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Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by LouiDashcam

  1. It's been like a year or 2 since I played MP. Got a job FT and didn't have much time to really do anything. Now 2 months ago I quit that job to work FT with Door Dash. 3 months after working with Door Dash, I went on vacation. Coming back from vacation, a deer wondering in the middle of the highway and I had no time to react and I hit the thing. That happened 2 weeks ago. Since I'm going to be home more often, I have opened my opportunities to play some games. I'm dusting off my G29 and getting back into truck sims. Y'all might be seeing me back on the ETS/ATS roads soon. ?

    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Welcome back ? C-D road is still the same as it was 2 years ago but alot has changed :P

  2. So meaning its not winter anymore, I took out the snow mod. Well for some reason it is still snowing. I typed the commands for the weather or what I thought what the commands were. Any suggestions? http://prntscr.com/n2z33b

    1. Chev


      Have you tried turning “Season Effects” off in the tab settings?

    2. LouiDashcam


      @Chev I just did. It works now

    3. A Simple Cheeseburger
  3. I actually made the video from TMP's Convoy Sunday... 


    1. Leon Baker

      Leon Baker

      Nice video 

    2. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Great convoy and video :) 

  4. For the first time in many years of playing truckersMP, I have gone to an event. It was pretty fun. 2-hour drive with my wheel (finally got a wheel 2 weeks ago and I love it. I'll be uploading a video soon. which would probably be in like 2 weeks because I'm lazy Thanks for doing this and I hope to make at the next one.  :D

    https://prnt.sc/lbk08o yea, gonna be a while to export this LOL


    1. [ATL] VLAD (UA)

      [ATL] VLAD (UA)

      Hello, we are very pleased to see that you liked our event, our team worked hard on it, and we hope that we will even more notice and delight our fantastic community)

      Good Luck);)

  5. So just a general question here, can an admin see when you pm someone in game? 

    1. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      Cannot :) Unless you /pm that admin xD :D 

  6. Man it sure feels good to be back trucking. Been getting on after a long day of work and just driving around enjoying the views really sets my mental state to normal. :)

  7. Merry Christmas Everyone :)

  8. Bout to start back trucking again. I have been in a fiveM community for 5 months now and the community I was in is falling apart. See you all soon :) 



    I have never seen so many notifications besides from my email with 10.2k


    1. Terry A

      Terry A

      Which FiveM community was that? There's so many now!

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      Welcome back to trucking :) I remember you made youtube videos before :P

      169 :o have fun looking through all those :lol:

    3. [MCG] Kien Giang

      [MCG] Kien Giang

      wow look great. you must read all them :P 

  9. when you havent logged on in 2 months because life gets in the way Bp9bmJ2OQuup0_lrZJ3hTA.png

    1. i z m
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      WB :) 85 not too bad tho :P I've see someone post here a screenshot of 200+ notifications :troll:

  10. Just a question for anyone. I watched a bit @Horizon's steam and I noticed his tab list was purple, is there a way I could change mine or any color or is it going to stay default? Heres a example pic https://gyazo.com/f897c144c199f92673dfc146c326d2af

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RapidFellow


      ehhhm this guide is outdated @Mirko9 I FME

    3. RapidFellow


      It works this way (quote by mwl4) ;) 


      New filesystem core mounts directories to the shared resources pool (the mechanism is the same as in the game). By default TruckersMP client mounts /data/shared and /data/ets2 or /data/ats (depended on the game), but also /data/shared_mod and /data/ets2_mod or /data/ats_mod (depended on the game, and of course if directories are present). If you want to create UI mod, then you need to put files into those directories in proper subdirectiories. For instance, if you want to replace /data/ets2/ui/ui_skin.png then you have to create directories and file as follows: /data/ets2_mod/ui/ui_skin.png. As a result, the file will not be removed while running the launcher. 


    4. Mirko9


      Sorry then, just tried to help...Not really in that customisation.

