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interaction between. TMP/players


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In my opinion there is little transparency between the team and the players, and I will explain. 

Example when there is a shortening for some sector of the team, we don't know who passed to 1 phase. should publish the players who managed to pass. 

Another example staff leaving the team and spending 3 weeks are back. Those same players should wait as everyone else for the applications to be open, because in the teg of these same players. Like everyone. And what's the reason to enter soon? 

But overall, I even give a 7 for a team, 

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It depends on each person, but my opinion is that some of the admins are very strict, it's always nice to say the rules in a sweet language, but mostly the admins are successful in getting along with the players so my score is 8




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I think it's hard as from what I heard on some Discord / VTC, you have to be very far up the admin/mods perveribles. Not only this, the impression I get is that a lot of players 25+ think all the mods are 14 and 15 year olds and it's hard to take them seriously as they're all "high on power". Just my two cents from what I hear on discords.

Edit: Therefore my score is 5

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1 hour ago, "RICKY" said:

Example when there is a shortening for some sector of the team, we don't know who passed to 1 phase. should publish the players who managed to pass. 

All new staff members are announced in these same forums. First, as "Player X enters the team as trainee", later, if they do goof, "Trainee X has been promoted to...". I don't see why we should have any more information than that about the matter.


1 hour ago, "RICKY" said:

Another example staff leaving the team and spending 3 weeks are back. Those same players should wait as everyone else for the applications to be open, because in the teg of these same players. Like everyone. And what's the reason to enter soon? 

This is even simpler. They can re-join the team without applying or going through any process because they are already known and they don't need to go through the training again, since they have been doing their jobs before. Someone gets their driver license, stops driving for some time and then decides to drive again, they don't need to get their license again, do they? It's something like that.


1 hour ago, LittleCov said:

I think it's hard as from what I heard on some Discord / VTC, you have to be very far up the admin/mods perveribles. Not only this, the impression I get is that a lot of players 25+ think all the mods are 14 and 15 year olds and it's hard to take them seriously as they're all "high on power". Just my two cents from what I hear on discords.

I don't know what Discord servers those are, but surely there are unhappy people everywhere, mostly those who were banned because they broke the rules, they can't admit that they deserved to be banned, so "Admins are 14 y.o. power hungry kids". There's an age requirement to join any TMP team: 17 or older. Maybe someone younger than that could slip into the team somehow, but "ALL mods are 14 or 15 year olds" is simply nonsense.


Replying to the topic itself, I'd say that the interaction is pretty intense. There are lots of announcements in the website, forums, Discord (don't know about FB or Twitter because I don't use those). I see quite a lot of staff actively answering or simply chatting with users in Forums and Discord, mainly, so it's at least a 9/10 from me. Of course, not ALL of the staff members do these things, but when there's enough of them involved, I don't see a need for more.

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10 minutes ago, FernandoCR [ESP] said:

Todos os novos membros da equipe são anunciados nesses mesmos fóruns. Primeiro, como "Jogador X entra na equipe como trainee", depois, se eles fizerem bobagens, "O Trainee X foi promovido a...". Não vejo por que devemos ter mais informações do que isso sobre o assunto.


Isso é ainda mais simples. Eles podem voltar a fazer parte da equipe sem se candidatar ou passar por nenhum processo porque já são conhecidos e não precisam passar pelo treinamento novamente, pois já faziam seu trabalho antes. Alguém tira a carteira de motorista, deixa de dirigir por um tempo e depois resolve voltar a dirigir, não precisa tirar a carteira de novo, não é? É algo assim.


Eu não sei que servidores Discord são esses, mas certamente há pessoas infelizes em todos os lugares, principalmente aqueles que foram banidos porque quebraram as regras, eles não podem admitir que mereciam ser banidos, então "Admins são 14 anos famintos por poder crianças". Há um requisito de idade para ingressar em qualquer equipe TMP : 17 anos ou mais. Talvez alguém mais jovem do que isso possa entrar na equipe de alguma forma, mas "TODOS os mods têm 14 ou 15 anos" é simplesmente um absurdo.


