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  1. Установил стимовскую версию игры Euro Truck, после чего скачал по видео Truckers MP, запускаю и вот такая вылазит ошибка. Проверял в реестре через sfc /scannow. Удалял лаунчер, запускал от имени администратора. Ничего не помогает, кто знает решение проблемы, помогите!
  2. Buenas compañeros, pues hoy después de mucho tiempo me apeteció echarme unas partidas en el ETS2 MP, en esta plataforma. El problema empieza cuando cojo el Skoda (el coche) y empiezo a acelerar, veo que no pasa de 40 km/h, miro a ver si está activo el limitador y en efecto, lo desactivo y pruebo otra vez, que va, el limitador se activa solo! Pruebo con un camión, con el Volvo tocho (FH16 se llama?), acelero y no pasa de 80 km/h, pruebo a salir de una ciudad y vuelvo a acelerar, ahora si lo sobrepasa, pero el limitador sigue igual, no lo puedo desactivar, cuando lo hago se activa solo. Vuelvo al Skoda a ver si ya consigo que pase de 40 km/h sacandolo de la ciudad y que va, no hay manera, igual. Alguien tiene idea de que puede pasar? Por que no me deja quitar el limitador? No se supone que limita a 90 km/h? En el panel de control de TruckersMP está desactivado, y todo esto me ha pasado en Europa 2, que no hay limitación de velocidad... a si que ya no sé que es lo que pasa.
  3. Hello Guys! I have a question What are the System requirements for Truckersmp? so I have AMD A8 6600K (4x4,1Ghz) Msi GTX 1050ti Dual Fan (1700+ Mhz) 8GB DDR3 1600 Mhz and when I playing Truckersmp I see in MSI Afterburner that my CPU just works on 50% and my GPU sometimes only 10-20% most of the time it happens when I'm in high pollution zones.
  4. TruckersMP & GDPR (Общие правила защиты данных) Как многие из вас уже знают, крайний срок, который предоставлен для соответствия требованиям GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), составляет менее суток. Мы с гордостью сообщаем, что наши разработчики проведя огромную работу в последнее время, чтобы удостовериться, что мы отвечаем предельному сроку, только что опубликовали обновление на нашем веб-сайте. Ниже некоторые вопросы и ответы на них, связанные GDPR, и то, что вы можете ожидать Что такое GDPR? GDPR - это общее правило защиты данных, которое вступило в силу 25 мая 2018 года. Более подробную информацию об этом вы можете найти здесь: перейти Что было изменено, чтобы вы соответствовали требованиям GDPR? Теперь вы можете создать дамп данных на веб-сайте. Они хранятся в течение 48 часов, и вы можете вручную удалить их после просмотра. Здесь можно создать дамп данных: войти в настройки аккаунта → Account Settings Я хочу удалить свою учетную запись. Как я могу это сделать? Вам нужно перейти в настройки аккаунта и в самом низу страницы вы можете сделать это. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМНИТЕ, ЧТО ЭТО ДЕЙСТВИЕ НЕ МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ ОТМЕНЕНО! Если я удалю свой аккаунт, то мои баны также будут удалены? Нет. Ваши баны связаны с вашим идентификатором Steam, который является общедоступной информацией, отображаемой самим Steam. Если вы снова зарегистрируетесь, то ваши баны будут повторно активированы. Когда я удалю свою учетную запись, какая информация останется и что будет удалено? Информация, которая останется: баны, апелляции и репорты останутся, поскольку они не являются личной информацией и используются для получения доказательств. Информация, которая будет удалена: заявки на вступление в команду, обращения в обратную связь, социальная информация и журналы редактирования, связанные с вашей учетной записью TruckersMP и форумом. Что произойдёт с моим аккаунтом на форуме? Ваш аккаунт на форуме так же будет удалён. Любые опубликованные вами темы и ответы останутся видимыми. Команда комьюнити TruckersMP
  5. =================COMBOIO DESSA SEMANA (28/07)=============== Server: SA01 or US1 / hour: 09:00 PM -GMT -3 | 06:00 PM - UTC 0 Nosso comboio desse Sábado (28/07/18) será organizado pela empresa TC.LOG.BR e estão todos convidados a participar! As informações estão nos banners, qualquer dúvida sinta-se a vontade para comentar. Estarei vindo toda semana editar este tópico para anunciar os comboios a vocês, então fiquem ligados aqui. Att:. DJFrontier - Líder do Grupamento de Escoltas GCEE | Escolta da TruckersMP. Equipe Administrativa: Fabio (Fundador), Marcelo. Equipe Administrativa do GE: DJFrontier, Pombo, Gears. Agradeço a Equipe da TruckersMP também por fazer parte dos eventos, estar sempre presente e ajudar em nossos comboios: @Nataliia @Mike Dragon @Kayr0 @LUIG @David Edson @chevytime @aluizio' @OBrasileiro Es dono de empresa e queres fazer parte da GCEE? Me contate no Discord: DJFrontier#3813 ou por este tópico mesmo. Default route English US Departure: Aberdeen (Stokes). Arrival: Newcastle (SellPlan). Concentration: 08:30 PM GMT + 3 (05:20 PM UTC 0) Start: 09:00 PM GMT + 3 (06:00 PM UTC 0) Server: South America (Main) United States (Reserve) Não sabe o que é a GCEE? Leia este tópico! Temos outro tópico neste fórum, onde atualizamos com as fotos dos comboios toda semana! DJFrontier - Escolta Oficial no Servidor América do Sul. DJFrontier - Official Escort on South America Server.
