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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by .StεvƐ.

  1. @Joao Rodrigues look, I’m not arguing with you anymore as you seem he’ll bent on making everyone see eye to eye with you and your own personal ideas and feeling, even though everyone is created differently and does not have to follow or listen to some random person on the internet. 


    Its sickening to see how much someone can both misunderstand and manipulate something someone says to make it conform in a belittling way. 


    I have my views and opinions, which are that there shouldn’t be the scapegoat of “admin discretion”. If an incident is by accident, fair enough, but any type of failure to react or malicious intent should land punishments. I’m not saying “oh even if it’s a legit accident, let’s ban everyone”, if someone is seen in the wrong in whatever situation there is, punishments should apply to, it’s simple. I wouldn’t want the cops to have the evidence to arrest someone for breaking the law, but they decide to let the person go because the officer doesn’t feel like chasing down the person and filling out the paperwork. 


    Speedis only a contributing factor, not always the route cause. If someone is confident that they are able drive at a higher speed, they should be given the opportunity, they screw it up, well the buck stops with them, the responsibility is on the driver, much like real life, if the driver cannot keep control of their vehicle no matter what speed, whether it be 10mph or 30 or 50, if they can’t control it, the only one to blame is them, it’s what rules are for. 


    Yes, you don’t understand the meaning of mothering in game world, so here’s a simple explanation. We have admins who protect players and ban those who break the rules, right? Then things like load specific limiters, auto ban for doing this that and the other are added (figuratively speaking as I know you’ll argue “no we don’t” I know that, I’m just using it as an EXAMPLE), all these coded server run little things that almost drive the trucks to and from their destinations it’s self, that’s mothering, adding things that make the game easy, that take away the realism and the drivers involvement in what happens and above all else, removes the drivers responsibility over their vehicle. 


    The thing is, if you flip things on it’s head, if people were not driving at a crawl, people would be less likely to be impatient and overtake recklessly and cause a wreck, so those going slow, do cause a hazard, especially if others on the same server are unlimited, they can just blaze on by a limited truck and cause a wreck, it’s why, as I stated before, if you are adding load specific limiters, then there has to be a strict server wide limiter for all drivers, otherwise people won’t run special cargos because time is money and if you can run a load that pays as much but has no limiter, verses a SC, most will take the normal load because it’s less dangerous to drive. It’s like going on EU2 and putting the ingame limiters on and then cruising for an hour or two, you’ll see how many people get impatient and pass you up, a lot of the time in the most shady places possible. It’s easy to look at it from one view point, but if you make a suggestion like this and then ask people what they think, you have to look at your idea from both sides of the road and see if it satisfies both sides.


    you also have to bear in mind that this is just a piece of code at the end of the day, it’s just a video game, it’s not a simulator by definition, it’s more of a casual world to get lost in. It’s why if people want a full on real world experience, we should have one or two servers dedicated to that, and two who are more relaxed because a lot of people play TMP to socialise and drive with other people and get away from the real world. Something I wish people would understand.

  2. 22 hours ago, BrunoPelogia said:

    Dude sorry,but if you cant go up or start from a hill you are doing something wrong,simple as that.I finished a official 100Ton challenge with a renault premium,i got over hills that players with 750Hp volvos and V8 scanias failed to climb.Its all about how players treat the game,almost nobody plays it as a simulator,they just use the auto gearbox,set a crazy speed on the cruise control and "drive".I tested every single truck model avaible,compared them to chose the one that is suitable to me.

    Give me a iveco 310HP and a heavy cargo,and i will go through that road from bern to torino with a smile on the face.

    Just like in real life,planning is everything,know the map,know  where you are going and you will make it.Or you think that real heavy haulage companies risk they equipment climbing stupid crazy hills?

    Good for you dude, some of us do not use auto gearboxes or modded trailers. Not everyone possesses the power to make a stupidly low powered truck with a stupidly heavy load climb hills. I mean come on. 


    Besides if if we are playing the “look what I achieved” game, try hauling 120 tonne modded trailer in SP with a 210hp 6 speed manual modded scania T on one of the craziest hills in any modded map ever. Still made it using a clutch pedal and shifter, or try moving a 70ton mining conveyor belt part that’s like 2-2.5 truck lengths long through the harsh parts of southern France and the TSM map where every turn is a challenge. 


    Besides technically you you are not driving, you are letting the computer, the AI, drive for you which defeats the point of trying to big yourself up. 


    All im saying is to the normal, non super human people of TMP who like to drive with lower powered vehicles, trying to maintain speed with heavy loads on any sort of prolonged gradient (meaning any hill that keeps you climbing for a long period of time) especial those of us with manual gearboxes, one missed gear, one slip of the clutch and you come to a halt, and with that weight pulling back, chances of climbing up without a crawler gear are slim. It’s why momentum is key in heavy hauls. 


    In answer to to your question, yes, it’s dependent upon the contract, the location of pickup AND drop off and whether there are any other routes around, but if you are in places like Canada, Alaska, New Zealand, Australia.. where roads suitable for such heavy and wide loads might be few and far between, sometimes the only way to complete the contract is to risk the equipment. I mean, if a company asked you to move a 100ton load from a port to a facility halfway up a mountainside, and they will pay you over half a million for the load, surely you would take the risk for the reward and the accolade of being known as the company that pulled it off. So it’s all dependant upon the risk/reward and the route availability, I mean, you wouldn’t send a load over a mountain pass if there was a tunnel big enough for the load to fit that carves it’s way through the mountain now, would you? 

  3. 16 hours ago, Away from the keyboard said:

    My biggest hope is that when this DLC is supported by MP, I hope the players don't have any complaints, despite the beginning of the chaos.

    Oh you can gauruntee someone somewhere will complain about it, nothing can be added to TMP without someone taking offence to it, look at the scout car, look at the double trailers.. look at the /fix command. There’s always an argument for and against, it’s just a case of which side gets the most votes really. 


    Hence whyi thinkthe only big loads we will have will be the Heavy Haul DLC. 

    22 hours ago, Asyedan said:

    The DLC must be added without restrictions as soon as devs can sort all the issues. No special server, no special rules, nope nope. Players must learn to drive properly. Devs cannot restrict a game feature due to potential road chaos, as road chaos is player's fault not devs nor DLC fault.


    However, they should remain restricted to the default routes, because a ST cargo in CD road or somewhere similar could cause huge issues regadless of the players driving properly or not.