Respondendo ao tópico em si, diria que a interação é bem intensa. Há muitos anúncios no site, fóruns, Discord (não sei sobre FB ou Twitter porque não os uso). Eu vejo muitos funcionários respondendo ativamente ou simplesmente conversando com usuários em Fóruns e Discord, principalmente, então é pelo menos um 9/10 de mim. É claro que nem TODOS os membros da equipe fazem essas coisas, mas quando há o suficiente deles envolvidos, não vejo necessidade de mais.

Now I have a question! how many players pass the staff without going through the shortening phase?  We all know that this exists, otherwise there were not 2 vtcs that each of them has more than 20 members in the TMP team. 

As we all know that moderators leave and come back after a few weeks, it's the team's punishment if that happens between 1 and 2, I'm still sad but many times.!!!!!

@FernandoCR [ESP]. Don't try to defend what all TMP players know, it's in plain sight. The player does not speak because they are afraid of it, because they want to join the team, it must be their case.But you are simply deceiving yourself and not being yourself. Hugs and good km 

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I have been playing with TMP for more than 7 years and never had a problem with anyone in the staff. It's usually the banned players who are always trying to find anything to rant about the mods, only because it's the moderation team that banned them. Let's not forget, also, that all staff in the moderation team are volunteers, their life can change so they may need a break and leave the team for some time. When they are ready to come back, unless it's been years or they want to join a different team, I don't see why they would need to go again through a recruitment proccess, when they have already proved that they are able for the position.


And once again, please, stop with the "What ALL players know" to try to defend what YOU believe. I'm not deceiving anyone and I've always been myself, who else could I be? You asked for opinions about the interaction between TMP staff and players, I gave my opinion. Of course, you can disagree with it, but it doesn't make it any less valid than yours.


EDIT: Just to make it clear, I've been suggested that I should apply for at least 2 different teams in TMP, by at least 5 different members of the staff (including some manager) and never was interested, so no, I'm not afraid to speak and I don't speak well about the team because I want to join them.

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Hi Ricky, how are you? I'll summarize everything I read here in a single post!

1. About the social relationship of the team to the players:

  • The social relationship of a member of any team with a single player varies from the personality of the member who is there. Some maintain their social relationship normally after joining the TruckersMP Team, others let "their role go to their head" and start belittling the lower ones or simply treat them differently because you are not part of that "new social class". Many in the community are leaders of companies or groups, as I once was. Regardless of the position you are in, whether it is Media Team or Game Producer, you have to show that you are a leader and not a boss! What makes you different, what makes you win new people and their friendship and respect, is only your humility with them and not your role, as many think and practice. Overall I give it a 7/10.


2. About recruitments, members leaving and returning and others:

  • You must be talking about "that annual balance sheet" that a few months ago TruckersMP made available to everyone. I agree that it is more transparent if TruckersMP does a "balance by recruitment" after the end of each recruitment. That way we would know the demand of each sector, the amount of people who went to the 2nd and 3rd stage and later managed to get in as a member. 


  • Today we all see people leaving and less than 1 month returning to the team as normal. I understand that she has gone through all those stages, however, I have conviction that managers ask "Do you have time and do you really want to join us?" Yes, I approve of a 3-6 month gap for those who left to return. This would give chances for new people from the community to join, for current members of each team to be promoted, and even for the leaders of each team to see "the reputation" that that former member left for the team and the community.


  • In the 4 years that I have been in the community, the subject of "manager friends" always comes to a head. There is friend and friends. Friends who approach you out of interest and those to help you! But that they let it seem that if X person who is part of a VTC of any Manager who is from any TruckersMP Team, that he/she has better chances of joining the TruckersMP Team, this part, unfortunately, they let on and I know many who don't try to apply it because they have this image in their thoughts, "that they need someone of influence to put it on the team". Could it be because of trust and especially communication in English? Maybe it is! Who should open an investigation about this to see if there is a "favoritism" or not, has to be the Project Coordinators with Project Managers.
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11 minutes ago, Skywalker_ said:

Olá Ricky, tudo bem? Vou resumir tudo que li aqui em um único post!

