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Fuso9130 / Derpy

Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by Fuso9130 / Derpy

  1. Enjoying being able to enjoy B Quads or BAB Quads but i don't see others really doing it. I am on ATS mainly running on the 5. 

  2. I'm awake thining i feel like ets2 b triples across scandinavia but then theres this... 

    (Only default trailer combinations are allowed, trailer type does not matter, example; triples are no longer allowed in ETS2

    Double or triple trailers must not be longer than the largest default combination; for ATS, the "turnpike double", for ETS2, the "HCT")    After reading that i'm thinking okay so 3xshort trailers is shorter than an HCT so i can use it? #confused.

    1. Forerunner


      In a way, you answered your own question. "It is only permitted to use a trailer combination which is default within each game." - 3 short trailers is not a default combination. In ETS2, the only combination with 3 parts requires the center one to be a dolly and only a dolly

  3. Started morning with listening to giddy up.


  4. anyone got record of estimated time to update to newest version, and i am aware that not all are the same and newer trailers and assigning alternate trailers to load in for users that do not own the dlc. So... do you think it'll take maybe 1 week or 2 weeks or more? I hope the updating goes okay. and the kenworth factory looks like a great spot for truckfests.


    1. povgamer


      It'll definitely take shorter than two weeks, but I cannot be sure about one week.

    2. Fuso9130 / Derpy

      Fuso9130 / Derpy

      thanks im hoping for 1 week but i dont code or develop so im just guessing how long.

  5. After rereading the does and donts of trailer modding i dont see a mention of default trailer weights so does this means we can use 125 ton trailers?  This would only be for the fun or seeing how well we can keep ourselves rolling without failing, and of course to ONLY use it in non congested areas as t not cause problems. example,  milano, to munich to pragu. or Oslo to bergen.

  6. with the rules updated does this mean we can have triple 53ft on ats?


  7. question does this user have a load or is it modded on? i have yet to see a working lowbed ownable for mp? also a flatbed b double https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1660162146


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Haulvoc


      That container is also save edited on the trailer. But if it's possible to get a flatbed load for it and you deliver it, the load from the rear trailer (ownable or not) will also disappear.

      I'm not sure if it works with this particular setup, but it has worked for doubles and HCT's. For some reason SCS have removed the b-double flatbeds from the trailer dealer in the last update.

      But if you already owned them, they still show up in your fleet and should be usable.

    3. Fuso9130 / Derpy

      Fuso9130 / Derpy

      here i will show you mine it was a purchased flatbed double which had its body swapped around and a bd chassis replacing the front trailer and a normal flatbed chassis on rear. it works well no problems, except i still shows as a double but it loads/unloads no problems.  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1602974872


      video as well 


  8. question are we meant to still see the events on roads? C466CE83BEE2F637C1235347B88E80EA76F50623

  9. i have a concern im at my drop and the parking spot is not giving as steady illumination its acting like a steady flashing light, did something break? i did go to 1.31 beta then downgraded to get back into MP.

  10. trying to understand this line (  It is also possible to put all bars on the same slots and combine them. Items limit for these bars is what the game allows by default.)

  11. i have noticed after changing my cars to the 13_in_steel wheels to help keep the cars speed down and to hopefuly shorten the stopping distance i come back into game and its got the truck wheels. but last ngiht i had the 13in wheels and my freinds said i had truck wheels but how?


  12. hello im curious as to who else thinks the viking bobblehead is like a 35 year old link from Legend Of Zelda?  this one from the WOT dlc viking_2048.png

  13. good morning/ afternoon / evening to all. I just woke up and i go to ets2c to check the posts ans i see a post thats haveing over 120 attendeees so i looked to see where its happening at...   oh the sardin can experience is coming im loving it http://prntscr.com/fnx4wh


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spieker


      no, only Mercedes, Volvo and Scania

    3. Creatured


      thats lame

      not even MAN

    4. ZuLynx


      And not IVECO.


      Burn SCS into flames :D

  14. When you see a car trying to troll you 


  15. https://www.facebook.com/100004271132565/videos/750453991773632/ 

    block in rotterdam cutrrently. he is using something to prevent damage because he blocked a road before and was ramed costanstly so they could get thru and he just droveoff no problem 

  16. on mind is 

    BREAKING: Active Shooter Ohio State University - 7 People Shot 

  17. heads up the cake is maybe still alive!    " Portal Movie is STILL ALIVE - The Know "   


  18.   watching this and relaxing  G4 Icons Episode #31: PC Gaming


    1. Fuso9130 / Derpy

      Fuso9130 / Derpy

      also go watch    G4 Icons Episode #55: Half Life  


  19. ha im laugpging at this   

    Volvo Trucks - The Casino

  20. Birth of the new Scania is near – watch it live!



    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      oh.. new scania wow  :wub:

    2. Jobawick


      Defo gonna be watching that :D

  21. Looking for comments or how i could make this more appealing? as for the so called "music" used i might try something else? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbHRgXr_7LI

  22. I left get soup after a convoy and i returned to read this so HEADS UP. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/445112938786993735/39E99A6DA61853BCA79DDB345F0DB1912C24EE1E/

    1. The Imaginative Lad

      The Imaginative Lad

      If you wish to report a player go to: http://truckersmp.com/en_US/reports


      (BTW: dolphins with lasers xD)

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