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Veteran Driver VII
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About FoxxDash

  • Birthday 07/16/1998

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    Furry, League of Legends
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  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Duisburg
  • Known languages
    Polish, English 5/10

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  1. Happy Birthday 🎂 

  2. Only these modifications are supported on the TMP. Alternatively, you can unlock via save edit the undiscovered parts of the map
  3. So in order to limit such actions, first you could block access to collision modes, so that children, etc. could not spoil the fun. after 4 bans they would lose access to all modes - even arcade
  4. I would agree with that. My suggestion gives an option like this, where a troll or a person not following the rules could not disrupt the fun of others by giving them access where there is no collision ( so called purgatory). Now overall thinking about it, this could work both ways. 1 side- The player can calm down and understand his mistake, through punishment in the form of a ban and "exclusion". 2 side- The player can double down on his trolling, but will still be punished for it, etc. I took the idea from one of the servers for another game, where such a thing worked. Where there was a server for regular players and for people who broke the rules until the ban disappeared. It worked even well.
  5. It's hard to disagree. It will modify the idea . Such an action can be done as if the player got a 0-3 active bans. If it was the 4th ban. The player would also lose access to arcade mode.
  6. go to https://truckersmp.com/profile/settings and select Linked Games/DLC and click Check DLC
  7. In the truckersMP settings in the game You click TAB and select settings. Then you select the "Graphics" tab. - render set to low/medium. If it doesn't help: Check if you have updated GPU drivers, chipset drivers, etc. Reinstall TMP and ETS2. Delete the folders from %appdata% [TruckersMP] and the folder from documents [ETS2MP].
  8. Cuando un admin te banea, reclama todos los reportes que iban hacia ti. Así que no deberías ser baneado. En segundo lugar, el tiempo para denunciar a un jugador en el sitio web es de 7 días como máximo.
  9. It will be hard to improve the physics of the Cars. I checked the weight of the cars on the new dlc in ets2 and they weigh 9 tons.
  10. Suggestion Name: New System Bans Suggestion Description: I have suggestions for changing the ban system. I don't know if there was already such a proposal. Well, my idea would be, when a player gets a ban for incorrect driving, he could join only on Arcade mode (without collisions). There he would not cause danger on the road and would not interfere with the gameplay of other players. He could then play with friends on such a mode. This option does not include cheaters. Edit: Such an action can be done as if the player got a 0-3 active bans. If it was the 4th ban. The player would also lose access to arcade mode. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: The base of currently playing players will not "decline" and arcade mode will make some sense.
  11. A better decision would be to make a separate server where you have to pay for access, for example, $6 per month. Patron Master Trucker (or its better equivalent - if they add it) has free access.
  12. I follow the signs for driving directions. If the speed limit is 30-80 km/h, I may no exceed it.
  13. Sam mam tyle pingu majac Internet 1gb/s DL/UP . Taki wysoki ping oznacza, ze serwery muszą być postawione w anglii lub przez duza ilosc graczy jest takowy ping
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