1. Sobre a relação social da equipe com os jogadores:

  • A relação social de um membro de qualquer equipe com um único jogador varia da personalidade do membro que ali está. Alguns mantêm seu relacionamento social normalmente após ingressarem na Equipe TruckersMP, outros deixam "seu papel subir à cabeça" e passam a menosprezar os inferiores ou simplesmente tratá-los de forma diferente porque você não faz parte dessa "nova classe social". Muitos na comunidade são líderes de empresas ou grupos, como eu já fui. Independentemente da posição em que você está, seja Equipe de Mídia ou Produtor de Jogos, você tem que mostrar que é um líder e não um chefe! O que te diferencia, o que te faz conquistar novas pessoas e sua amizade e respeito, é apenas a sua humildade com elas e não o seu papel, como muitos pensam e praticam. No geral, dou um 7/10.


2. Sobre recrutamentos, saída e retorno de membros e outros:

  • Você deve estar falando daquele “balanço anual” que há alguns meses a TruckersMP disponibilizou para todos. Concordo que é mais transparente se a TruckersMP fizer um “saldo por recrutamento” após o final de cada recrutamento. Assim saberíamos a demanda de cada setor, a quantidade de pessoas que foram para a 2ª e 3ª etapa e depois conseguiram entrar como membro. 


  • Hoje todos vemos pessoas saindo e menos de 1 mês retornando ao time normalmente. Entendo que ela tenha passado por todas essas etapas, porém, tenho convicção de que os gestores perguntam: "Você tem tempo e quer mesmo se juntar a nós?" Sim, eu aprovo um intervalo de 3-6 meses para aqueles que partiram para retornar. Isso daria chances para novas pessoas da comunidade se juntarem, para membros atuais de cada equipe serem promovidos e até mesmo para os líderes de cada equipe verem "a reputação" que aquele ex-membro deixou para a equipe e a comunidade.


  • Nos 4 anos que estou na comunidade, o assunto dos "amigos gerentes" sempre vem à tona. Há amigo e amigos. Amigos que se aproximam de você por interesse e aqueles para ajudá-lo! Mas que fazem parecer que se X pessoa que faz parte de um VTC de algum Gestor que é de qualquer Equipa TruckersMP, que tem mais hipóteses de se juntar à Equipa TruckersMP, esta parte, infelizmente, deixa transparecer e eu sei muitos que não tentam aplicá-lo porque têm essa imagem em seus pensamentos, "que precisam de alguém de influência para colocá-lo no time". Poderia ser por causa da confiança e principalmente da comunicação em inglês? Talvez seja! Quem deve abrir uma investigação sobre isso para ver se existe um "favoritismo" ou não, tem que ser os Coordenadores de Projetos com os Gerentes de Projetos.

Thank you for your words, it's what I think, but unfortunately there are many people who don't see it the same way.  

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Hello Ricky,

In my honest opinion, we shouldn't even rate anyone

After all those years, TruckersMP is still here, so i'd say, they are doing a great work, keeping such a community for this long.

I only had a few interactions with some of the TMP team, and in all of those few interactions, all of them (not gonna mention their names) have been respectful, kind, and courteous.
What can i say against? nothing, from what i see as an member, the job is done the way it should.





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16 hours ago, blabberbeak said:

A equipe TruckersMP atua da forma mais transparente possível. Por outro lado, eles pedem a opinião dos jogadores em pesquisas anuais.


Não vejo problema em membros da equipe se juntarem novamente sem passar pelo processo de recrutamento novamente. Não seria eficaz.

Eu diria que eles serão atualizados internamente.


Did you know that there is 1 VTC that has more than 20 staff in the TMP? And it's not the only one.

Did you know that players who pass directly to the team without passing the application stage. 

So where is the transparency?

It's the players that make the TMP, not the TMP that makes the players. 

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1 - I don't see why TMP staff should be forbidden to join any VTC they want and because of this, I see it normal that there will be a higher number of staff members in the biggest VTCs. Prime Logistics has almost 700 members, Viva Trucking has more than 1100. And in any case... Staff joining this or that VTC is just another form of interaction between staff and players... So why is it so bad, according to you?


