Status Updates posted by SrPeter
Just to make sure, does someone know if VTMLive is allowed on TruckersMP? I think it is, but i want to make sure
Now, this is not normal, joined today on MP with 168K money, when to get some sleep on the MP, and when i woke up i had 45million money... Have it on video
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Oh, by the way, a little tip: Eventually you might come online and notice that there are no jobs for you to take. That's because time is managed by the server. When that happens, all you need to do is make time move forward like in the example I gave. Sleep, take a ferry/train, teleport to another garage, etc. Do that and it will force your client to sync with the server. Once that is done, your jobs market will have loads for you to deliver again.
Yep, happend to me later, but as you say I teleported to a garage and then got jobs, took me a while to guess it lol.
Thanks anyway
No problem.
New France DLC, when is Spain coming
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Sarcasm my friend...
SCS has done a great job but would be great if they added more countries like Spain, Finland etc Wish they'd add Ireland but I can't ever see that happening
@Killua (DavidOC93) You could work for SCS and map out the countries you would like to see.
I need a FeelsBadEmoticon. Havent got any reputation points...
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For you aswell
Thank you
First Spanish i see on the forums, and from madrid! Saludos
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Otro mas!
Bueno... Dije "Solía haber más", pensando en gente que solía conocer por aquí, pero hay unos cuantos. Solo que suelen "quedarse" en el subforo de español
A ver si os veo por el servidor