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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by McFreshi

  1. Well, I found out, that driving in reverse full-time will not get you banned. It's a funny thing to watch for most of the people as long no one is harmed. Expect for some people trying to overtake you while you're doing 30mph in the city...

    1. McFreshi


      Expect -> except ffs. Me and me english ees nat verri gud

  2. I just found a fault in the report system. You can't report someone for more than 1 reason. The person I reported got banned for wrong way. But he was also driving dangerously crashing nearly 4 people in 2 minutes and after that blocking the road... I mean WTF literally. He just got banned for wrong way :D

    1. Mari'


      depends on the administrator, is not important =)

    2. Titanic4


      Yeah, the tickbox system used in the in-game report system would fit better. Just create a thread in website suggestions with that.

  3. Is there any owners of a Xbox One? With Forza maybe aswell :D

    1. McFreshi


      OOOOH GG ME are there* xd

  4. English: How is everybody - German: Wie sind alle? YOU SIR, just failed in everything :D

    1. jx_23


      Tüte deutsch heute nur 1,5€ XD

  5. Yes, this did actually happen. http://i.imgur.com/GkrbcQ9.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jx_23


      U wrote in the chat?

    3. FirestarteR93
    4. stilldre1976


      looks like you have leopard skin seats in that truck lol

  6. Why do you have to activate your game on truckersmp.com? WHHYYY :D

  7. Is every status getting locked? Even if I would post it just to give you this amazing link? http://imgur.com/a/VD7yV

  8. Just got my copy of ATS :) That's for all you guys who bought it via Steam :Phttp://imgur.com/a/VD7yV

    1. FirestarteR93


      meh, i've spent 2 days in looknig for it at the local shops and sites, yet nobody sells it in bg :(

    2. FirestarteR93


      ^I'll sell you on ebay > : (

    3. McFreshi


      ^ slavery! But nothing can be done against it. so... JUST DO IT!

  9. ATS IS OUT! yay... gotta wait another day until I get the boxed version T_T


    1. McFreshi


      Later today™ hehe

    2. RadioactivePotato
  11. Available: Later today! - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo.... GTG take that Limited Edition from our local store T_T 10€ more on that one xD

  12. That Admin not Using his Lights thread.. The video.. How have you been able to report the admin btw. I guess it wasn't even an admin xD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Zirox


      ^ I am the same as philip, the most I ever do I kick for no lights on, of course after I have asked them to turn them on.

    3. Jamie69


      Not having a go at Admins here, I just think that if some admins do that it should be made a kick only "offence" then.

    4. AbbieGator


      This was locked since I've left an official response on the thread in the archive.

  13. So since the G27 rises up in price.. Anyone interested in buying mine? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  14. Tbh, the old website was a bit cooler in terms of the design.. Now it's just so... One painted.

  15. I love Brits! Most of the time. Haha. 1080p soon™

    1. McFreshi


      Could be nsfw. maybe xd

    2. Synplex


      BlolololBlolololBlolololBlolololBlolololLeeleeLeeleeLeelee <-That caught me off guard xD

    3. HeyI'mAmethyst


      God save the queen :)

  16. Woooh I just overwatched the first person on CS:GO ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. Synplex


      I swear I wasn't using walls, my mouse messed up and I accidentally shot that guy through 5 doors and 2 concrete walls :( lol what was your verdict on this user then? :P

    2. McFreshi


      Lol xd

      Obvious Griefing (Smurf xD) + Wallhacks :D he trolled the silvers so good.. It was funny xD

    3. Bandero


      ^ I think that weren't you. That was your younger brother :D

  17. I wonder what happens, if I question a ban with no proof given at any time... Will it be dictatorship-wise or more social like we have it today... I wonder I wonder.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jx_23


      then some bans ..... No proof just got banned...

    3. fyzz08


      you can try, it can also be your surprise to know that we still have the proof =D

  18. Streamers are lame on here! Watch this guy xD http://www.twitch.tv/esl_greatfrag

  19. Kinda like that c:

  20. I like how there's more and more people of the ETS2MP community starting to play CS. Would like to see some community events if somebody has the nerves to organize that xD

  21. I just opened my schoolbag and found a bottle with something to drink left in it. It was like non sparkling juice back then before Christmas. I opened it above the sink and I nearly started to puke. It was now some sparkling living culture of stinky whatever the f*ck was that…

    1. ClassySwede


      If you kept if for a few more months you might have created a new creature.

    2. MrHarv98
    3. Sennis


      I think you created Pepsi in that bottle.

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