2 - No, I don't, other than those players who have been already staff, so they don't really "pass directly to the team without passing the application stage", they had already passed that stage previously. If you know of players who entered directly without going through the recruitment process, maybe you should submit a feedback ticket to Project Management and ask for an explanation. Feedback is another way to interact with the staff, after all.

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Most people on the team are in contact with the players and in constant dialogue or driving, this is really awesome. Except for some of course ? Indeed, some people in the team are very egoistic and think they own the game and they act like that , that's why most players are afraid of admins "Hah if they ban me." he thinks and i think it's a bad example against the players. Some are very strict both in speech and in duty. Not everyone has to know the rules exactly by heart but i think it would be better if they explained the rules in a sweeter language. After all, despite everything i like most of the people on the team. It is necessary to understand them, because it must be difficult to maintain order in a place where there are too many players. That's why my score is 7 ❤️ 

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On 6/10/2022 at 8:45 AM, "RICKY" said:

Did you know that there is 1 VTC that has more than 20 staff in the TMP? And it's not the only one.

I didn't know. And I don't understand how it relates to the topic. Aren't TMP staff members allowed to join the same VTC?


On 6/10/2022 at 8:45 AM, "RICKY" said:

Did you know that players who pass directly to the team without passing the application stage. 

So where is the transparency

I said "as transparent as they can". It doesn't mean they have to share every decision with their community.


I'd suggest to contact the TruckersMP team directly to talk about your concerns.

It doesn't make sense to discuss them in public.


Have a nice day! ?

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2 horas atrás, blabberbeak disse:

Eu não sabia. E eu não entendo como isso se relaciona com o tema. Os membros da equipe do TMP não podem ingressar no mesmo VTC?


Eu disse "o mais transparente possível". Isso não significa que eles tenham que compartilhar todas as decisões com sua comunidade.


Sugiro entrar em contato diretamente com a equipe TruckersMP para falar sobre suas preocupações.

Não faz sentido discuti-los em público.


Tenha um bom dia! ?


I already did that to contact the team and the answer I got was 0 , none. 

And the truths, yes truths, you just need to research a little and see what I say is the truth must be disclosed. 

I don't know why you say it shouldn't be discussed in public. 

Therein lies the lack of.team transparency. with your players. 

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34 minutes ago, "RICKY" said:


I already did that to contact the team and the answer I got was 0 , none. 

And the truths, yes truths, you just need to research a little and see what I say is the truth must be disclosed. 

I don't know why you say it shouldn't be discussed in public. 

Therein lies the lack of.team transparency. with your players. 

Hey Ricky,


after reviewing all the posts here which I commented before it really seems like something really big is frustrating you.


Give me one good reason why TMP Staff in general shouldn’t join a vtc for example?


Lets not forget that they are also players so why not join a vtc and spend some good time with other members as said above.

Lack of transparency? New staff members without the recruiting process? 

Also explained above, if someone didn’t go through that process it’s because at some point he did previously so why does this bother you so much?

Because they don’t share every single step with us? 

In your last sentence it seems like you know or have proof of something, open a feedback ticket, provide all of the information (if you have some) and get over with it.

I got the feeling (maybe i’m wrong) that you trying to make us turn our back on TruckersMP, I don’t know, just a feeling.


They might be following this topic?


Kind Regards





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1 hour ago, "RICKY" said:


I already did that to contact the team and the answer I got was 0 , none. 

And the truths, yes truths, you just need to research a little and see what I say is the truth must be disclosed. 

I don't know why you say it shouldn't be discussed in public. 

Therein lies the lack of.team transparency. with your players. 

But wasn't your initial idea to rate the TruckersMP team?


Why do we now discuss opinions? What will it lead us to? Trying to convince the other of our own opinion?


Don't get me wrong, I welcome a culture of open discussion. But if you disagree with the management of TruckersMP (which you're perfectly entitled to!) I'd suggest to use the feedback system or contact higher management and let them know.

If you don't receive an answer, ask them for the reason of the delay or if they can't answer or don't want to comment.


