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Please remind that there Areas are more popular as the other places in the game! So make sure you may go to a Server which hasn't much player! Also check out if there is someone else making a convoy at this area! (here are link where you can check out any convoys in ETS2 MP : http://ets2c.com/)

But in general i think nothing says against that convoys are forbidden there! 

kind regards


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As long as you keep going forward and don't stop, i don't really see an issue but maybe an administrator will answer your question.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, NEWLY2014 said:

I have a question , does there any rules says that can or can't a convoy drive through Calais-Duisburg road or drive in Rotterdam?


There isn't a rule against it and technically there is always a convoy on that road lol.



That said, you may want to contact the admins and organise an event if you are considering this because a convoy down this road is certain to cause major traffic issues. They may be willing to close the route for your convoy depending on amount of users.


Contact them here:



Edited by [GB]pete_agreatguy

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"Tea, coffee, pictures are all optional but not forgetting the trailer is mandatory "

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Yes there is some rules, the rules are based on the organizer. Where did you found the convoy? is it at ets2c.com? If yes, then click the tab where you've joined and scroll down until you see the aditional information. There you will see information about the convoy. If you have any questions then fell free to ask.

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I would not recommend you to take a convoy here because of the busy traffic. just like @Trucking Australia said:

16 hours ago, Trucking Australia said:

If you get certain admins, they will kick you for Inappropriate Convoy Management which is in the rules.


We advise you that you do not take a convoy into or along and busy city or road.


AB Baitans Transport | [Driver] [Leader]

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