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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by MrHarv98

  1. Kat pls update dis :c http://ets2map.com/radar/

    1. Creatured


      harv its not needed anymore

      ts built into the mp client now =^-^=

  2. These amount of people don't know bout forum and need help http://steamcommunity.com/app/227300/discussions/1/#

    1. S2020


      And those don't read stickies..

    2. MashedPotaton8r


      "Feel free to discuss the multiplayer mod (and help other players with their issues), but don't expect SCS Software or ETS2 MP devs to respond to any of your posts here." I think they're legit xD

    3. MrHarv98
  3. Made about 8-9 reports on the 19th and 4 of them still have not been claimed? can i ask why?

    1. Aragon


      Give the admins time, there are a lot of reports right now.

    2. MrHarv98
    3. MrHarv98


      But my point was that the guy i reported was from last convoy and there is another convoy tonight and he still isn't banned. Admins can take weeks if they want to but i want him banned badly.

  4. What a lovely evening in my city, Cool breeze+Rainbow+Raining+Bright sun shine. Best day ever! :DD

  5. 95 people SFH convoy, Newcastle to Aberdeen, Follow leader @ http://ets2map.com/follow/128620

  6. Raining!!!! YOOOO

    1. Pieter


      Could you transfer that to my town pls? ^_^

    2. MrHarv98


      I wish i could :c

  7. does anyone know that where is this road? Or can anyone ask Ekip Lojistik in Turkish that where is the road cos i wanna get on bridge where they tried to do with a trailer :D
    1. MrHarv98


      And 2 guys from ETR CC team in video o_O

    2. Iceman Raikkonen

      Iceman Raikkonen

      To the west of Odense, just before the bridge.

  8. Why the heck does mp forum show me Offline: Private when im online?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MrHarv98


      omg some forum mod help me

    3. Aragon


      It does that when you login anonymous, try signing out and unchecking that when you log back in, and it should be fine.

    4. MrHarv98


      Aragon the hero! Thanks bud :D

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