    The thing is, very few learn, they treat the games like they are race sims and just wreck everything, I agree that slapping a dlc in for just one server is hard, but if it’s one of the less populated servers, you might have a chance at avoiding being wreck by an idiot. But things like oversized loads do require special rules in terms of what they are allowed to do and how others should behave around them, it’s only fair, and yes, people need to learn, but at what cost to others, the only way to work it is to let people learn, but if they screw around d and whatnot, they get much more severe punishments, there has to be some incentive to drive properly and learn otherwise we have just pure chaos. 

  4. @Joao Rodrigues


    First of all, as the old saying is, what’s good for the goose, isn’t always good for the gander, meaning what’s good for one individual, isn’t for others and vice versa, so to you, having “sufficient” power for certain loads might mean having the biggest engines in the base game, whereas to me, I can get away with an engine 3/4 tiers below which in the real world would save an operator a lot of money when purchasing their vehicle, especially if both drivers and trucks are able to pull the same load on the same route, just one has saved more cash than the other equalling more profit. 


    But your suggestion does patronize people because because it’s like saying “I don’t care if you are good or bad at driving, I don’t wanna know, I just want to see results in terms of less reports/incidents with big loads”. Which to me, is like putting a bandaid on a gunshot wound, it might make some progress, but it’s limited. Especially if it’s NOT a server wide limiter but a load specific limit because that’s when you get run over by those who troll and are impatient. 


    Yes EUROPEAN rules, which are different to BRITISH rules, so how can you apply a real world rule book to a game world and expect people from outside of that area to instantly know the real world rule book, besides, as I keep saying, this is video game, in my opinion, all the rules in the book should be based off of ingame scenarios and issues and none taken from the real world because that’s when people get confused and end up wasting admin time. It should always be, you do this, this is your punishment, no “admin discretion”, if you are caught ramming people, for example, no matter your history or the admin, instant 1 month ban, that then is flagged in the system and if a previous incident is on record, the time is extended, 3 strikes on any major rule and you are banned, not just through steam, but IP address so trolls can’t make 1000 accounts and just instantly return. That’s how TMP should be run. 


    I hope you do know what demonise means in the English language btw, and no, I do not feel that the rules are threatening, i cannot see the correlation between what you said and what you quoted. Please try again. 


    But are you an admin? do you call the shots in the virtual world? What you as a singular person feel us insane may not be shared by the larger masses. Plus, it’s not like you HAVE to drive at 55mph else your cargo spontaneously combusts, it’s more of cap, like the EU1 speed limiter of 68mph, just because it’s there, doesn’t mean you have to do it. It’s like the Rev limiter on an engine, do you have to hit it? No, it’s just there to stop you doing major damage, same concept app,it’s here, just because the limit might be 55 doesn’t mean you have to do 55, you can do 30 or 40 or 54.9991, doesn’t matter, what matters is the quality of the driving and that doesn’t depend on speed limits, it’s the reason why we have report systems, admins, moderators and rulesand regulations that govern what is acceptable or not. If someone strays into your lane and hits you, should an admin say “well because you were only limited to 37mph, I’ll let you off with a warning”, no, they should ban you if the evidence that it happened is there, it doesn’t matter how fast you go, if you can’t control your vehicle, you shouldn’t drive at that speed and you take the punishment for your misjudgement. 


    What annoys me, and I’m sure people will agree, is there is too much mothering, too much what if going on, if we tried to wonder about what could happen if this happens or that happens and then implement such strict systems that the game practicallycan drive the truck for you, then what’s the point in the game? What’s the point of rules and regulations then? 


    Yes a speed difference will inevitably result in an incident, but we can say that about any speed above 0, doesn’t change the facts. It’s like saying irl, oh if a truck hits a stopped car at 37mph, everyone in the car will survive verses a truck at 55, odds are, both will have the same outcome, some very dead people, only difference is the magnitude of the damage caused. And to put a more finer point on it, it’s actually more dangerous to drive at a lower speed in game than it is at a higher speed because you will cause traffic to build, which will end up causing a wreck that shuts the road down, either way, whether it’s 37 or 55, the overall outcome is the same, at some point, impatience will occur and boom, you have a wreck, as I said, unless we all drive at 0.5mph everywhere, at some point, an accident will occur, at some point something related to speed will happen, it’s just a matter of time. 


    So so in my opinion, it does not matter what limit you set, if you are looking at it from safety and accident numbers, there will be little difference over time, chaos is always caused by the inexperienced, the incapable or the incapacitated, unless the server controls all trucks and can sense accidents and perform evasive manoeuvres, nothing changes.  

  5. 18 hours ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

    Let's remove all TruckersMP in-game rules. That would please thousands of people.


    In MP, in EU#2 server? Keep dreaming. And some of those overtaking will be hauling trailers as huge as yours, only they will be doing 140 Km/h, just in case there's an uphill ahead...

    Why do you think I said, within reason. Yes removing rules would please people, but I’m talking in terms of this SPECIFIC idea, not widespread. 


    @Joao Rodrigues


    thats thing, it’s PERSONAL PREFERENCE, people have the right to drive and run whatever setup they want, regardless of “limitations”, just because you as a person feel you have to use the biggest engine and highest hip to haul big loads, doesn’t mean everyone else sees eye to eye, just because you feel it’s your right to tell people they shouldn’t run lower powered vehicles, doesn’t mean they have to be made to pay by slapping a stupidly slow limit that’s easy for the big kids in their 700hp rigs to climb with, but practically impossible for anything less. 


    Some people want want to make TMP a carbon copy of the real world, that’s the issue, by slapping a “real world” limiter to a game, you’re essentially trying to force real world rules into a video game made up of code and pixels. Besides, back when I first joined TMP, the game felt more fun where it wasn’t so strict, you could actually make an honest mistake and not be banned for months on end. To me, TMP is falling into the trap of trying to please too many people, trying to control chaos instead of preventing it.

    My biggest concern with a 37mph limiter is trolls and road ragers or impatient drivers, the whole reason I turned off in game limiters and just stuck to the server limiters was to avoid being passed and rammed off the road by those who get impatient behind a slow moving vehicle. 


    What i I don’t get is why you are arguing over a 18mph difference, it’s not liking I’m saying “oh let’s have no limiter and let guys run wild at 90+ and wreck everything in sight, I’m literally saying, give the special loads the same limit as the WoT loads, 55mph, that’s fair for ALL across the board. You get your limiter, people get to use different truck setups instead of the same generic ones everyone uses, wrecks are less likely than unlimited... it’s a win win, how can you argue against someone who’s just asking for 18 extra miles per hour.