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1 hour ago, _The Witcher_ said:

Oi Ricky,


depois de rever todos os posts aqui que eu comentei antes realmente parece que algo realmente grande está te frustrando.


Dê-me uma boa razão pela qual a equipe do TMP em geral não deve participar de um vtc, por exemplo?


Não vamos esquecer que eles também são jogadores, então por que não participar de um vtc e passar um bom tempo com outros membros, como dito acima.

Falta de Transparência? Novos membros da equipe sem o processo de recrutamento? 

Também explicado acima, se alguém não passou por esse processo é porque em algum momento ele o fez anteriormente, então por que isso te incomoda tanto?

Porque eles não compartilham cada passo conosco? 

Em sua última frase, parece que você sabe ou tem provas de algo, abra um ticket de feedback, forneça todas as informações (se tiver algumas) e termine com isso.

Eu tenho a sensação (talvez eu esteja errado) que você está tentando nos fazer virar as costas para a TruckersMP, eu não sei, apenas uma sensação.


Eles podem estar seguindo este tópico?




None of that, I don't want anyone to turn their back on TMP

I myself have been a player for a long time, I only seek equality for all players, that there are no favors for some and not for others. I seek equality for all. And whoever joins the team, let it be for their work and proof of their work. And not because VTC A to B has an input. 

For we don't see after games moderators with 180 hours of play, as I've seen. 

Because I already have experience that this type of duminio is bad for the TMP

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9 minutes ago, "RICKY" said:


None of that, I don't want anyone to turn their back on TMP

I myself have been a player for a long time, I only seek equality for all players, that there are no favors for some and not for others. I seek equality for all. And whoever joins the team, let it be for their work and proof of their work. And not because VTC A to B has an input. 

For we don't see after games moderators with 180 hours of play, as I've seen. 

Because I already have experience that this type of duminio is bad for the TMP

Well, I must disagree with you.

Of course and I think we all want equity on TruckersMp.


As far as i know , TruckersMP is strict when it comes to recruitment, and it shouldn’t be any other way.

And I honestly don’t think that they give away positions to people who don’t fulfill all the requirements, or because they’re are friends with A,B or C on the same vtc.


But I think we’re far away from the subject of your topic.


Kind Regards






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On 6/1/2022 at 12:52 PM, _EURØPEANTRUCKS_VJ said:

my opinion on the admins is like -11 but the rest of the tmp team seems to make a good work

Without "the admins", the servers would be a mess and nobody would want to play. Everyone would be violating the rules, as there would be no reason to follow the rules as there won't be any consequences.


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11 hours ago, Dylаn said:

Without "the admins", the servers would be a mess and nobody would want to play. Everyone would be violating the rules, as there would be no reason to follow the rules as there won't be any consequences.

-11 because they make weird decisions sometimes which stay unpunished such as banbymistake... i think they should get a small punishment if they ban you for no reason because they didnt look close enough for example... with punishment i mean somthing like 1 week without admin rights and if this happens a few times the tmp team can look into it and decide if those admis are the right person for that job.

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17 hours ago, _The Witcher_ said:

Bem, devo discordar de você.

Claro e acho que todos queremos equidade na TruckersMp.


Tanto quanto sei, a TruckersMP é rigorosa no que diz respeito ao recrutamento, e não deveria ser de outra forma.

E eu sinceramente não acho que eles cedem cargos para pessoas que não cumprem todos os requisitos, ou porque são amigos de A, B ou C no mesmo vtc.


Mas acho que estamos longe do assunto do seu tópico.





A discussion is always healthy as long as there is respect for everyone, we are here to discuss a scene. 

now I will give a small example. 

To be able to join the team you have to go through 3 stages of shortening 

Application, interview, training and only then becomes official. You may be withdrawn at any time if you do not meet the stylized requirements for the position you applied for.

All right, even many good things to be able to have an efficient team.

Now my question, why doesn't the TMP public, for example, the names of the players who managed to pass the application stage? By passing the dash stage does not guarantee the passage to official. 

There's what I say there is a lack of transparency in TMP. Now I ask something? Can anyone join the team without applying?

We can't know that, because the team says nothing 

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