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Naza D

Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by Naza D

  1. Happy Birhtday  🎉

  2. Happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Birthdaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ??

    1. Digital


      Thank you! ?

  3. The suggestion is a bit strange, since it is a skoda and not a truck. but I like the idea of the flags, and it would be nice if they were located in the rear windows, and some full orange flags, it would be nice to be able to complete and give good use to the skoda car pilot skin
  4. Hey!!!! The problem may be caused by a modification of the truck / trailer to which a certain code is not detected, or is simply incompatible by the place, remember that you cannot have vehicle accessories in the truck, you cannot have truck accessories in the trailer, and there are certain mod limits for both. You can fix it by decreasing the accessories on, or simply modify the trailer, because the reading may be wrong. If the problems persist, you can use this area to be able to provide some type of proof of what is happening, in order to help you better
  5. Hola!!!! Intenta bajar un poco los graficos, puede ser que tu pc le cueste mucho ciertas areas del juego, sino puede ser que algun programa se abra de manera incognita, trata de cerrarlas con el Administrador de tarea. Si los problemas persisten, intenta verificar la integridad de los archivos, eso no ayudara, es claro, pero podra ayudar porque capaz falta algun archivo. Intenta eliminar cosas que no uses, un ejemplo es windows 10 que trae un monton de aplicaciones por sistema que la mayoria no son necesarias, intenta con eso.
  6. Suggestion description: Create a space below interests, where the Spotify user can be seen, with a link to that profile to explore his music (optional for each player) so that other players or forum visitors in said profile they can see and listen to their music and follow that player on spotify apart from the forum Example picture: * Yellow section in the image to be added * Why should it be added? This modification should be added to the forum profile so that other players can see what that player is listening to as well as see their interests. It is also useful when making the routes, you can share a playlist or directly follow that person to keep up to date with the music you listen to if you want.
  7. Hey!!!! This is not the place to ask for support for x theme. TruckersMP focuses on the use and simulation of trucks as it is a game of trucks ... The Mp scout was integrated into the multiplayer to be of help for dangerous trailers, aid in convoys and help for MP personnel. If you want to submit a request to be considered and updated and modified in the game, feel free to do so. https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/285-suggestions/ Remember to follow the rules to create a suitable suggestion Thank you very much for keeping the community informed about what is happening, I send you good luck and my support in your work for the next update and the community
  8. Hey!!!! If this help did not help you and it is very complicated, you can use this section of the forum, and if you have momentary doubts several players will be able to help you Hope this is very helpful and your problem has been solved.
  9. Hey!!!!! Try clicking on remember password, it can help. If problems persist try reinstalling the TruckersMP Launcher
  10. Hey!!!! Upgrading to version 1.37 is still in progress. You might be interested to read this news from the TruckersMP team about update 1.37 https://truckersmp.com/blog/209
  11. Hola!!!! Tente enviar comentários ao suporte, eles podem ser mais claros; no entanto, tente criar a conta novamente ou simplesmente modifique a senha que ajuda. Se os problemas persistirem e se complicarem, aguarde a ajuda necessária de um moderador do fórum, que entrará em contato com você por mensagem particular
  12. Excellent video!!! It helps a lot, it worked for me in my first time doing save edit and look at me now: /
  13. The event was amazing, very good operations, great input from TruckersMP staff, it hurts the momentary malfunction of the servers, but I think it was the best RO
  14. Este año volveré a correr en el campeonato de verano, espero no apagar mi camioneta en una carrera completa como el año pasado

  15. https://imgur.com/a/2au0xLj https://imgur.com/a/mFGQtkj
  16. Try to reconfigure the save way Documents: Euro truck simulator 2: config: search for save format and switch to 2. After that you can continue normally If you have problem next of that, tell me
  17. Could you solve the problems? If you need help just say it
  18. Hola!!! Pueden haber varios problemas. Uno de ellos puede ser que faltan archivos, para solucionarlo debes ir a biblioteca de steam, click derecho en ETS2, propiedades, archivos locales y selecionas verificar cache/ integridad de los archivos. Si continuan los problemas, puede ser que los servidores esten llenos, espera unos momentos y vuelve a tratar en ese servidor.
  19. Hola!!! Si se te ha complicado con esta ayuda Puedes hacer la configuracion por el juego, tomandote tu tiempo, configurando poco a poco fuerza del force feedback , teclas y mas. capaz que te parezca mejor esa configuracion o capaz que no, recomiendo la configuracion y ayuda que se dio arriba. De todas formas Suerte
  20. Hai !!!! Cobalah untuk memverifikasi integritas file, permainan bisa mengetahui file yang hilang, itu akan mengunduhnya ketika Anda memverifikasinya, untuk melakukannya Anda harus pergi ke perpustakaan, klik kanan pada ETS2, properti, file lokal, verifikasi integritas. Ini akan memakan waktu cukup lama. Ingat bahwa versi 1.37 belum tersedia untuk TruckersMP. Jika masalah tetap ada, cobalah untuk memulainya secara berbeda
  21. The paintings will not be exactly symmetrical, and perfect. the paintings of the trailers that you want exist in curtain, you can search for the trailer curtain in those companies and from there do the same search and edit path to be able to do it. If it does not appear, try to sleep in the game, it may not appear at the first time, be patient.
  22. Hey!!!! It is quite easy, you have to go to single player, find a load of the dragonfly company, and then accept the contract, when you accept it, you do a quick save. You go to Documents, Euro truck simulator 2, Profile, Save, Quicksave, and open it with the NotePad, then look for the trailer plate from which you have just accepted the contract, look for the color id (Paintjob), copy it, close it the tab, return to the game, and cancel the load. Then grab the trailer to which you want to put that paintjob and do the same step to find the paintjob, once you find the paintjob, replace it with the one you want, save, close, return to the game and load the saved fast and you're done. If you did not understand what I explained, it would be helpful to enter this section of the forum where it speaks and gives help with the save edit and what you want to do.
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