  6. @Joao Rodrigues 


    Since when should “Improper” vehicle choice to do with driving fast, if you think international speed limits is “fast” you must be kerb crawling everywhere because it’s not fast. Plus, some people, like myself, feel driving big Scandinavian trucks with near 800hp is not fun nor a challenge, no matter the trailer weight, some people, like myself, find lower up more fun because it’s more challenging and realistic, not all heavy haul and specialist companies can afford 800hp trucks irl. 


    Hence why morespeed is needed needed for the slower truck because less hip equals less pulling power at lower speeds. 


    The thing is, it’s subject to personal preference, TMP should NOT be made into a carbon copy of singleplayer and reality where you have to drive perfectly every single second, there’s no fun in that, and that’s what multiplayer is about, being able to be around real drivers and be freer than SP in terms of rules.


    Also, as previously stated, if you personally feel that doing the exact average posted speed limit is too fast, then you should impose strict 20 mph limits on every load in the game, regardless of dlc and see how people react. 


    Also, I must digress that at the end of the day, this is a video game, it’s just 1s and 0s, pixels all lined up to form vehicles, this is NOT real life, this is NOT a full simulation of truck driving, if it was, your vehicle would get physical damage, you’d need to eat, sleep, exercise, you’d need to get out the truck and connect air lines and electrics and raise the landing gear, you would have to do a tug test and be required to put on a seatbelt and set your tac.. etc etc, ETS2 and ATS are CASUAL simulators, meaning they are the bridge between arcade and full simulator, that doesn’t make them real life. 


    So going on about safety etc etc is just hot air, at the end of the day, it’s just pixels on a screen generated by a computer.


    See for me, I never use in game speed limiters, they annoy me, if you can’t manage your own speed without a computer doing it for you, you are not a real trucker. So no, I do not know that the speed is restricted to a snails pace. 


    The thing that that you don’t seem to understand sir, is that everyone in the world is different, some people can’t handle driving at speed and wreck, others can, some like to stick to the rules down to the smallest print, others like to follow their own rulebook. (in terms of hauling weight). So saying things like, “did it ever occurs to you that the speed limit has something to do with the fact that oversized, overweighted loads demand special attention”, does not always apply to everyone, to some people, hauling heavy, wide loads is second nature and so it takes almost the same attention, for those people, as it does for normal lightweight loads. 


    Me personally, I’ve pulled overweight, oversized loads since way before I joined ETS2mp, I used jazzycats oversized, overweight trailer mods and other heavy, wide, tall and long load mods, I even used trucks like my profile pictured truck in ETS2 to haul those loads which makes the job even harder, so to me, driving big heavy loads is second nature, and I’m sure there are a lot more people out there in the same boat, hell I remember hauling a 70tonne train loco through northern Norway through the winding, hilly roads with a Pete 389. 


    So what I’m saying is, when it comes to making a rule or forced limit, you can’t just base it straight of the real world and your own personal driving style, you have to account for everyone else who plays the game too and if that means sacrificing what you personally want to please thousands of people, then so be it.

    • True Story 1
  7. 13 hours ago, Joao Rodrigues said:





    "Drivers passing and driving dangerously" is more an issue of careless driving or reckless driving.

    Neither of them are directly caused by a speed limit, but rather by the mental state of the driver.


    As it has been mentioned before by me and also by @FernandoCR [ESP], the routes are given and ensure that one will not be forced to stop on any incline.
    So the question of sufficient momentum therefore does not arise at all.

    Consequently, your small excursion about momentum is laudable but, in the light of the above, unnecessary.


    Furthermore, these routes are not kept as a secret, and road traffic participants must expect to encounter slower moving vehicles. But that again is a universal rule in road traffic.



    I agree that impatience and excessive speeds play a major role in incidents in road traffic.

    Their cause however can certainly not be found in a speed limit of Special Transports. It is rather a question of insufficient time management and overestimation of one's driving skills.



    That may be true, but, without the AI, it opens the door to add more routes, more challenge because you cannot try to port over every little line of code SCS added, to MP, it’s like fitting a square peg in a round hole, isn’t going to happen. But even if the routes are the same, doesn’t mean everyone’s trucks are the same, personally, if I ran special cargo in MP, I’d put a smaller engine in my truck, more challenge, so yes, momentum and speed factors in there.


    Furthermore, not every single person who plays TMP plays it like real life, some want to run loads, but have the ability to do what the want, and if that means going faster than 37mph, so be it, all I’m saying is, don’t dump a stupid limiter thatsat an absurdly low speed, just because you can’t handle a faster speed or feel that EVERY player can’t drive faster than 35. That’s like saying “I’m better than you so I should be allowed to drive at 50 but you commoners have to do 35”. Sometimes you have to compromise your ideas to involve all driving styles and skill levels and restricting everyone to a slow speed is like treating everyone like 1 minute rookies. 


    In my my own opinion, it doesn’t matter if you drive 35 or double that, the same factors always apply. It’s really simple, if you think you can drive 70 and wreck, you deserve to be punished, simple as that, but limiting people as a precaution does not help teach people how to drive the loads. I for one would rather learn the limits of the load, the limits of my truck with the load and get a feel for the road, not be mothered into going slow, you do t learn anything about the actual loads by driving slow. 


    I mean, typically you have to start somewhere, you can’t just hand someone a wide, heavy, long load and expect them to drive it like they’ve been driving it for years, you have to learn what you can get away with, what speeds you can achieve safely, how the load reacts to situations etc. 


    Its not not like I’m saying “oh you dumb for suggesting a speed limit, no limits ever”, all I’m saying is that 37 mph is slow, it might be the max you can get the load up to, but others might be able to get up to higher speeds, if the max limit was the average road speed limit, 55mph, that’s fine for all, it’s not super fast, wreck everyone speeds, it’s more natural for those who drive normally, it’s a win win for all.

  8. 14 hours ago, Joao Rodrigues said:


    I apologize in case I have confused you.

    I do not deny that one should always concentrate to the maximum of ones ability.


    But - anyone driving a vehicle may only drive so fast that the vehicle is constantly controlled.

    Which is not given anymore if you drive faster than you are able to control (lack of concentration/ focus).


    As you correctly stated, the higher the speed, the more distance is passed in the same time. Consequently,  the less time is available to react.

    That is why you need to concentrate/ focus more when driving fast.




    One does not do oneself a favor by driving fast if one is not secure or experienced in driving a vehicle. Because it demands more attention due to the above mentioned reason.




    Speed must be adapted to the road, traffic, visibility and weather conditions as well as the personal abilities and characteristics of the vehicle and the load.

