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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by v8Smokin

  1. Congratulations on the promotion! :D 

  2. Congratulations! ;) 

    1. -VOYVODA-


      Thank you mate ^__^ 

  3. Congratulations!! :D 

    1. legress


      Thank you a lot! <3

  4. Credit to SCS Software

    experimental_beta 1.33 experimental beta



    • Double flatbed trailers (Scandinavia DLC required)
    • Buyable container and brick trailers (flatbed variants) and cargo market
    • Steam cloud based profiles
    • Reusable truck and trailer configuration templates
    • Physics improvements (suspension, damping, braking, cogs)
    • Rain drops behavior on glass improved
    • Music shuffling
    • Country and city name localization settings
    • g_disable_beacons (for people that have issue with blinking lights, 0/1/2)
    • Krone Boxliner ownable (Krone DLC required)
    • ...and some other stuff (SCS won't disclose yet...)


    This is information for those that haven't seen it on their Forums yet.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. v8Smokin


      The Game is about to get a whole lot bigger!

  5. Currently staying hospital atm, so any messages that I miss I do apologise, will see you all again soon. ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. //Ainariel


      have a nice day buddy. ?

    3. SirTrapSG


      Get well soon ?

    4. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Sorry to hear that 896749734788730880.webp?size=96&quality=lossless Get well soon 929080942344159282.webp?size=96&quality=lossless

  6. Decided to hop on in and grab myself a screenshot :love:



    1. SupiUK


      Nice photo! :D

  7. Decided to make myself a simple Cover Photo because, why not? :D

  8. Done my back in at work today :(
    On the medication and trying to get some sleep...

    1. Erik0301


      You didn't say once that you will buy a car in real life and upload a picture of it? 

    2. plinio_lisboa


      Improvements for you, moderator friend.


      To relieve back pain, a warm compress can be placed just above the painful region, letting it act for 20 minutes. Here's how to make a homemade compress for muscle pain.

      1. Apply ice
      The best way to relieve an acute muscle pain is by using ice, which has an analgesic effect, helps reduce swelling and lengthen muscles. The ice should be applied by wrapping it in a compress, so as not to injure or burn the skin, for 15 to 20 minutes. Learn more about when and how to properly use ice to relieve muscle pain.

      2. Alternate cold with heat
      In the first 48 hours after injury, it is recommended to apply an ice pack for 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day, but after that, you should alternate with the application of hot compresses, as shown in the following video:

      3. Put compresses of hot salt
      An excellent home remedy for muscle pain is the warm salt compress as it helps decrease pain and stimulates circulation, speeding up the muscle recovery process.


      500 g of salt;
      Stockings of thick fabric.
      How to prepare: heat the salt in a skillet for approximately 4 minutes and put in a clean sock, thick fabric, so that it is soft. Then apply the compress on the sore muscle and let it act for 30 minutes, twice a day.
      4. Massage with essential oils
      Regular massages with essential oils help reduce muscle soreness. The essential oils of Rosemary and Peppermint stimulate circulation, and the essential oil of St. John's Wort has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.


      15 drops of Rosemary essential oil;
      5 drops Peppermint essential oil;
      5 drops of essential oil of St. John's Wort;
      1 tablespoon almond oil.
      How to prepare: mix the oils in a dark glass jar. Shake well and massage the muscle with a little of the mixture, every day until better. Find out more benefits that massage has for health.

      5. Rest and stretch
      After a muscle injury, it is very important to let the affected region rest.

      However, when the initial severe pain and swelling become smaller, the affected area should be lengthened, gently, by moving it to avoid progressive stiffness. Stretching helps to stimulate circulation and prevents scarring. See which stretching exercises are ideal for back pain.

      7. Pass arnica on the skin
      Arnica is a plant that helps control swelling, bruising and inflammation and decreases bruising due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used in cream, oil or even in compresses that can be prepared as follows:


      1 teaspoon of arnica flowers;
      1 cup boiling water.
      How to prepare: add the arnica flowers in a cup with boiling water and let stand for 10 minutes. Then strain and dip the compress into the tea and then apply to the affected region.

      9. Bath with Epsom salts
      Epsom salt is a mineral compound that can be used to relieve muscle pain as it is responsible for regulating magnesium levels in the body and thus lead to increased production of serotonin, which is a hormone that helps relax and to calm down.

      To make the bath with Epsom salts just fill a bath with warm water and put 250 grams of salts and then do a soak for about 20 minutes, there being muscle relaxation.


  9. en it's ATS 1.5 going to be added?

  10. ETS2MP is calling my name.. B)

  11. Félicitations pour votre participation à l'équipe des modérateurs! :D  P.S: Not the best french, but I try.

  12. Get to pick up my new car tomorrow! :D I will post a picture when I get it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Erik0301
    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    4. v8Smokin


      I got the car, just waiting for the snow to melt a little bit

  13. Going to start streaming on Twitch!! :D

    Just need to get all of my channel art updated.

    1. tfmpillow


      Looking forward to those streams :3

  14. Good luck on your future ventures! :D 

    1. verbeekrj2903


      @-XCE- thanks mate see you around in the game

  15. Good luck to all those that sent in their Applications for the Moderator Recruitment. :D 

  16. Good luck to everyone who applies for the Support Team.

  17. Good morning! ;) Have to drive when I get my new wheel.

  18. Good morning! :) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trucker Dashcam // Sweden
    3. GoknOz



      It was noon :) I wanted to make a joke, my friend.
      Good morning. :)

  19. Good night all fellow truckers! :ph34r:

  20. Good night my fellow truckers! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    3. v8Smokin


      @Kiina // Chinezen ^_^ Do you even know the Flying Dutchman? If not, you need to do some research :P one of the best names out there and no, it’s not off of the pirates of the Caribbean.

  21. Got a crazy headache right now! ☹️ I still have some computer work to do though.

  22. Got covid again.. ?

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      sorry to hear that ?  get well soon ❤️

  23. Got myself a crazy PC coming either Saturday or Monday.

  24. Got the 4K monitor setup again now.

    I think I will get some screenshots today.

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