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Vellaco [ESP]

Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Vellaco [ESP]

  1. Vellaco [ESP]


    Tienes razón con lo de que hay que adaptar los gráficos a una calidad menor que en el Single, pero eso no quita que con la 1.32, con todas las nuevas Customizaciones de Trailers, ruedas, etc, ahora hay muchos más FPS Drops que antes. En la 1.31 para cada camión que encontrabas digamos que su trailer era uno "establecido" dentro del juego. Ahora puede ser que cada jugador que te encuentres tenga uno propio, con sus luces, pinturas, accesorios como faldones, cajas varías; e incluso cada rueda tuneada... Todo esto te hace exigir más a la CPU sobretodo con esta update que antes en la 1.31. Así que creo que @TheBlack747 tiene razón que se podría mejorar la optimización, cosa que supongo harán los Devs con el tiempo. Así que de mientras solo nos queda bajar graficos a todos, sobretodo si tienes una PC de media/baja gama para este juego.
  2. Look this treat. (I link you my initial map which was corrected by @adisadicu on nexts posts.)
  3. @adisadicu Thanks for test the "Calais side", because i was affraid to be baned if I go trough there... In my map I stoped on the Warning message, as you can read on the "proof" pictures. I didn't expect the gap on Metz from the south, but i should clarify your Circle is Done wiht the 1.31 map, so the area between Hanover, Bremen and Hamburg has changed do recently 1.32 updated Germany's north . So the Border on this area is, more or lees like this: https://i.imgur.com/jFWnvxM.jpg
  4. I think with 1.32 update brougth to us a lot of new accesories to add on Trailers which may cause a lot of "new" usage for CPU. One friend told me yesterdey their CPU increased from 30 degrees without playing to 56 degrees when we where entering on C-D route. I don't remember the exact CPU model, but is a recent i7, and he plays on Ultra setings, except the Scaling. Maybe with some time Devs could try to optimize a lot better all the addons of Ownable trailers, if posible. If not, all we have to reduce the graphigs seting when we go to heavys populated areas.
  5. I tried to draw a map without any Photoshop or Editing Skills . The white Line is, In my opinion, the actual border of the Restricted Area. It will be a pleasure if someone improves this map with their knowledge . Other zoomed Pictures: (I have to say i don't test the Calais zoom. I've only tried and succed to cross the Eurotunel and then i drove to the South with the RED route until Reims Without been kicked.)
  6. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/74732-guide-to-where-not-to-use-double-trailers/ Look at this Treat. But i have to admit the original Liege-Hamburg Side is COMPLETELY Wrong
  7. Vale ya encontré la solución, necesito que alguien del Staff me lo borre. Pues, por favor, alguien con el rango y la capacidad de hacerlo podría borrar los Attachments de mi perfil y o Cuenta? Gracias.
  8. Se que puede parecer una pregunta estúpida, pero acabo de darme cuenta que he llenado esta opción de ""Attachments" del perfil cuando podía mostrar imágenes en mis post con otros métodos como Imgur. Gracias, y perdón por si ya esta resuelto esta duda en algún post del foro oficial, pero no me ha parecido encontrar nada...
  9. @DJ Jefferz and @[GlobEx] Numb3r2 I really appreciate your effort by share this map, but i had been test it this Saturday and you need to ADD METZ, MANNHEIM and FRANKFURT to the Restricted Area. Some proof :https://imgur.com/ScQROoa https://imgur.com/GaRBh6P https://imgur.com/CtW6fML Hope this map, when finished, will be posted as "Developer Announcements" because this is really important.
  10. I was driving along the theoric BORDER of the Restricted Area with a Renault and light blue Double... There is a Kick feature to prevent getting in this Area. (Spoiler) So the "real" Restricted Area Includes METZ, MANNHEIM, FRANKFURT and all cities between it and Hamburg. But on the East side of Germany you can use Doubles Without beeing kicked. Although the rule §5.2 Has not been updated...
  11. Suggestion Name: Enable Cars on EU#1 as PILOT or Escort for CONVOYS . Suggestion Description: Enable Cars on EU#1 as PILOT or Escort for CONVOYS, always following the rule §2.9 - Inappropriate Convoy Management / Car Abuse. Any example images: None Why should it be added?: With the server limited speed , Some VTC would like to make realistic convoys at simulation speeds. To do it at this moment we have to play on Eu2 (or Eu5 if keep it open..) to get acces on the Skoda for true convoy managment or PILOT puropse, and we all know the dangers and probabilities to found a rammer or a Troller, which are, on the other hand a lot less on Eu1 Simulation server . And if you may think cars will be used for trolling purpose, with 1.32 update, devs have improved the car phisics, doing it as same level, or even less destroyer than a Truck ramming you at .
  12. thanks @mwl4, but how much time will pass before you turn off the 150km/h speed limitiation on EU4 server? It has no downsides on a non-collision server go at 200 with this updated car...
  13. How much time will pass before you turn off the 150km/h speed limitiation on EU4 server? It has no downsides on a non-collision server go at 200 with a car..
  14. Could some game developer try to solve this bug or inform on the post if its posible to resolve it?? now ATS its on the stable version 1.30... Thanks...

  15. So now with the Ats updated at 1.30, can you try to solve this bug?? It doesn't look difficult to add 2 new trailers
  16. Guys/girls, don't say this poll is useless because most votes will be "without cooldown." Maybe the devs could take into account the percentage... Keep in mind that.
  17. In my opinion, with this update is enough to keep the /Fix command
  18. These road events will appear progressively on the route, or i could drive on Calais-Duisburg at 18:00 UTC and see the events, although its the end of the route?
  19. as alwasy admins never are only when we need them


    1. Rev.


      Get Rammed, Cry, Complain there's no admins.


      I mean what..

  20. Blocking the bridge.. they say: "evry 2 min will leave 1 pass...

     Gj tollers

  21. Admins pls Come to the road next to Koln Eu2 idots blocking the road

  22. So, for example, If I use this mod (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113405579&searchtext=) in Singleplayer and i picked anyone of these doubles and driving it on multyplayer, even ONLY on Scandinavian, Admins can ban me?
  23. But if 65% of the players (aprox) DONT read the forums... How they will now these changes if they "instalogin" to EU2? ... And as @Killua // Ireland ^_^ said, why use Eu3 for the Trial, create a Eu5 or use Eu4, which is completely empty. Now We cant do serious convoys with good usage of pilots cars because EU3 has gone... And Eu2 will be full, with 300 of queue, make it imposible doing convoys.. GJ...
  24. A mi me parece totalmente injusto, si tu estas en tu carril y el otro espera hasta el último momento para cambiarse, en raya continua... No por poner los intermitentes (direccionales) tiene que tener preferencia. En mi opinion deberian banear a el por raming o por reckless driving. pero como no soy admin solo te diria que madanaras una apelación y sino un email en el feedback, esta el link por ahí
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