    The chosen routes for heavy transports already consider the safe progress of the vehicle throughout its journey. That certainly excludes inclines and steep mountain passes that the transport could not handle.


    My suggestion is to limit the maximum allowed speed only for special transports (DLC) to 60 km/h, and not for everyone.

    The challenge and goal of special transports are certainly not excessive speeds, but the safe and professional transport of it.


    You are missing my point, if you limit special cargos only, you have the problem of dumb drivers passing and driving dangerously. Plus, if you LIMIT A HEAVY LOAD TO A SLOW SPEED, IT WONT MAKE IT. Hills are your enemy with heavy loads, even a slight incline can reduce your speed by 5-10 mph easy, so you NEED more speed which gives you more MOMENTUM to climb the hills, you limit the speed, you’ll block every road with any sort of gradient.


    which by your ideology, that’s more unsafe than having a heavy load smashing around at normal speeds. I’m not saying have no limit, but have a reasonable limit that accounts for truck HP and trailer weights and road gradients. It’s not that difficult really. 


    Just to put put in perspective, 60kmh is 37-38mph, say for arguments sake, for every % gradient, your truck with 700hp and a load weighing 70 tonnes,will lose 5Mph, okay? say you approach a hill with a 5% gradient, your speed is 37mph, by the top you will be doing at most 12mph, excluding gear ratios and gear changes, add those factors in and you’ll be at around 2mph max. 


    Heavy haulage age is all about managing the weight, the size, the speed and the momentum, if you have little to no momentum, you’ll just cone to a stop and start rolling back and once that weight transfers and gains momentum, it’ll throw you off the road in a heartbeat. That’s why having enough speed, which equals enough momentum, and being in the right gear at the right time is important, you take away the speed and momentum and you are screwed, simple as. Every mile per hour counts in heavy haulage, 1 mph might be the difference between stalling out and making it over the hill. Factor in impatient drivers who can do 100+ and it’s a recipe for chaos everywhere you turn. 

  9. @Joao Rodrigues


    well i I have to disagree with you because you should ALWAYS be concentrating to the max of your ability no matter what speed you are doing. You can make the same mistake at 10mph as you would at 100mph, the difference is that at 10mph you have more DISTANCE to react to a situation and correct,whereas at 100mph you haven’t got that luxury. 


    As for just general driving skill, if you can’t drive, it doesn’t really matter what speed you are traveling at, you will make the exact same mistakes regardless of speed, only difference is how you should counter the momentum. 


    But I will say, sticking everyone at a 60kmh top speed is just asking for trouble, especially if your route takes you up any sort of incline, you NEED that wiggle room of a higher speed to be able to get enough momentum to clear the hills, I know for a fact, running full manual gears helps but loaded up with 120,000 pounds plus of weight makes even the smallest incline feel like you’re climbing a mountain and if you’re only doing what, 20-40mph? You’ll definitely burnout and get stuck. If max speed was 55-60mph that’s fair enough, it gives enough room in terms of momentum to climb and is not overly dangerous to drive at fully loaded as long as you pay attention, but 60ks is too slow for heavy hauls. 

  10. -1 from me, simply because there’s so many working parts to the DLC that adding it into TMP would be a nightmare, not to mention the fact that the DLC relies on AI to work and so that would either have to be synced or worked around. 


    If the DLC was just more super large loads, then yeah add it with extreme care and rules, but as it’s more than just a trailer pack, nah. 


    On 08/01/2018 at 1:57 PM, Joao Rodrigues said:


    I do not recommend the implementation of this addon without a speed limit of max. 60 km/h.

    Driving Special Transports without a speed limit would not only be unrealistic but also unsafe for all traffic road participants.

    To be fair, it doesn’t really matter if you impose a max limit or not, if someone can’t drive, they can’t drive, doesn’t matter if they do 30MPH or 130mph. Besides, it’s almost impossible to inject a limiter for specific trailers that are not setup externally from the actual game world. If they ran like the WoT trailers where the limiter is enforced from the webpage essentially, trying to take that and slap it onto specific trailers with specific requirements... no.


    Its why IF something like this was added, it would have to be on a 100% non contact server with a server wide limiter at realistic speeds and with synced AI working, which is not only ALOT of work, but if a whole new server is required, that’s a whole lot of costs to deal with too. 

    • True Story 1
  11. 12 hours ago, HumaneWolf said:

    As a related note:


    The /fix command has been updated. It now has a 10 minute cooldown (both from last time you used it and from when you logged in). It also requires you to have a trailer, but will no longer fix the trailer. We are continuing to read your feedback and to observe.

    To me, the TMP team should not have to pander to every little thing that is brought up about something, you can never please everyone, there will always be those for and against and in between. What’s more important is to add and remove things that are seen to bean exploitation of something added in, so, by example, people use the /fix command to troll and get away with doing damage to others, then a change is required.


    To me, allowing the command to fix both truck and trailer is what makes it useful, most of us who get trolled andrammed, are not really concerned withtruck damage, we are more concerned about loaddamage and the affect it has on the payout at the end, I meanpersonally, I’ll drive a truck that’s 80% damaged, and have done in the past, if the load is okay to deliver. 


    As as I said before if things like repair probability, where you can type /fix and there is a certain percentage for each level of repair that could occur, that way it makes it less of an instant fix and go system, but honestly, those who say “it is a tool for trolls” don’t realise the fact that anything added to the game is a potential tool for trolls, I mean, the no damage mod, ghost mode, no collision zones, scout cars... they are Alexa,piles of things that trolls use as “tools” of their trade, yet there's been less upset over those things over the last few years than there has been over /fix, it doesn’t make any logical sense.




    Totally agree, anyone who says that having a command that allows you to repair on the go is “unrealistic” doesn’t play the game because out of the box the game isn’t a full simulation, on the contrary it’s more known as a “casual simulator” meaning it’s more in between a sim and an arcade game than it is in either category, so saying that things like /fix is against the “sim” is far fetched, if that were the case, having no visual or extreme mechanical damage is somehow realistic in that case, not having to get out and hook up, perform a tug test and connect every hose properly, is realistic according to these people. 


    Sometimes people need need to stop and think about the pros and cons instead of just the cons, from my point of view, having something to repair a trailer after being rammed by some troll or bad driver is a whole lot better than having people load from an autosave in the middle of the road and cause an accident that just creates a ripple effect, if trolls use it, so what? We have a report system for a reason, as long as the server logs the time and date and ID of each use of the /fix command, it’ll be easy for admins to use that information plus information provided from a report to then ban and remove those causing problems. 


