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Everything posted by Armonk

  1. Happy Birthday Noxii! Have a great day :D

  2. //Moved to Pomoc
  3. Hello @The_Jasorn_TV, Multiple posts here that are helpful in solving the topic you have posted. Just wondering if your issue has been solved or not. Kind Regards, Armonk
  4. Hello @V E N K O, Multiple answers have been given here. Has your problem been solved by any of these or do you require further assistance? Kind Regards, Armonk
  5. Problem has been solved. //Locked and moved to Solved Topics.
  6. Heya @Gamezcdr, Has your question been answered with the following answers that have been posted here? Please let us know! Kind Regards, Armonk
  7. Problem çözülmüş. Cevaplayan herkese teşekkürler. //Çözülen Konulara Taşındı.
  8. Sad to see you go... Thanks for the good times and take care out on those roads :P Come back soon :wacko:

    1. Noxii


      Thanks, and thanks for the good chats as well. I'll try to do that you know. :P 

  9. Hello @mnmmacd, Without actually cheating the jobs or using a mod if you are trying to do it legit, I would suggest using medical vaccine loads if you have Italia and France DLCs in ETS2. If you are wanting to use cheats, there is always cheat engine or there are several mods out there for you to use that will modify the game play. Now remember these mods are not supported within TruckersMP and more so for single player use. Kind Regards, Armonk
  10. //Moved to Inactive due to topic seeming to have no activity on it anymore regarding the original issue and discussion more than help is happening. If you need this topic reopened at anytime, please let me know in a forum message. Kind Regards, Armonk
  11. Hello @Ty3_F1ght3r, There are multiple ways for you log jobs per say and record money earned for your company, but it is not TruckersMP based. A few options if you are looking at starting your own company could be https://trucksbook.eu/ or http://virtualtruckingmanager.com/vtmlive Give either of those a try and make sure to follow step by step. Kind Regards, Armonk
  12. Hello @SouNNNdEr22, The correct answer has been given to this question. Just wondering if I can now move this topic to solved? Kind Regards, Armonk
  13. //Moved to Unsolved due to 5 day time period of being unanswered,
  14. //Moved to Inactive due to inactivity on this post.
  15. Hello @JustFunLP, Multiple answers have been given here. Just wondering if any of them have helped you in finding a solution to the issue you are experiencing! Kind Regards, Armonk
  16. //locked and moved to inactive topics due to no reply from original poster
  17. Hello @Olly_Norway, There are several helpful answers here. Just wondering if they have helped you at all on solving the issue you you have described. Please let me know if they have! Kind Regards, Armonk
  18. Hello @Boomie1977, World of Trucks is a separate entity from TruckersMP. People may have suggestions here, but the best bet is to contact World of Trucks Support at [email protected]. Kind Regards, Armonk
  19. Armonk


    //Moved to Hilfe
  20. @Louder_Agri, The right answer has been posted above, as you are allowed to use these trailers since it is base game. Just wanting to know if the answer has help in answering your question you have asked. Please let me know, Kind Regards, Armonk
  21. Armonk

    Login to the game

    //Locked and moved to unsolved due to user deleted account
  22. //Topic moved to inactive due to inactivity on topic
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