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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by "RICKY"

  1. Welcome back. ?

  2. lets go......


    1. Shadel


      Vaov Perfect ? ?

  3.  mr tuna good morning. a great week to you. 

  4. a great week for you 

  5. a great week to you, ?

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Thanks and you too!

  6. ? Happy birthday ?

    1. HelmeS


      Thank you ^^

  7. ? happy birthday ?

    1. Yoyo_ManSg


      Thank you very much mate ! ? 

  8. ? Happy birthday ?

  9. ? happy birthday ?

    1. Dumbledore001YT


      Good evening,


      thank you for your birthday wishes ? . I am sorry for this very late answer, but I haven't looked into the forum for a while ?

  10. Congratulations on your promotion 

  11. Congratulations on your promotion 

  12. Thank you for your time on the team, we hope to see you soon. 

  13. congratulations on your promotion 

  14. congratulations on your promotion 

  15. ? Happy birthday ?

  16. ? happy birthday ? 

  17. welcome back there team 

  18. another very hot day, a big hug for all firefighters fighting fires across Europe. 

  19. ? Happy birthday ?

  20. ? happy birthday ?

  21. ? Happy birthday ? @Lorciaa

    1. Lorciaa


      Thank you! ?

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