Suggestion Name: Do not have bans with accepted appeals count towards ban history.
Suggestion Description: The current system is that once you reach a certain number of bans, regardless of appeal status, within a year, you will be banned for a certain amount of time. For example, four bans in a year is an automatic 1 month ban, five is more time, and so on. My suggestion is that bans with accepted appeals should not count toward that total.
Any example images: Nope.
Why should it be added?: In the hustle and bustle of TMP, admins often get things wrong. It's just a fact, not a knock against the great admins we have. However, when these mistakes pile up, you might eventually hit four bans and suffer the consequences of breaking the rules four times even if you did not do so. For example, I was banned a few days ago for an illegal U-turn (I have appealed it because of the circumstances of the incident, I am not a bad driver! ) and I then had 4 bans on file in the past year, two of which the admins admitted to making a mistake and should not have banned me, with accepted appeals. I do not feel that it is fair I should be banned for a month due to this, as I have just two justified bans on record (if current appeal goes well, only one).