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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by RacerRyder

  1. Suggestion Name: No auto kick because of being AFK when server is not full of players Suggestion Description: You only get AFK kicked when players are in queue. Any example images: - Why should it be added? Because it does not make sense to get kicked when there are still enough free spots for players to come in. Also it saves time as you do not have to restart the game again. So I suggest only to get kicked when players want to join and the server is full of players. If already suggested before please delete it, thanks.
  2. @White Wolf. You´re absolutely right. I still can´t imagine how a painted interior or a custom made xenon light could crash another player´s game, as it´s just a local mod. That doesn´t make sense at all. So either removing all mods or Nothing.
  3. Unfortunately yes, tried it many times. As soon as you have one modification with "/home/" you get kicked immediately. (the strange thing about it: It says "detected trailer modification" although it belongs to my truck )
  4. I also edited my truck with xenon lights and some other local mods. Nobody else can see that, so why should that be a problem for other players? @TMP-Team: Please think about it again, whether this is really necessary. In my mind it definetely isn´t. I got used to have these mods and now the game experience is a lot worse without local mods in my opinion.
  5. Everytime I want to join it says "you have been kicked because: detected modified trailer accessories. Disable modifications." So I sold all of my trailers to be sure and disabled all modifications in the manager but still no success. Does anybody else have the same problem?
  6. Very nice guide, you spent a lot of time in it. But there´s one little mistake I found: Trucks are not allowed to drive 80 km/h on county roads. They´re only allowed to drive 60 km/h. Btw: Buses are allowed to drive 80 km/h.
  7. Cool sofern ich Zeit habe, bin ich dabei
  8. Nope there will be an own event server.
  9. You can´t play Truckersmp with the newest Version of ETS2. Take a look at this thread: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/announcement/31-current-development-status-overview-info/ Just follow the steps, downgrade the game to older version and you can play Truckersmp again.
  10. But can´t you simply take a double Trailer and haul it to a port where you can travel to Germany or Netherlands for example?
  11. Really nice tuning pack, a lot of new upgrades are available. Imao the Daf looks also great with a few little modifications, you don´t need to upgrade everything.
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