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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Al3ksik

  1. I think we have a winner....... @Al3ksik
  2. Finally some good news now im going to update the game
  3. [And the person which has one the last post is.....]
  4. Can't wait to see the full version of 1.50 to release on ATS.
  5. Airbus Windows or Linux
  6. I'm amazed at how much this Game Tracker has grew and with my previous VTC's using this system I see even better potential for it in the future. Although some features could be free but I understand that the money supports the developer
  7. Looks very nice I might consider installing it later on the month. Hope to see more creations from you.
  8. Take Care and good luck for the future.


  9. The photoshop process made me think it was a Re-Shade but either way it does look outstanding
  10. @KacaKTV If that’s the case then that’s a great suggestion
  11. @ALLIANCE _Thyagoof yes this time Al3kaik for the win
  12. Congratulations

  13. What about the graphics inside the game? Is it some type of reshade or is it just the In-Game settings?
  14. It's a good idea but. The keybind 'TAB' is already assigned to the Player List inside the game to open.
  15. Amazing talent with the media. How do you make your game look so good?
  16. Al3ksik for the win!. I win
  17. It's not the car that's the issue, the real issue is some people which use the car on purpose just to ruin the experience for others
  18. If you've ever been on the C-D road @Pat_Trucker you can see how much people crash into another person for no reason and for people wanting to just drive in the game normally do you think that's fair? Maybe consider the actual reasons behind why people have 'Rec' in there tag or why people report others. If someone was to constantly ram you or crash into you then you wouldn't like it would you!
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