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About AirevielRetired

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  1. No. This has nothing to do with multiplayer. There is no section for website suggestions, which is why I posted where i did. I'll edit my wording. You do know english is not everyones first language right?
  2. Philip, It happened to me and I was able to move my saves/profile over and when restarting the game, logged in with my registered account and it worked for me.
  3. I'd like to suggest to one of the web-devs to make some amendments to the ban report system. Rather than typing the date time, you can use javascript to select the date from a popout (ajax) so it will slide up with a calendar to select the date and time. Yes I know you can type it in, but this is for those of us who are lazy. [] For ' Place ', a combobox which lists all the towns on ETS2 in order descending. (Good for quick selection and those who struggle with spelling difficulty.) A plus (+) sign beside ' Perpetrator ' text box, and once clicked, again using javascript and ajax, it creates a new text to add another perpetrator text box, and same for Steam ID /ETS2MP ID, Description, and Video / Picture. For the Video / Picture section, enable the options to upload images. (There are scripts for uploading online which also offer protection, and checking of uploaded content.) By doing this, you will have Perpetrator 1, 2 3, etc. I have many reports to put in, and Its a hassle to submit one at a time.
  4. I've tried running ETS2 on Steam OS, only to have nothing but problems with it. (Mostly with SteamOS,) Steam OS is rubbish, just like its client application, (steam). Last time I checked up with Steam, they were using emulation to run games which are not developed to work with Linux. http://www.scssoft.com/eurotrucksimulator2.phpWhere does it say that the official site supports Linux? It is steam who proclaim such statement (only to try promote Ubuntu with a Steam GDE). Steam would sell their Granny to make money. Please educate yourself instead of trying to make someone out to be a lier Flari.
  5. I beleive this is a problem with Steam, not the game. If you like, I can offer to control your PC via teamviewer and see If I can fix it for you? Send me a PM or add me on steam to arrange a time. Keep in mind, I don't do this for everyone.
  6. For anyone reporting lost saves or profile information. Anytime you update your SCS software, its advised to make a backup of your profile data in your my documents/ets2 forlder. Normally, updates rename your current profiles to -profiles-version-number-here-. If they exist on the previous version, copy your saves/profile to the new ETS profile folder. All should work again. Lets know how you get on.
  7. I am already using it, but it could do with some minor CSS tweeks. For anyone looking for this, its at the very bottom left of the forum. It is very easy on the eyes.
  8. ^ I suggest you look into Ubuntu-cloud, or a cloud service such as what google use? And also speak to your hosting provider about implementing cloud services. This would also allow your servers to use DNS zones connecting users who are closer to their own regions to other players on the other side of the globe. I know how this is setup for websites, but It should be the same setup for a game server, come to think about it... you may only need to tweek the game client regarding how it communicates.
  9. sudo apt-get install aptitude sudo aptitude install wine sudo aptitude install winetricks sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer If you continue to have issues, you can open wine from the start menu, (if using GDE) and choose configure wine. Here you can add and install any missing DLLs. Hope this helps you Dutch Do not install wine as root. This is a security concern.
  10. Just ignore the bratty kids Gorkal1ty and go past them, if their posts are one liners or bs with nothing positive to offer, then report that post for what it is and let the mods handle it. Keep in mind, its not the server that should be determining the skins seen by other users, that should be done by the client. Happy trucking, and keep the positive suggestions coming in.
  11. Some of you people seriously need to educate yourselves before you speak. I actually like the idea, but only if its not made mandatory, and If it's optional. Meaning (You can request custom skins and an additional installer could be made available for those who want to see the different skins/mods. It would be installed seperate from the main MP installer.) but I think it would be better for MP devs to port the game to a newer engine and use different skins. Thus making the mod their own game. Afterall, porting the game would mean manual migration to a new engine, thus further making the code new, and their own. They're already half way there! (That's just IMO.) Secondly, coming from someone with 8 years study experience in contract law, please stop talking out of your ass about eulas and everything else. Those circumstances are widely disputible should they ever reach a court-room hearing. Which is highly unlikely... SCS would loose so much money if the MP crew packed up tomorrow and quit. Lets face facts, ETS2 is nothing without MP, and its in SCS best interest to currently work with the devs of this mod. Nobody can deny gamers are buying this simulator specificially for multiplayer entertainment. Thirdly, as a programmer, mod/game dev (not for ets). Skins are not required by servers, and they are only required by the clients. If the server is configured to show custom skins, and knows how to parse the information of different skins, then the client will interperate which skin the user will see based on the skins installed by the user of the client. If the user does not have the skin, he/she will see the skin as a default type for the template it represents. Atleast, thats how I've always made custom skins work on games I've worked with. If the ETSMP server works, differently, then the devs need to change how that works on their client/servers.
  12. Tough job driving through Poland with that kind of light.
  13. All members of the forum should be able to choose different styles based on their own preference. Some people may prefer other fonts, sizes, and all that which would be easier for their eyes. I like gray text on black themes, as its easy on the eyes. I support this, and hope more themes will be installed and made available to choose from soon.
  14. Hi, without cynicism, and sarcasm can you kindly explain what your point is, and why you are giving a negitive opinion? Do you not think its worth while to try and propose an alternative positive solution to improve the OPs suggestion while you're at it?
  15. You're welcome.
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