS2! Thanks everyone else
  3. Hello! Well every time I try to run TruckersMP I get this message: I found a solution but its a bit annoying... I have to exit Steam, run it as Admin and run as Admin TruckersMP too... weird?
  4. Back again trucking! Need to update a lot, lol

  5. SrPeter


    Hola. Para eso, necesitas Apelar la sanción aqui: https://truckersmp.com/appeals Logeate en la pagina antes de entrar Te recomiendo tener pruebas si es posible, Un saludo!
  6. Lo que hace el nuevo sistema de reportes es grabar una pequeña parte de cuando fue reportado, el admin lo ve y toma su decisión, no tienes por que ir a la web. Pero yo recomiendo siempre reportar desde la web, por al final, los reportes hechos in-game se borran al cabo de un tiempo. Mira aqui tienes un ejemplo de como trabajan los admins con el nuevo sistema: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/156633430 Un saludo!
  7. Just to make sure, does someone know if VTMLive is allowed on TruckersMP? I think it is, but i want to make sure :P

  8. Hi! Found this post, where there is a list of the Supported Mods Anyway, i think all the Worshops mods are disable when you join TruckersMP. Hope it helps!
  9. Now, this is not normal, joined today on MP with 168K money, when to get some sleep on the MP, and when i woke up i had 45million money... Have it on video

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon



      Oh, by the way, a little tip: Eventually you might come online and notice that there are no jobs for you to take. That's because time is managed by the server. When that happens, all you need to do is make time move forward like in the example I gave. Sleep, take a ferry/train, teleport to another garage, etc. Do that and it will force your client to sync with the server. Once that is done, your jobs market will have loads for you to deliver again.

    3. SrPeter


      Yep, happend to me later, but as you say I teleported to a garage and then got jobs, took me a while to guess it lol.

      Thanks anyway :)


    4. Mike Dragon
  10. Hola! Encontre un post parecido pero en Ingles, te puede ayudar
  11. Haven't been here in a while... :(


  12. I just saw a streamer on twitch, mexican, driving like a maniac, trolling, crashing... I mean how can you be so bored?

    1. novice
    2. SrPeter


      Not really, it looks like 17-18, its sad lol

    3. Mirko9


      ... bad drivers

  13. SrPeter

    Es un baneo injusto?

    Desconectar el Internet rapido es algo dificil jaja, que haria el f7, llevarte al mecanico mas cercano no?
  14. SrPeter

    Es un baneo injusto?

    Ten paciencia, lo leerán. Pues mira que tiene mala suerte para no grabar este jaja, para la próxima ya sabes, intenta grabar
  15. SrPeter

    Es un baneo injusto?

    Siempre puede apelar la sanción y hablar con el, te recomiendo bastante que grabes siempre que estas, yo siempre que entro al Online grabo, si pasa algo que reportar lo guardo, y si no borro el vídeo, es lo más seguro y para este tipo de situaciones se podría solucionar fácilmente. Saludos!
  16. New France DLC, when is Spain coming:(

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. elot360PL


      Sarcasm my friend...

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      SCS has done a great job :) but would be great if they added more countries like Spain, Finland etc Wish they'd add Ireland but I can't ever see that happening :(

    4. krypto_one


      @Killua (DavidOC93) You could work for SCS and map out the countries you would like to see.

  17. A bit late but, Happy new year everyone! Keep on trucking
  18. What do you guys think. Beautiful sun!


    1. grizzbear



  19. If you are on the queue you have to wait until that number goes to 0, it means that they are 300 people waiting to join
  20. Al the profiles for ETS2 should be in Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles
  21. New cover photo, what do you think? :P

  22. The logs should be in: \Documents\ETS2MP\logs
  23. I need a FeelsBadEmoticon. Havent got any reputation points...

  24. Lets check one thing! Go to Steam Library -> ETS2 ->Propeties->Local Files->Verify integrity of game cache. Tell me if it works!
  25. Thank you! I was just thinking about buying just the cargo pack DLC
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