    Anyone whos says eu1 has no trolls either now or in the past never goes further than a 100 mike radius from their home garage because trolls are out there, there may be less on eu 1 because the server numbers are much lower than EU2,but they are there. As for the past, I can remember the days where eu1 was completely packed out to the max and trolls were a constant threat then, there wasn’t a day that went by where Europoort wasn’t blocked up due to a troll or a bad driver causing a wreck and no one wanted to pay the bill to F7 out of the way so traffic would usually tail back through EP and back through the UK in one direction and back through Rotterdam the other side. 


    Ultimately having commands like like this are a lot fairer than it used to be where if you were rammed well good luck, you have to remove the load and repair and find a new load going where you want to go, it’s just a shame that people can’t see the good with the bad and think of work around instead of crying bloody murder when something is added that they don’t like. Like others have said, it’s funny how there was less uproar over the no damage mod which was more harmful than /fix than there is now over this command, it’s ridiculous, at least methwnkful that the devs are trying to balance out those who want to play properly with those that don’t by giving something to the good people to combat the trolls.  

  12. @WooQash

    In my opinion (and this is someone who’s played ETS2MP since it’s early days) having something to fix your vehicle on the fly is useful, yes, it can be seen as a tool for trolls, but so can any other mod, command, optional system etc etc. 


    Ive lost count how many trips I’ve had ruined by someone lagging or being a total troll, then having to deal with traffic in cities and being able to find another load. 


    So why not think of it this way, instead of the whole “omg /fix is the worst thing since things were invented, TMP devs remove NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (Because let’s face it one to a coup,e hundred people verses 1.9 million others, is no contest), why not compromise either by making the command optional or make it so that if you are seen trolling or breaking the rules and using the /fix command, not only will you get banned, but you’ll have your privilege of using the /fix command either temporarily or permanently removed at admins discretion. That’s the best compromise instead of all this “remove remove remove” crap. 


    Besides, it’s not unrealistic to fix your own vehicle, I mean, if you have a flat tire, you’d replace it with a spare, if a light stops working, you’ll change the bulb, if the engine stops, you’ll try and find what’s wrong, especially with a truck where you are either paid by the hour or paid by the load, so if the load doesn’t get there or you aren’t driving, you AI t getting paid. 


    As with all new added commands and features, there’s a lot of refinement and workarounds needed, if /fix is kept it could be expanded on so that there’s only a chance to fully repair your vehicle or to make minor repairs or no progress, that way it’s more of a gamble to use /fix and less likely to insta repair because, that part I agree is a little unrealistic, but asi said before, it’s easily fixed without the need of removal  

    • True Story 1
  13. Personally, the easiest thing to do is either switch channels, turn the cab off or lower volume. Yes people who abuse the cab are annoying, but it’s like witheverything, if there’s a way it can be abused, it will be abused. 


    Personally, I have my cab turned off as soon as I start my truck because it’s too annoying and we don’t have it where I’m from anyway, but if I did use it to talk to friends, I’d pick a random channel that people rarely use, you get peace and quiet and can communicate easily. 


    The issue with auto kicking is distinguishing what’s by accident/general conversation and what’s spam, I can see people being wrongly kicked for doing something by accident. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. I disagree with this idea, firstly, if someone in purposely spamming the horn or ho,Dong it down for longer than c seconds, simply report them,no need for auto kicks because auto systems can easily kick the wrong person for no reasons. 


    Also, to flip this whole thing upside down, if anyone had ever been sat in gridlock traffic, people irl will lean on their horn, yet it’s not illegal to do so, so technically, as long as it’s for genuine reasons, such as traffic jams or idiot drivers, it should be fine for certain periods of time.

  15. 20 hours ago, ShadowWolf2k7 said:


    if you failed to turn your headlights on while driving down the highway, you wouldn't be hauled off to jail on the first offense. it would only be after multiple offenses that you would. so insta banning someone for forgetting to turn their headlights on their first, or even their second offense is a very bad idea specially if the person is brand new to MP. some people can get nervous when trying something new and might forget to turn their headlights on. if that person got banned for forgetting to turn their headlights on, on their very first day playing they wouldn't return. now if the person continues to do it then yes, ban them. 


    high beams, and the aux. lights are useful when in areas that it is to dark to see. I do agree that they are very bright and annoying when people are following you or coming at you with them on. I have the aux. lights on my truck buts don't have them always set to come on with my high beams. I only turn those on when I know I am going to be going down 2 lane roads, 1 lane in each direction. since I rarely see anyone one online it isn't as big of an issue, but for the EU servers it might be.


    now to my opinion on this topic.

    the warning indicator for forgetting to turn your lights on might be helpful for new people to MP. but should be optional, not a requirement. if this is or isn't added to the game wont change when I turn on my headlights.

    The thing is, it’s common sense no matter your skill level to turn on your lights when it gets dark, what I’m saying is, if you need to be warned by either a message or sound to turn your lights on every time it gets dark, then chances are if that stimulus was removed, that person would not remember to do so, yet if you teach people through punishments, not necessarily insta band, but through other disciplinary means, like kicks and restrictions.


    yes aux nights are great when it’s dark, but there is a thing called common decency in which when you see another vehicle, you dip your lights till you are passed the vehicle. I mean, in the EU servers, people just drive with full lights on, even when there are streetlights, so it’s a fair bit obnoxious to be fair. 



    The thing is, not everyone is a fan of audible sounds for warning, not everyone has £2000 monitors that run at 4K, it’s all about what will work for everyone, whether they play on a 360p monitor or a 4K monitor, but from personal experience, I have a 1440p monitor and have 0 trouble seeing the red text, but honestly, if that’s just the issue, then all it needs is the text colour and font size changed to make it more readable, not some distracting sound whenever a message pops up that’s a notice. As for ping, honestly, it doesn’t matter if the tab menu is open or not, sometimes it doesn’t even register on the menu, but a big thing to watch for is other trucks popcorn popping around when you pass them, that’s a good indication that your connection might be dropping. 

  16. Personalły, it’s bad at the moment with how bunched up and cluttered the gps gets with dots, so with car and truck icons, it’s just going to be a nightmare to tell what is what. An alternative keeping to the idea of displaying what someone is drive, it would be cool if in the tab menu it told you in a extra column what people are driving, similar to your idea except less cluttered. 


    Also, about a year ago at least, I personally made a suggestion to change the map icons with different, selectable icons of your choosing, allowing you to see what’s around you, so this is pretty much the same as my post, except just 1 specific set of icons, not my players choice.  

