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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Al3ksik

  1. The best company is A&D Logistic because we provide good support to the Drivers and we are a very professional team which is active on a daily
  2. Amazing combo made the trailer colour + truck paintjob match with the JCB Cargo your carrying.
  3. My favourite route to do is from Poland to United Kingdom on Promods due to the various countries that you get to pass through. When it comes to the base game though then I really like to go on the Austrian Mountains because of how detailed everything is there.
  4. The amount of time you get the cooldown for should depend on what you got the kick for. For example if your kicked for not having lights on then there shouldn't be a cooldown at all for that, however if it is something like getting kicked for Reckless Driving then there should be 10-20 minute cooldown.
  5. Great suggestion, in my opinion I feel like this skin looks much better than the current one.
  6. Congratulations! 

  7. Congrats! 🥳

    1. Ryαn


      Thanks ❤️ 

  8. This is actually a great idea. I would love to see this inside the TruckersMP server's!
  9. The best Event Team ever has joined back. How amazing!

  10. The buildings look very nice and detailed, I can't wait to see more from SCS software.
  11. I think we have a winner....... @Al3ksik
  12. Finally some good news now im going to update the game
  13. [And the person which has one the last post is.....]
  14. Can't wait to see the full version of 1.50 to release on ATS.
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