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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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About DipçikxD

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    İngilizce / Türkçe

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Community Answers

  1. I'm looking forward to it a great event :)
  2. since when have I been waiting for this event I am very glad :):D
  3. I was looking for this information thank you my friend
  4. I think electric charging stations should be added to gas stations and there should be a long distance.
  5. hello first of all, the roads are great, I think calais and duisburg should not be preferred here, I use the roads you choose constantly, it's nice and fun
  6. hello, first of all, the car is Decently made, but the distance between cities is very short, and extra purchase may come
  7. i'm listening to truckersfm :P
  8. I want events like this to be really fun
  9. it sounds extremely cool, I'm looking forward to it
  10. Merhabalar iyi oyunlar size . son güncelemede hiç bir beta sürümünden temporay_1_36-1.36x for .incompatiple mods seçekceksiniz resimli olarak anlatacagım size. Birinci adım Tıklayın. İkinci Adım Tıklayın. Üçüncü Adım Tıklayın Hepsini yaptıktan sonra Oyuna giriş yapabilirsiniz iyi oyunlar
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