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Veteran Driver III
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Holy`

  • Birthday 04/25/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ridly Janeiro
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    English - Portuguese - Spanish!

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Apprentice (3/13)

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Community Answers

  1. Congratulations, brother!


  2. Good afternoon, I'm not sure but check that your forum isn't like this.
  3. Good afternoon, There has been an update on the site, but since then it is no longer possible to see how long he has been banned, the only way to know that he is banned is how many bans he has active on his account.
  4. Happy birthday, all the best and happiness always!


  5. Congrats bro!

  6. Congratulations, nobleman, success!


  7. Looking forward to both the Event and the Emblem XDDD
  8. Dzień dobry, zalecam wykonanie poniższych kroków, jestem pewien, że rozwiąże to problem z teksturami. Zakładka, Ustawienia, Grafika, wyłącz Fałszywe cienie
  9. Good Morning Bro! §2.8 - How bans are issued The first 3 bans are issued at the staff member’s discretion. The 4th ban is thirty days. The 5th ban and consecutive bans are ninety days. Any bans older than 12 months at the time of the new ban being issued are ignored, this 12 month period is the ban cooling-off period. Ban extensions are based on the active (less than 12 months old) bans at the time of expiration and will not be altered if a ban goes over the 12 month period while the ban is active. If you have at least two active history bans in your ban history, staff will extend your next ban to a ninety days ban, regardless of how many bans you have had in the last year. Bans that are extended due to history cannot be removed, they are strictly thirty days and ninety days. https://truckersmp.com/rules
  10. Congratulations man, but I usually don't report it, I prefer to talk and try to solve it in the best way, that's when I don't ignore such situations!
  11. Wonderful guide, it will help many players. See you on the Virtual Roads!
  12. Good morning friend, welcome.
  13. Happy birthday is everything, may your day be wonderful! 🤪


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