  17. Honestly, to me, an audible sound is either distracting or lost in ambient sound, so unless it was an option and not a standard thing, I’d be happy because I’d shut it off immediately.


    its more about common sense, if we add so many things to wan people, then people get lazy and do t act and think for themselves, so personally, if you don’t turn your lights on by the time the sun sets, then you are insta banned, people need to learn, not be hand held about what they should do, it’s like following too close, if the person in front hits the breaks and you are not able because you are too close, it’s your fault, you should learn the hard way through punishment to keep a distance, the same applies here, if people can’t be bothered to learn that when it gets to the evening and the sun starts to set, it’s time to put low beam lights on. 


    The same can besakd for those who think it’s find to drive all night with high beams and bull bar lights and roof lights turned on, it’s not only blinding for a lot of people but distracting enough to cause a wreck.


    all this hand holding with warnings and sounds etc just plays to those who are lazy, it’s as simple as that in my opinion.  

    • Like 1
    • True Story 1
  18. -1 simply because there are too many variables to make the reports accurate, especially when pointing the finger. 


    I mean, take your example of two trucks following within 100m of each other, irl 100m is a fairly large gap, in terms of ETS2/ATS, 100m is about 1-1 and a half truck lengths apart, so being able to react to the guy in front slowing, plusthe differences in truck and trailer weight, plus the reason for the brakes being applied, all factor in to what’s happening, so the auto report would have to determine all of that and more to make accurate reports. 


    Also to clarify, in the uk, red light means stop, you can only move if the light is green, regardless of turning left or right or straight through, at least, that’s how my instructor and theory test told me. But in the world of TMP, passing a red light isn’t frowned upon that much as much as other situations, such as cross traffic and collisions, but that falls under different regulations anyway. 


    As for blocking, unless it is clearly specified within the code, anyone who pulls over, either on a hard shoulder or truck stop will potentially be blocking, same as getting fuel. Also, anyone stuck in a traffic jam could be potentially deemed as blocking for more than 20 seconds. 


    In in my opinion, the best solution is to just simply record with a free recording software, report it yourself to the admins via the current report system. At the very least it will cut down on the number of false reports and, especially if the reports are being sent to admins with your system, will reduce admin work load in comparison, meaning more trolls, bad drivers and road ragers get caught than if admins have to deal with thousands of false auto reports. 

    • Upvote 8
  19. On 02/01/2018 at 12:52 PM, chevytime said:
    Suggestion Name: Increase kick time when lights are off.
    Suggestion DescriptionWhile driving in high populated areas, damage in the truck is normal. Sometimes, my truck shuts its engine off, and automatically, at night, I get the kick message. So either I have to pull over REALLy fast so I dont get kicked, or I get kicked. Sometimes its hard to just randomly stop because a crash will be caused.

    Any example images: Nope, sorry. I may make a video if anyone is confused..

    Why should it be added?: Getting kicked because I have a faulty engine is not cool. Pulling over in less than 10 seconds may cause an accident on high populated areas. To avoid, increasing the time by just 5s or 10s would solve the issue!



    Honestly, it does not need changing, if you have a engine start button mapped (which by default is typically E on the keyboard) then if your engine dies like this, you just hit the key and try and restart it.


    personally, if my truck is that damaged, I usually pull over and f7 out of there because it’s too dangerous driving with a damaged truck. 


    The problem is, too many people think it’s great to drive at night with either side lights or no lights at all, especially if it’s to cause a wreck. It’s not only dangerous but is illegal irl. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen and been hit by someone driving with no lights and 10 seconds in my opinion is being generous for someone driving with no lights regardless of the reason why. 


    The only thing that that can be done is to factor into the kick program the engine damage thing, but that’s difficult to get to work. It’s a case of getting into the habit of not driving a truck with more than a certain percent of damage or mapping and pressing the start button as soon as it dies. I mean, for me, I have the electrics off automatic start so I have to press my start button twice, but if you use it enough, you get used to doing so. 

  20. @ShadowWolf2k7

    The thing is, if developers tried to please everyone from every perspective, then nothing would ever get done, sometimes you have to take the cons with the pros, the bottom line is, coding and developing games is not linear, things do t have to be one thing or another, so in theory you can easily modify rulesets for specific roads onspecific servers if required, sometimes its easier to just lump on one size fits all rules for all servers, but for issues LIKE this, then it would have to be server by server, game by game, besides, making it where spawning on a road is a bannable offence would be a last option if something isn’t figured out that works. 


    What it it all comes down to is supply and demand really, if a server has x amount of people average, then it should have y rules and regulations,below that (like all US servers) different rules apply. 


    The issue of making it like tou say say is that it’s great when you’re on a dead server, like the us ones, or a quiet area of the map, but in busy areas, you’ll always have someone within that bubble which, by all means, freak people out and be dangerous if something were to lag out.


    its why I still think personally my idea is best, if someone loads an autosave, they are automatically kicked into a kind of waiting area between being on and offline for x time, and they can only connect once they have moved their whole vehicle out of an active roadway. It’s essentially like quitting, going to singleplayer, moving, then rejoining, only you don’t ever leave the multiplayer client. It eliminates all the current issues, then you can enable a kind of ghost mode so that people merging back onto the road don’t impede traffic if they do t know how to use mirrors. It just takes away the annoying parts of what goes on currently. 


    Banning for road spawning should always always be a last effort type thing, I can’t stress that enough. 

  21. @Glada_Laxen

    it can happen no matter what, but it can also be magnified by the use of ghost mode. Also, it doesn’t matter what speed you enter a corner/Hill, if you can’t see that someone is blocking the road, then an wreck is imminent, unless you drive at 10 mph everywhere you go. I agree this is not a racing game, hence why I do realistic speeds, especially in busy areas, yes my maximums are 60 mph on back road (4mph over legal limit) and 70 mph on motorways/autobahns.


    as I said before, you shouldn’t expect ghost mode to protect you every time you spawn in, because things like you recorded can happen, that’s why it’s more of a fail safe in case of emergency, not some use at own preference thing. Ideally people should NOT spawn on the roadway, it’s dangerous and reckless. 


