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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Save

  1. Changed my name from "SnopeDogeWow" to "Kenworth" :)

    1. gwait


      "Copyright claim pending. Claimed by Kenworth! If your name is not changed within 24 hours, the account will be closed, or you can submit a counter-claim if you think this was done in error."

    2. gwait


      That's a joke by the way, don't take it seriously.

    3. Save


      xD, it's my new favorite truck after w900 is out

  2. while the roads are empty i kinda made that train glitch out xD Video - 

    I wanted to see if i could make the train go through my truck but for some reason it wasn't coming, then it magically appeared when I started to drive off lol

    1. buksee


      *realizing that he glitched out the train*


      *flees the scene*



    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  3. A little bit worried, my hard drive is making clicking sounds.. the longer my PC is on the louder the clicking gets D:


    It's very quiet at first you have to put your ear against the PC to hear it, but you can hear pretty clear near night time

  4. I have steam coupons that I don't need. DM me if you want any of these (you only get to pick one) 4 coupons avaliable (image) VYo0JQw.png

    1. Save


      avaliable coupons right now //// Stickman: EPIC 33% off //// 50% off Obliteracters /// 66% off beatbuddy: tale of the guardians /// 66% off primage camage: extinction //// 

    2. Save


      ^.. and yes i forgot to say i will need to add you on steam :D so link me your steam account when you private message me so i can add + trade you a coupon

  5. 15,000+ profile views woah xD

  6. thank you for the follow :D 

  7. Minions have invaded the forums.. Minions are everywhere... -_-

    1. jrice8506
    2. RadioactivePotato


      Yes, we took over the forums...

  8. Imagine this in multiplayer xD ... 










  9. Didn't see that sharp turn coming xD (video) - http://plays.tv/video/5723408945ac23ca3e/dat-save


    And no I'm not going this fast 99% of the time, was rushing because I was almost late to my destination lol =D

    1. Forerunner


      Can't say I haven't done that before. ;)

    2. Digital
  10. I've decided I'm going to play ATS/ETS2 again when the next DLC update comes out for both of them, I'm so bored of the 2 game right now =/

  11. aw ye winter mod <3 i love this time of the year!

    1. Forraz


      At last, everyone's final wish for snow has arrived.

    2. Mirko9
  12. Why do people do this.. 


  13. Just been in a cold bath hiding from the hot weather (35 degrees here), best feeling ever.. I hate the hot weather so much ._. winter is my favorite season <3 

  14. I'm really hyped for double trailer, I'll be playing truckersMP 24/7 when they come out because I know it's going to be hilarious.

    1. Mr. Sever Clear

      Mr. Sever Clear

      it's gone be hard for overtaking other players...:)  maybe we need 150m for overtaking and be safe for me and for the player

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Ya I can't wait :D Will be great to drive the C-D road in the car or just with normal jobs and see the chaos :lol: I probably won't bring double trailer onto the C-D road for a little while and if I do it will be lateish when its quite :P 

  15. Crazy people, a truck floating and a car trying to fly lol - 


    1. SvenCRO


      Where is this going with the car XD

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  16. Another person joins the cow army =D - 


    1. Guest


      Look at all that beef going to waste. 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
  17. People will calm down once the car has been here for around a month. People just got to get used to it imo

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      I agree, alot of people are still getting used to them and testing the limits etc and the trolls will go back to the trucks after a while as they can cause more damage and problems with trucks them with cars

    2. Spieker


      It's the same with the CB Radio^^ They will get used to it. And I also think that in a few days or weeks, most of the people will drive trucks again. :D

  18. what just happened - 


  19. If you are reading this, that means you can read. Congratulations.

    1. erykmoz
    2. Save


      @MrCreeper no idea I don't know how to read

  20. If this server que keeps going on for the rest of this month, i have a feeling that the devs may have to increase the server population cap from 2300 to 2500 or something xD it's getting quite annoying having to wait for a long while to get in.

    1. jukeboxknox


      They cant increase it, if they go ver the 2300 mark the whole server lags and causes issues. I doubt they go that route.

    2. Save


      ah, okay, i mean imo it would not hurt to increase it by about 200 or something, i remember when they increased the server size to 4000 or something xD it was so bad. but i don't know anything about how it all works so maybe im wrong :P

  21. Got a random crash error that forced me out of my game and made me crash into multiple people =/ pretty sure I'm going to be banned because of that....

  22. I have joined the cow army. @Killua // Ireland ^_^



  23. Just incase someone is wondering why I changed my name... (video)


    1. Creatured


      your name is the same as on truckersmp.com change it there and it should change here 

    2. Dancool000


      but you need to logout and login when you have done it to sync it

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