  11. Looking back at some ATS screenshots when it was popular and found @Mike Dragon chillin in the background while I was being spawned on by a million trucks 



    1. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      But the real question is... was I in my red Scout or one of my trucks? Food for thought! :P

  12. Someone  @A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries gets a bit triggered when you share your desktop background and your icons aren't centered 


    1:21 AM - Louisiana Dashcam: check discord
    1:22 AM - A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries: kkk
    1:23 AM - A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries: wat am i ment 2 c?
    1:23 AM - A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries: oh god loui
    1:23 AM - A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries: Your icons
    1:23 AM - Louisiana Dashcam: lol
    1:24 AM - A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries: THEY'RE NOT CENTERED AROUND THE IMAGE
    1:24 AM - Louisiana Dashcam: that is a sexy truck tho
    1:24 AM - Louisiana Dashcam: amirite?
    1:24 AM - A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries: I CANT SEE< CAUSE THE ICONS ARE IN THE WAY
    1:24 AM - A Simple Cheeseburger w/ Fries: IF THERE IS ONE THING I CANT STAND ON BACKGROUNDS
    1:25 AM - Louisiana Dashcam: for me
    1:25 AM - Louisiana Dashcam: i can see purfectly fine

  13. Just a normal night during the low times in Dortmund... 


    and yes I listen to thomas music so dont judge me


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      WTF :o LOL XD :lol: Nice music too :P

    3. LouiDashcam


      @Mike Dragon I was gonna but he already got banned for other things lol. And that was on the night of the 4th of October so I cant report him, unless if the admin that banned him wants to use this footage against him

    4. Mike Dragon

      Mike Dragon

      You actually can. We're still in October so there's still time. Also, depending on what he was banned for, this evidence can be used as an extra to extend his ban.


  14. When you get bored for a few minutes so you hunt for the newest player 




    So this happened before I got banned. Just avoiding people on the C-D road

  16. I was in free cam in ATS taking a screenshot, i forgot to go back to cab view when i was done taking screenshots in free cam. I started up 'shadowplay' to start manually recording a timelapse drive of my trip. As I press "ALT + F9" to record, my controller freaks out and my recording starts but my truck when up and over a few signs blocking the whole road. 


    https://plays.tv/s/LIdam0xZ1uVh My recording is a bit laggy because its my first time using plays.tv as a recorder.

  17. It may be 4 am but i was bored. I was on a quest to find the newest player on MP by typing in the id on my browser 1 number at a time. 1,484,338 people playing this game. Thats more population than in my city with only 12,000 people xDd7ecfb37cf8e4293aace03d8156a6629.png

  18. That moment when you go to report a player and see when they got the game to find out it was today they got it. I feel like i shouldn't but in the terms of the rules of ramming me out my lane twice, i really want to.

    1. Djinsomnia


      It doesn't matter when they brought the game - If they are breaking the rules record and report :)

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      maybe a troll account ;) :troll:

  19. So I have been playing since April 9, 2016. This was my first ATS video. This was recorded on my Potatoe Laptop which is now dead. I actually got a Gaming PC later that month realizing that my processor on my laptop was the one of the weakest. Took 8 hours to render a video in 60 fps, now it takes 45 minutes. 


    ps. Don't ban me for the stupid stuff i done in my videos. I learned from the times. 

    pps. It also maybe blocked in a few countries because of youtube copyright garbage.

    ppps. I don't wanna advertise my channel much on the forums but i have 1.2 k subscribers and my channel turns 3 years old this week. 


    Ooooooh the memories. 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guest


      what do you use to record

    3. LouiDashcam


      @Texas Transports LLC I use shadowplay. It's built in with my graphics card.

    4. Guest



  20. @Bandero this is what my friend saw when you went flipping in the air 



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      LOL XD :lol: definitely 10/10 for style :D :lol:

    3. Bandero


      My point of view :P


  21. when some admits for being at fault so you set the rules on them



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LouiDashcam




      he overtook in a high populated area and cut in front of me and 2 other trucks, i was not having it at all that day

    3. A Simple Cheeseburger
    4. LordBenji


      "Charcoal Accessories" nice name! :D And rip for that guy, I would also report if some dude caused a wreck while overtaking...

  22. Reached 500 hours in ETS and 400 in ATS. Took a little more than a year but I finally did it! 



    1. Killua  // Ireland ^_^
    2. Pereira-153


      At ets 1,650 hours and up to 30 hours

  23. That moment when your friend decides your career to be an Airplane 


    1. Yoyo_ManSg


      For you, my mate :
      I believe i can fly
      I think I can touch the sky :P 

    2. Killua  // Ireland ^_^

      Killua // Ireland ^_^

      LOL XD :lol: I've been sent flying before aswell ;)

      Euro Truck Flight Simulator :lol:


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