    Look, this is a simulator, do you think it’s realistic to drive around with a app open with trackers of every vehicle displayed? no, hence why I only use tab to report a troll, not as a constant readout because it’s distracting and blocks my mirrors , same with satnav dots, they’re fine on quiet roads with light traffic, but a nightmare on busy roads, so most the time I have them off, now, I’m not the only person in this community who has those things off, so just because we have those off shouldn’t make a difference, especially when most of the time a connecting player doesn’t have a dot on the map anyway.


    what the issue is, you don’t look at my opinions the right way, what I’m saying is, scrap ghost mode alltogether, replace it with something that stops road spawning, not just tries to make it better, but in fact, makes it worse. The whole blocking thing? If you read my post correctly, you would see that I gave a scenario that is all to familiar and possible and you got the wrong end of the proverbial stick. In simple terms, ghost mode is a trolls tool, they can target specific groups of traffic by simply using ghost mode, especially DISTANCE based ghost mode as a tool to allow other traffic past and then to come out of ghost at the right time to cause a massive wreck/glitch out. 


    If you play TMP long enough, you get to know the patterns that trolls tend to follow, especially when it comes to blocking/causing pile ups, so ghost mode with distance is an aid to them, whereas time would not.


    now if you think about it, if you combine your idea of distance based ghost mode with the current ti e based ghost mode, then it stops trolls AND adds a line of defence against what happened to you, win win. 



    in my opinion, anyone who spawns on the road should be banned because I’ve had so many trips ruined across both games by someone loading an autosave in the middle of the road. Yes, I used to spawn from an autosave if someone wrecked me, but I learnt quickly that it’s more deadly than just either taking the hit and hitting f7 enter and sorting my stuff from there or what 8 do nowadays which is every few rest areas or fuel stations that are  ormally quite quiet, I’ll save there so in the event of something happening, I have a relatively recent point to return to. 


    As for service areas, to my knowledge, the most used service areas are ncz anyway, so no issues, at least, no issues that TMP can fix without map editing. 


    And if if you read my follow up statement, I suggested the fact that you can easily add a grace period of x time (x meaning any determinable time at coders discretion) which will allow you to:

    1. Move your vehicle off the road completely

    2. Move your vehicle from a place where you cannot get off the road, to an area where you can. (Only place I can think of that’s almost impossible to move off the road safely is the alps, also FYI, hard shoulders count as being off the road because you are not blocking the movement of traffic) 


    the great thing about  coding is you can specify what is and isn’t classed as a certain thing, so, in the case of making spawning on a road a auto bannable offence with a coded program, say someone spawns in, program checks, are they on an active roadway when spawning?

    -No- spawn is allowed to continue without issue 

    -yes- ban is applied.


    at the same time the program can check if the player is spawning in a Collision job site and rule that out as being off an active roadway, same goes for service stations, garage, dealerships as well as fuel stations and rest areas and motorway hard shoulders. This means the on,y people to be banned are those loading in on the actual physical roadway that can impede traffic flow. 


  22. 22 hours ago, Glada_Laxen said:


    If driver1 is swerving into driver2, then driver1 is punished for ramming. If driver1 is stopping and driver2 drives into them from behind, it is driver2's fault for not keeping distance or driving too fast for them to handle. If driver1 is continuously stopping(brake checking) they might be punished for trolling/griefing. What you talked about has nothing to do with my suggested Ghost Mode. As someone who would have just spawned in would be in Ghost Mode, if they were about to end their Ghost Mode they'd have had to be spawned and loaded in for a while which would mean that it would be the other trucker's fault for crashing into them. Unless the trucker who had spawned in intentionally rammed into them. But that is a completely different situation. 


    Listen, with timed Ghost Mode, you can get out of Ghost Mode before you fully spawn in. If Ghost Mode is ended by distance, like I have suggested, you'd have to be fully loaded in, you would've had to driven about 100 yards, or whatever would be appropriate, before Ghost Mode ends. If driver1 is in a Ghost Mode, that ends after a certain amount of yards, and driver2 comes, then driver2 would either have to slow down and follow in driver1's speed. Or driver2 makes a safe overtake. If driver2 fails to do either of those they driver2 is at fault for driving recklessly. 


    It is still not bannable to spawn in, anywhere, like I have said 3 times now. 


    What you are describing is completely irrelevant to Ghost Mode. If someone is stopped on the road, ghostmode or not, and decides not to move, then they are blocking. Which is a completely different rule and situation. And even if someone happens to be stopped on the road and you crash into them, perhaps you shouldn't have driven so fast or too close that you were unable to stop. Drive a safe speed when around players, use TAB or your minimap to see when players are nearby. Keep a distance from players infront of you in case they have to abruptly brake. 



    Your arguments are irrelevant and/or make no sense compared to my suggestion. Just listen, read carefully; 

    With a Ghost Mode that ends after a certain amount of distance, the player would have had to be loaded in for a good amount of time before it ends. It would literally be the exact same thing as starting from the side of the road. If someone were to drive into them at that point, it would be completely their fault for driving too fast for them to brake or not paying attention of what is ahead of them. Obstacles on the road happens all the time, in real life too, and people who drive into them are either going too fast or not paying attention of what is in front of them. If the spawned in player then decides to swerve and ram or block another player, that is a entirely different situation and has nothing to do with Ghost Mode. 


    My suggestion is a solution though and it doesn't result in banning players. 


    Banning users for simply spawning into the game is toxic and very unhealthy for the community. 




    That’s what I was saying, if drive a spawns in and then waits at the last few metres before the ghost mode is disabled, particulRly on blind or off camber turns/hills, then as driver b comes around then turn/hill at road speed, driver a can easily move their truck to block driver b giving driver b only a second or two to react and avoid a collision. 


    Hobestly, timed ghost mode can be fixed by simply increasing the time you have in ghost mode, but neither timed or distance ghost modes will work for the simple reason that people generally load autosaves in busy, high traffic areas because of lag, trolls and other issues, so even if ghost mode is distance based, you’ll, still end up glitching out or blocking traffic. That’s why there should be a rule on spawning on roads, it’s dangerous, it’s stupid and you can land yourself in more trouble than if you just do things differently. 


    Also, it’s obvious that you have not encountered a troll because a lot of trolls will make an accident look like it’s your fault, that you’re speeding or some other excuse, when in actual fact, they are blocking areas that you cannot see until you are within metres of them, regardless if you are doing 40 or 80 mph, if you can see a truck in front of you a few metres away and can stop or avoid within that distance, then you must have some kind of hack or sixth sense. 


    Everything is subject to situation, not just “oh you hit someone, well you were speeding or not paying attention”, if you have realistic brake settings and a heavy trailer behind you, even if you see a truck 2-300 metres ahead of you while you’re traveling at the speed limit, the chances of stopping in time is very very slim. Plus, traffic may not give you the chance to see and avoid a wreck, so instantly saying, oh you are at fault for causing the wreck because you could avoid, that’s a total lie. If someone stops in the middle of a motorway irl and someone atmotorway speed is blocked by other traffic and poles into the stopped vehicle, who’s fault is it then? 


