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Veteran Driver VII
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About outstandinggamer

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    American Truck Simulator
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  1. What graphics card do you have AMD or Nvidia. Option 1 probably the best is plays.tv it is always recording but it doesn't save it until you hit a certain button which save the last 30 seconds of recording which you can change to more time if you want and it works with nvidia and AMD. Option 2 shadowplay for nvidia cards only I don't know much about it since I use plays.tv and I have an AMD. These are the two best recording softwares since they are less intensive than most other recording software out there.
  2. I don't know if this would be possible but i know pretty much everything is possible but what they can do is instead of using city zones they can use speed zones to set the speed limiter because in almost every city the speed limit is 30mph so all they have to do is set the speed limiter to 37mph each time you go into a 30mph speed limit zone and when you leave and the speed limit goes back up just set the speed limiter back to 68mph.
  3. Money can be easily added to the save game also levels can too. So doing this won't really decrease reports.
  4. I have to work the day after ATS only for 4 hours though

  5. finished Building my new pc imgur.com/a/7vcFL

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. outstandinggamer


      @takumi nope mini in a mid

      @TheImaginativeLad yeah it is already overclocked

      and the granola bar was tasty after installing my drivers thanks newegg

    3. outstandinggamer


      Yeah 12.1 inchs and my case only supports up to 12.5 inch cards so it alwas very close.

  6. Cheat engine is way mote complicated then using this method.Cheat engine = 5 minutes of work Save extraction method = 1 minute of work
  7. No mods are truley usable in MP since they just activate them in SP do what ever changes then launch MP where the mod gets disable so No one can complain their mod isn't getting added to MP since no mods are enabled in MP.(other than the snow mod when it was up to date) I dont think this is needed at all because then you will justvsee more people complainbthey can't have the mod the special people have. This also mayblead to some crashing.
  8. The only way that you will see a paintjob is if it is in the base game or you bought a dlc paintjob pack. There is no way for them to add new paintjobs to MP.
  9. You have to read my whole post part of it is about why people suggest mods to be added. Antoher part is about it could be added how like the snow mod got added. Alsp like otber people said if people enabled it that really shouldn't have it enabled slow computers it will cause lag spike on their end and they will just be sitting in the middle of the road for everyone else. Sent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
  10. No one is saying it is requiered for you to use it it would be just like the snow mod was enable it if you would like have use it
  11. Anyone have or know someone who has a broken ps3 or blueray player that the disc reader still works i need the laser for a science fair project.

  12. They arn't going to add any mods yet(maybe snow mod when it is near christmas and it is updated.) and maybe never. People misunderstand the allowed mods topic and what it means that is why they post topics about adding mods because they see a topic called "Allowed mods". Then they are like please add this mod to mp then when someone responds they say "if we add one mod we have to add everyones mod". So they call them "Allowed mods" but then that interferes with the qoute they say. "Allowed mods" It means your activting the mod in sp doing whatever to your game then giong to mp and the mod gets disabled but the stuff you used with this so called allowed mods stay the same. Then when they say you can't use any unpermitted mod in multiplayer you can't activate them in mp anyway and there is no way around with the algorithm they are using. So why say you can't use unpermitted mods. Some mods may interfere with mp but visual mods shouldn't since this is kinda like snow mod it is just client sided and not server side(everyone will see it) it could work bit who knows. Just a rant of mine just like usta's rant on american trucks .
  13. First job interview tomorrow at a gorcery store(kroger) a little bit nervous but atleast I lnow people that work there if i get the job.

  14. I'm pretty sure you can'tSent from my LG G4 using Tapatalk
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