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You can install benchmarking tools to test your PC performance, a quick google will bring up some common suggestions. Without more details as to the problem you describe, its hard to pinpoint a possible cause for your issue. As requested, the pc specs would help, including your connection speed.


Retired ets2mp trucker, cya all elsewhere. B)

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Im going 90 kph and people are seein me go 30 kph. My ping is fine about 100 is my ping. is there a fix for that??


Hello Trucker, 


can you give me computer info

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Restart your router and try again. 


Some say the world will end in fire / Some say in ice / From what i've tasted of desire / I hold with those who favor fire

But if it had to perish twice / I think i know enough of hate / To say that for destruction ice / It also grate And wold suffice


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You must Increase your FPS.

I have for you a Config file that will boost your ETS2's FPS.


Follow steps :


1- Download this config file from here.

2- Copy this file "config.cfg".

3- Go to "Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2" search a file named "config.cfg" > rename it to "config-old.cfg"

4- Paste "config.cfg" that you have downloaded.



I hope this solution will help you.



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Here's some info on how to increase your FPS while running a Nvidia Graphics card. To see how much FPS you get ingame, you can enable the Steam FPS counter via steam settings > in-game tab > FPS counter.

First of all, make sure that your ETS2MP client actually runs with your Nvidia card instead of integrated graphics. To do this you right click on your Desktop and you select "Nvidia Control panel". Then go to "Manage 3D Settings" and click the tab "Program Settings". See if "eurotrucks2.exe" or "launcher.exe" (with a ETS2 Icon) is in that list, if not, you can add it manually. Then set the preferred graphics processor for that program to "HIGH PERFORMANCE: Nvidia Processor".
If that's all correct, go in the game, if you're still experiencing lag try reducing graphical settings in the game settings to low/medium. I recommend turning shadows OFF or on LOW. Also Mirror distance and Mirror Quality will have a large impact on your FPS, so try to keep these to LOW/MEDIUM.
Next to that if you're using a laptop, make sure your laptop is connected to the power source. All laptops always perform better while connected to a power source.
I hope this solves your problem.

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Try this while Euro Truck Simulator is running

  1. Ctrl+Alt+Del
  2. Right click it in the Processes tab and the click "Go to Details"
  3. It would lead you to the Details while the Application(ETS) is highlighted
  4. Right click it and select Select Priority " High"
  5. After that click Change priority in the popup box 
  6. Right click again and now select Set Affinity and make sure All Processors are Ticked for the current application and if they arent you can tick them and Click OK button

This helps to Set priority for a specfic application that your CPU will focus on and which means Euro Truck will have more priority than any other program running in the background which leads to allowing it to use more CPU,GPU,RAM and etcetra.


And you can also try what everyone else said :)

Happy Trucking







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