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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Al3ksik

  1. Suggestion Name: Custom Pannel for Event Organizers On Event Servers Suggestion Description: Allows the Event Organizer to control there Convoy from a pannel not needing the supoort from an Event Team or the Game Moderation Team Any example images: None Why it should be added: I feel like this should be added due to the fact that this would allow for the Event Organizer to be able to do his own decisions on the Event Server that he requested for therefore giving the freedom to the person which is hosting the event. My concept of this would be for the Event Organizer to have a pannel like the Game Moderation Team which allows him to do things like Kick the Player and Ban them from that one Event Server. Allow the Event Organizer to use the F9 Console to teleport from one place to another and you could also consider them letting them change the weather. And also things like allowing the Event Organizer to use any of the other vehicles you can use as a TruckersMP staff member on that one Event Server only. I feel like this would allow Event Organizers to make the events more creative and also really fun. Also another bonus that could be added is when requesting the event server you could add the list of players which will be able to recieve that premission to use the Custom Pannel
  2. If I'm going to explore on promods I prefer by myself because I mostly drive around Poland,Germany,Lithuania and the United Kingdom and not many of my friends enjoy driving inside of Promods in those areas. Therefore I'd just rather drive alone
  3. My most used road/route is between Suwalki and Szczecin on the Promods server, For Simulation 1 and Simulation 2 it's Calais - Duisburg road.
  4. The issue is the general layout of the city, We saw this with Duisburg when there was an issue with traffic everywhere so I don't think that will do anything, I mean it could but at least I don't see how this would improve it.
  5. I like the idea, However like @[S.PLH]Warrior said this will just encourage users to head onto Simulation 2 since it will be busier however I like where your idea was heading.
  6. So you want cheaters to start ruining the game even more? Keep in mind there ban evading let alone still and it's an issue yet you want to implement this? Just think about it twice
  7. @djoh I don't see why the suggestion is an issue, Not everyone want's to be tracked while online and just because they don't want to doesn't mean that they should come of TMP and go onto SCS MP people should have that decision weather they want it turned on or not but that's my opnion on this
  8. Happy Birthday best of wishes

  9. @Granite The image is just a rough sketch but it doesn't have to go that way my main point is an expansion would be a good thing
  10. Suggestion Name: Expanding C-D road which would make it C-S road Suggestion Description: Expansion to the existing C-D road and with my idea it would be turned into the C-S road Any examples and images: Why it should be added: I feel like the popular road we know should be longer in distance for a few reasons first of all because it's quite short and I think with this it would be longer and therefore more fun to drive but also the current C-D road is more congested and I feel like this expansion would spread the traffic out more recently on the road there is almost 600 drivers at one time and that makes it super congesting I've actually done some calculations with my idea and I conclude that there will be a 35% reduction in traffic with this road because of the extra distance which means then there won't be as much congestion on the current built areas of the C-D road The image is just an example of how the road could go but it could go different ways as well but it should head to the DLC areas like Road to the Baltic sea or Road to the Black Sea because the DLC areas are mostly empty currently and a bit of traffic flow in those areas would be a benfit overall
  11. @Foobrother I would suggest to be an autokick system if you go 5kmh above the speed limit therefore no one will have to overtake unless a player is going really slow, Another thing I would suggest is to make duties for GM's where they would be put in random places of the C-D road to catch any rulebreakers and overall like you said increase ban punishments Another idea I had was for moderators to block enterances onto C-D road when it gets more busy and wait for the traffic to get further away then release the next lot so there is no stand still's
  12. I like this idea personally, I used to livestream on TruckersMP till I started getting trolled and then I eventually stopped I would like this to be in place so I could start going Live again
  13. Does it say error by any chance?
  14. @[S.PLH]Warrior Mhm that's quite true as well you have to also consider how long it takes for Promods to be updated currently it hasn't been released yet since 1.48 has released quite a while now so you also have to consider how long it would take to update Road to Asia when a new version releases
  15. I would love this to be an option, As an owner of a Virtual Trucking Company it would be better for hosting private convoys and would help reduce the amount of trolls on convoys.
  16. I agree with this idea, This would help in busy areas like C-D and reduces incidents slightly but also it helps during convoy's because you know that people will break
  17. I think this would be a good idea to possibly consider, As long as you can see the message the inside game ID of the player and the username I would consider this as a valid thing not everyone has powerfull computers to run Medal TV and Trucky and i used to be in the situation a couple of months ago I think this would make it more useful for players on Low End devices but that's my opnion
  18. Yeah, In terms of partnership I wouldn't predict an issue but it's more about funding the extra servers because there would be one normal one and the arcade one and maintaing these servers cost quite a lot of money.
  19. Personally, I use the C-D road a lot of times and this is a really good idea typically I make saves past the crossings so if there is traffic I will just teleport helps me avoid the hustle of waiting in traffic especially when I don't have a lot of time playing on the computer
  20. You could Local Mod your VTC onto the trailers but no one else will see it apart from the people who have your Mod as well, I've seen many videos of people doing it and popular VTC's like Viva Trucking actually have this in place.
  21. I like the idea, I think though just to keep it extra safe away from trollls it should be only put in place for Patrons for a few days to see how it goes and put rules in place regarding abusing this feature
  22. So your basically saying it should be like something for example with Promods where Road to Asia would have there own server to play on? Don't get me wrong this idea is great it introduces more freedom but to run more servers it costs money and therefore the TruckersMP team will need more funding for this, And on top of that they would probably need to partner with the people or person who makes Road To Asia for it to be maintained well overall though I like your idea
  23. Hello Thank you for your great advice this has helped me a lot I wish you a good day
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