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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by Robcb

  1. Nice work, I see a lot of effort on it.
  2. Very well done, it will surely be a great solution.
  3. About time... Can't wait for its release!
  4. I hope that this suggestion will be accepted and the feature will be available as soon as possible because in my opinion these unsynced random events are really annoying when it comes to a scenario with a lot of players, where one has to slow down due to a random event, perhaps causing an accident.
  5. Robcb Released

    Finally! Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed to the update
  6. I have a 144hz monitor as well that I use for other games, and I have to say that it's kind of useful cause it makes your experience more "smooth" and pleasant than a 60hz. Even if you don't reach 144 fps in game you'll benefit anyway.
  7. No, c'è al massimo una chat locale tra i giocatori che vedi premendo TAB. La chat globale non c'è ovviamente perché in un server con 3000 e passa persone connesse sarebbe un po' dura gestire la cosa. Solamente i moderatori possono inviare messaggi globali che tutti gli utenti possono leggere.
  8. If you have the 1.31 version of Euro Truck you can't play online until the new version of the truckersMP launcher is released (which could take a couple of days I think).
  9. Just keep it available all the time otherwise we won't be able to quickly reset economy!
  10. I'd immediately bind it to my mouse side buttons, good suggestion
  11. Great idea. And I also agree on adding small flags instead.
  12. I think that this could be abused. Therefore I disagree with the suggestion.
  13. I disagree with this idea. Although it may result annoying, no one should be limited just because there could be someone abusing the feature. Reports exist for one reason, so use them.
  14. I tried this out and, contrary to what I thought, it doesn't look that great (talking about the ReShade). It actually hurts my eyes while using it, so I am always forced to disable it.
  15. Why can't someone who donates get an unique rank or even rank image? That'd be awesome.
  16. Vai nella tua libreria di Steam, tasto destro sopra Euro Truck Simulator 2 e clicca su Proprieta'. In alto tra le schede c'è File Locali, clicca e poi seleziona la voce 'Sfoglia i file locali...' e ti aprirà la cartella del tuo Euro Truck. Da lì apri la cartella 'bin' e, in base al tuo sistema operativo, apri la cartella win_x64 se hai il pc a 64 bit (presumo che tu lo abbia così, ormai la maggior parte delle persone lo hanno così) o sennò la cartella win_x84 se hai il pc a 32 bit. Sul file exe eurotrucks2 fai tasto destro di nuovo, proprietà, in alto clicca sulla scheda compatibilità ed infondo metti la spunta su 'Esegui come amministratore' e fai applica e chiudi.
  17. Robcb


    Da quanto ho capito dai tuoi post vorresti che il tuo ban venisse rimosso. Puoi creare un ban appeal su http://truckersmp.com/appeals, anche se dubito che il ban ti verrà rimosso in quanto anche marco6158 ha detto che i ban che hai ricevuto sono legittimi, e comunque se sei stato bannato c'è un motivo, non vieni bannato a caso; il motivo del tuo ban è "wrongway", significa che avrai guidato in contromano e sarai stato reportato o ti avranno visto gli admin mentre lo facevi. In ogni caso ti cito esattamente il punto del regolamento che parla dei ban appeal:
  18. Now that I see, I can't even choose to use my joypad anymore from the controls menu.
  19. Robcb

    Forum Rework

    Well done, I like this one more
  20. I wanted to try out my joypad on ETS2, but as soon as I plug it in and try, for example, to move the left stick let's say left, the steering wheel almost instantly goes left, so my guess is that some option isn't correct, but the problem is that I don't know what to edit from the menu. My controller is the Logitech Wireless F710. Also some buttons aren't binded, so I think I've done something wrongfully?
  21. Since the game has been updated to the last version you simply have to opt out from all betas and then you'll be fine to go.
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