    Also, just because I don’t whole heartedly support your suggestion 1000% doesn’t make my opinions irrelevant.




    its easy, bans are handed out based on photographic and video evidence, like most bans are these days. If someone is seen spawning on a major road, and it’s captured by other players or admins, then it can be acted upon. Fuel stations and rest areas are not ncz for very good reasons, they’ll become a troll hotspot and a scene of many a collision based incident otherwise. The only thing that would be nice is if you spawn there and someone’s parked in the same space, then collisions are automatically disabled till you or they depart. Road spawning is just super dangerous no matter how heavy traffic is and simply slapping a time or distance ghosting period is like slapping a bandaid on a cut artery, it’s not going to solve much, especially as OP stated that in the first place with their video.

  23. 12 hours ago, Glada_Laxen said:


    If Ghost Mode ends with a certain distance what happens in my video can be prevented completely. With Ghost Mode as it is now, when you spawn in, even when you are in Ghost Mode players swerve around you. Players usually do not risk driving through you when you just spawned in, they either stop or drive around you. So using a distance to end Ghost Mode is still the safest option. 


    And no, you cannot be banned for spawning in, it is not in the rules and non-existing rules cannot and should not be enforced. However excessively loading a save can get you punished, but me loading a save once is not punishable. 


    And moving right as the Ghost Mode ends to have someone crash, I find very unlikely. In order for that to happen you’d need to drive just before the specific distance. That means you have driven on the road for a while, fully loaded in etc. if a player is to crash into them at that time it’d be their fault as they drove recklessly fast unable to stop or someone not keeping their distance. It can also be a case of blocking if they are stopped for too long. But nothing that’d be the Ghost Mode’s fault. 


    It doesn’t matter whether you use distance or time, people will still swerve or stop which will cause wrecks, primary cause: someone spawning in the roadway. Time you can easily bum0 up to take into account loading times etc, distance is more dangerous because unless you account for every truck and trailer combo and how safe it is for them to leave ghost mod at that specific time, you may as well scrap ghost mode in that configuration.


    you may not be able to be directly banned for using an auto save, but if it’s considered to be in a high traffic area or indeed causes either damage directly to a fellow driver or as a result of them avoiding you spawning in, then honestly, you should be punished because you are essentially blocking the roadway and essentially causing collisions AND spawning within a high traffic area, which can be deemed as troll status. 


    Believe me, it may seem “unlikely” to you, but if you’ve been a part of TMP/ETS2MP as long as I have, you tend to get a feeling for what can and cannot happen from a situation and if distance is a measurement, a troll can easily save in a spot, spawn in, drive to within a certain distance of the end point of the ghost mode, wait till s unsuspecting driver is about to pass, then they just move their truck so that they block the lane as they leave ghost mode and that causes the victim truck to either take avoiding action and wreck or slam into them. It’s why a agree with those who say spawning on the road should be bannable because it’s too dangerous to other players, save/load from a fuel or rest area.

  24. 16 hours ago, Glada_Laxen said:


    Do you even know the reason for this thread? This thread’s purpose is to implament a safer Ghost Mode so that what happened in my video does not repeat. I don’t understand why you are here arguing, we both want the same thing. I used an Autosave and I am very certain that the majority of players do the same, but since there are some faults to loading a save, as seen in my video, I proposed a solution. What exactly are you contributing by saying I’m stupid and should be banned? 



    Yeah, I know. I’ve tried to explain to him the reason I made this thread. Let me add that it’s not for comedic purposes.



    I loaded a autosave after being crashed off the road. 


    But what you are proposing doesn’t solve the issue at all, all it does is essentially allow anyone to sit in the road fo4 as long as possible and ghost, easy tool for trolls to sit on the last few metres or so and then move so that they block or glitch into someone passing by, it’s the same with timed ghost mode.


    thats why I said, you should rely on ghost mode to save you because it’s not effective, whether it’s measured in minutes, seconds, metres, inches, yards, miles, hours etc etc, you’ll still get the same issues no matter what, you’ll still have the chance of “having no time to move” as you say.


    and I’m not arguing, I’m just saying that your suggested idea is just as bad if not worse than what we have currently for a multitude of reasons. What’s need is something different, something that takes the long, laborious process of going into singleplayer to move 100 ft, but keeping it on the server without effecting traffic flow because it’s obvious ghostmode is not the solution no matter the unit used. 


    As for you being banned? I can guarantee if someone had reported you specifically for what happened, you would get bannned because, as I said before, it was your choice to choose to respawned using an auto save, it was your choice to essentially spawn in the middle of the road, it was your choice to put 100% confidence into a last chance, backup system..


    As you say, many use autosaves, but personally, the best way to play is to stop at either every fuel station or every rest area and then save a separate save file (I name mine “wreck recovery” to distinguish it from the other saves) then if something happens and I need to respawned, I’m not in the roadway nor do I lose too much progress. If everyone got into the habit of doing so, even if it’s every couple of stop areas, that means you ha e as a e that’s relatively recent to drive from, plus you can always change routes to avoid any trolls you encountered and get out of the area.  

    3 minutes ago, ShadowWolf2k7 said:

    sorry for the error.

    this would be a good idea in theory, how ever, there are areas that are collisions zones that ghost mode is still useful such as some job site and service areas. also in ETS, depending on where you are, you cant completely get off the road, and coming to a complete stop and then the server logging you in and not being in ghost mode in one of those areas would be reckless as well. with that point you just pointed out why ghost mode is needed.

    The thing is, it’s better than suddenly slamming into someone sat in the middle of the road. Plus, you can always combine the 2 systems to give you extra protection. Furthermore, my system is not distance based, it’s time based, allowing you a specific amount of time to move to a safe location, thus avoiding the issue of being in a bad area to pull off on.

  25. 21 hours ago, ShadowWolf2k7 said:

    @Glada_Laxen & @megadethsteve666

    the 2 of you have been arguing about this for close to a month now, I think the 2 of you should give it a rest. was it bad that he caused a wreck, yes, could it have been avoided by logging into single player, yes. are there times where ghost mode, is too short, yes. should there be a longer version of ghost mode, maybe. but my opinion is the 2 of you should give it a rest. it is Christmas time, you should be wishing each other a merry Christmas and a happy new year, not arguing about something stupid as this has become. my recommendation is if you still want to argue about it take it to private messages.

    Uh dude, I only joined this thread about 2-3 days ago.... check numbers.


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