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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by SpiritualWolf38

  1. So how is everyone my day is going good so far but this person that keeps bugging about doing things. I'm going to send him to the moon.

  2. ^ go ahead and try the updates and see where it leads you. If you are still having problems then go to windows 7 and download the drivers for xbox1 software then try it again and also look @Digi7al link too that he posted.
  3. When you go into your control setting does it look like this. Also another question are you using the USB cable or the Wireless Receiver ?
  4. Make sure you have the updated version of the multiplayer mod.
  5. ^ Since everything is up to date and it still doing it. Make sure and check your camera option in the game and make sure that any other command keys are not conflicting with anything else if it is you want to change that. Next do a test unplug the controller from the computer and play the game and see if it still doing it if not then exit. let me know and I see what i can dig up for you.
  6. Here are some I use: .http://plays.tv/ https://obsproject.com/ https://www.xsplit.com/
  7. Make sure that you have the latest drivers installed for your controller go here :http://support.logitech.com/en_us/product/gamepad-f310 and see if this will help.
  8. When you hit Shift+Tab did anything happen?
  9. Here a post about being ban. if you been ban make a ban appeal. Be patient and give them time review the appeal
  10. As what @trabantem said if your around a whole bunch of player and your FPS drops you then you be slow or laggy. Also EU1 does have a speed limit to it.
  11. It depends on the truck your driving or if you taken a load from the External Contract they automatically have a speed limited set.
  12. I'm going to post this here. For further reference please put all related topic in here instead of PM. This will help in the future in-case someone need help with this problem or have a question about it.
  13. How did you install it. When I install it it works for me
  14. ^ I like this ideal but idk if they can implement where if a car tried to connect to a trailer they get kicked.
  15. ^ @GodLuck go to your setting on your windows and look for windows update. If you need more information you can go to Microsoft home page and you can browse there. If you need the link here the link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/. Here you will find all the information you need to keep all your drivers updated or programs you are missing to run certain applications.
  16. Thanks for the guide Ozy.
  17. I'm uploading video from yesterday MP to my you-tube channel. These videos are unlisted for right now and I do want to share them with the TruckerMP team first before making them public. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Empirekicking


      I'm interested to see this. Talk on KIK

    3. SpiritualWolf38


      yesterday was a messed on the ATS US server in Flagstone had one guy chase another person in a car. Had another one plow thru people who was waiting to drop off their loads. Had some going thur the Gas Station the wrong way. Etc

    4. Empirekicking


      Same on the race track before I got banned for doing nothing, I gotta contract the Manager 

  18. I am getting fed up with Idiot drivers.

    1. Simulator Experiencer

      Simulator Experiencer

      i know your feel mate you can always report them on the forums  and the admin will come and  look at the report  

    2. bryangullickson


      We all know the Feeling all you can do is Record & Report and they will eventually get what is coming to them

    3. Empirekicking


      It's not going to stop, We need to own our own servers and just have 10 slots for our friends. 

  19. Who has played with the Arizona map yet. If you have let me know how you like it.

    1. Digital


      I've not driven on it yet but I flew around in flycam to gather some data, it looks pretty nice actually. :)

  20. Hello fellow drivers hope everyone is doing well. If you see me on ATSMP US or EU2 server give me a shout. 

    1. Empirekicking


      If you see Knwolf30 Around, you see me, well 50 to 50

  21. hmm someone wasn't paying attention to the rules spotted this while on my way to a drop off. It's too dark but you can see a car puling a trailer.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smalley


      Use imgur.com then in the description post the link and make sure you have his TruckersMP ID 

    3. Titanic4


      The said TruckersMP ID can be acquired from spawning logs. If you know when this happened, you'll be able to select the right file. In that file search for "RTrupps" and you'll get the TruckersMP ID.

    4. SpiritualWolf38


      Thxs for the reply everyone. 

  22. Wish people would slow down while driving the pilot cars around curves. This isn't Need For Speed. Had someone come around the corner driving like a speed demon and didn't have time to react and we hit head on. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SpiritualWolf38


      @Empire KickAss You think the bad apples would know that about now. 

    3. SpiritualWolf38


      @JarFull Wish he tip over before hitting me at full speed head on lol. 

    4. Empirekicking


      More people will get kicked for not reading and going by the rules

  23. Yesterday could have gone okay if I didn't have a guy in a pilot car messing with me. If I needed a escort I would have ask for it. 

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