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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by berechtigter

  1. Congrats my boiiiii ❤️

  2. Happy Birthday, wish you a great Day! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  3. ICG Convoy


    Thank you all for attending the Convoy! I wish you all an nice evening and a good Night ❤️ ❤️

    Here are a few cool people you should definitely take a look at:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JuanK.


      Great convoy! although, I didn't have time to go to this one. :LUL:

    3. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    4. Kaby70


      Beautiful photo Sir! ?

  4. Happy Birthday, have a great Evening ❤️

  5. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

  6. For example: For example, you are driving a job or just driving in the game and suddenly a player (who is spawned and still in ghost mode) comes from the front and rams you. You get damage to your truck, trailer and possibly to your cargo. (The player cannot be killed because he is in ghost mode). Suggestion Name: Wait when spawning Suggestion Description: I think that a rule should be added that says that when you are joined you should wait until all players are loaded (or the ghost mode indicator disappears at the top of the screen). Or if you are kicked out of the game because of the connection that you then stop right and wait until all players are loaded again. Any example images: Why should it be added?: There are a lot of reports in my report history that are rejected, because the driver in question is in ghost mode. However, if I want to drive a job and a player comes towards me and rams me because he doesn't see me, I very often get 100% damage to my cargo, which is not so cool. Especially not if you've driven 2000km before. Loading saves is not possible because our VTC uses Vtlog where the damage remains anyway. If you have any questions please write to me at Kind Regards, berechtigter
  7. Thank you for all the people who follow me. 100 followers is a very big milestone for me. Thank you so much ❤️


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. .Pedro.
    3. Emirhan kurt 29
    4. Mangiskills


      I hope, I'll achive that sometime too. Congrats boi! ??

  8. Thank you for your follow! ❤️

    1. [C-S] Marek1986

      [C-S] Marek1986

      you're welcome ?

  9. Thank you for your follow! ❤️

    1. Stefan22


      You are welcome

  10. Thank you for your follow! ❤️

  11. Thank you for your follow! ❤️

  12. Thank you for your follow! ❤️

  13. Thank you for your follow! ❤️

    1. Meto5


      you're welcome ❤️ 

  14. Thank your for the follow! ❤️

  15. Thank your for the follow! ❤️

  16. Thank your for the follow! ❤️

  17. Thank your for the follow! ❤️

  18. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

  19. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

  20. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

  21. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

  22. Thank you for the follow! ❤️

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