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Veteran Driver VII
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  • Birthday 05/28/1999

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  1. So glad to find out that the "cost of a minior improvement" outweighs the benefits of stopping a user bullying another... :(

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    2. Penguin


      It may not be a big thing yet, but think of it another way,


      How many times have you seen someone's ban history and instantly thought "Oh they must be a bad driver" or "They're trouble"

      Having the ban information for their expired bans is just no use to us, it just causes problems.


      That's why I made the suggestion, but it got rejected in under an hour, even with 3/4 users reacting positively to it, with 1 against from an IGA.

      It just wasn't looked at properly IMO :L 


      So hopefully feedback will deal with it now :l 



    3. .StεvƐ.


      ^the thing is, removing ban histories doesn't prove anything about the person, for all people know, that person could be behaving until their history is "reset" and then they can go ahead and troll again and again and then wait again, with the history still on show, it shows people to be aware of what youre like. Its like the real world, if youre arrested for even a small crime, it goes on your record, employers can see that record and decide what sort of person you are, whether youre trusted or not, same thing applies here, if your history is removed, whats to say you wont offend again?


      Furthermore, think about it, if someone behaves for a year till their bans are cleared, how are admins to know that you have a history of being banned for the same offence? that's the point of the whole system.


      The only thing I would like to see is that VTCs and other things such as staff applications take into account what bans you have on your history, how severe the punishment was for each and how long ago it happened, then decide whether youre worth taking on and if so, whether to keep an eye on you for a while to see if you behave or not. That's all that is Required in my book.


      So as far as I am concerned, the admin on your post is right with their judgement, hands down.

    4. Penguin



      But it's not our place to judge that!! That's the whole point of my suggestion, is that we should not judge other user's based on their previous.


      If they offend so many times, they will rack up 1m, 3m and then perma ban the same way as it happens now.

      Nothing would change. The admins would still see the ban history - Just the users cannot.


      " whether to keep an eye on you for a while to see if you behave or not" 

      Again, not trying to argue this one with you, but that's the whole point. - We should not be the ones judging a player on their history IMO, I just feel that should be left to the admins. A user without any ban history could cause as much problem as one with a whole load of history. Who knows, the user with history may have matured, but due to his public ban history, may not be given a chance by a VTC, whereas a user without history could get through easily.


       Its like the real world, if youre arrested for even a small crime, it goes on your record, employers can see that record and decide what sort of person you are

      I'm not sure what country you're from, but in the UK - There are only certain crimes that will show up on a DBS check. (Criminal records check) Stuff like minor traffic offences, does not show up on a basic DBS. However, TruckersMP is not real life, and should be treated differently.


      I do see where you're coming from, however I feel my suggestion would be more beneficial than the risks it poses.

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