  6. -Elvis-


    hello on ets2c I am creating a convoy for our company how do you get it to show say quarry on the information as it only has the basics port bus station truck dealer and service how can i get to say a certain trailer place or a quarry ? please help
  7. Witam Mam problem z TrucekrsMP już ponad pół roku czekam aż American truck zostanie przypisany do mojego konta Truckers mp początkowo myślałem że błąd pochodzi ode mnie ale jednak nie, w ATS mam 9 godzin (bo wole grać ze znajomymi niż solo) a potem pomyślałem może mam prywatny profil Steam nope jest publiczny, potem heh może coś źle zainstalowałem nope to też nie to z ciekawości wszedłem na profil truckers mp i oczywiście ETS aktywowany a ats nie wszedłem w opcje dałem sprawdź grę i pisze poczekaj 5 minut, było bi nawet git gdyby to sprawdzali to 3 godzinki czy 3 dni ba nawet tydzień ale nie pół roku, potem pomyślałem heh może jak byłem napity i graliśmy ze znajomymi to stworzyłem nowe konto nope to też nie to sprawdziłem wszystkie adresy mail i nic na sam koniec się wnerwiłem i napisałem do wsparcia truckers mp i ch*j to dało bo te wsparcie nie daje żadnego wsparcia tylko mi mówi że oni i tak nic nie mogą dlatego jestem tutaj. Może wy coś poradzicie.
  8. Suggestion Name: Car &Trailer TMP Skin Suggestion Description: Add two variants of the TMP logo for the car, one that makes admins stand out i.e blue reflective outline of the logo for GM & Yellow or orange for Escort, trailers have the default logo possibly with a simple colour selection! Any example images: No Why should it be added?: It would look better on the car ( excluding the colour selection option on the car for obvious reasons ) & would make a nice addition for trailers in convoys & for photos!
  9. Buenas, Quería saber si hay algún problema con los reportes que mando mediante el enlace de reports de truckersmp ya que he mandado unos cuantos y no he obtenido respuesta sobre si han sido aceptados o denegados. Un saludo y muchas gracias.
  10. Guest


    Hello Here you get some steps to try if blocks connection to our Game Servers. Please follow the provided instructions below. The ports for ETS2MP: TCP: 30033 How to add TPC ports: 1.) Navigate to Control Panel, System and Security and Windows Firewall. 2.) Select Advanced settings and highlight Inbound Rules in the left pane. 3.) Right click Inbound Rules and select New Rule. 4.) Add the port you need to open and click Next. 5.) Add the protocol (TCP) and the port number into the next window and click Next. 6.) Select Allow the connection in the next window and hit Next. 7.) Select the network type as you see fit and click Next. 8.) Name the rule something meaningful and click Finish. Other steps that you can try: 1.) Search after cmd on windows 2.) Put ipconfig /release and enter You can find these steps here : https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~help/networking/IP_renew.html Note : This topic will be updated by me or other in support team Kind Regards Total EDM Support Team
  11. Bonjour à tous, vous allez bien ? Il y a quelques minutes, je tente de lancer le multi, et j'ai ce message ( en bas à droite )... Je ne suis pas le seul à avoir ce bug, un gars de ma team l'a aussi. Que faire ? Attendre une MàJ ? Car je n'ai pas envie de me retaper le téléchargement complet de truckersMP...
  12. You've got no jobs on your job list, what do you do? Follow this guide, and I will talk you through how to fix your jobs list Close ETS2, but keep Steam open Open your ETS2 profiles folder in your Documents (on Windows, this is usually "C:\Users\[your user name here]\Documents\Euro Truck Simulator 2\profiles") Navigate to the profile in which the issue is occuring (if unsure, look at the date in which the fodler was "modified" and this will tell you which is which, as long as your last used profile was the one you are having problems with) Open config.cfg with a program. Anything as simple as Notepad can open it, as it is not one of those "awkward" documents Navigate to "uset g_force_economy_reset", usually the 9th line down in the document. Next to the command, change the number in the speech marks ("#") to 1 (it should be 0, if not then you may have to start your game and close it again) Save (Ctrl + S is the quickest) and exit out of the document. Re-open TruckersMP/ETS2 A dialog will appear when loaded acknowledging that it has etetcted a change in the settings, just okay this (note your truck will be parked at its garage due to this change) Done! The number in the document will reset back to 0, so you can redo this when it occurs again. So why did this happen? If you use Quick Jobs, then this is your direct problem. In MP, there are often glitches with the Quick Jobs, mainly because of the time change when you load in. This method might be handy with that as you will be marked as late for your job if you load straight in with a quick job. If you own a truck, then this might be one of rare glitches and you shouldn't really worry. However if this keeps on happening, test single player. If the problem does happen then I would advise that you contact SCS Software (the creators of ETS2) as this might be a problem with the software. If the problem doesn't happen then keep on using this method. If it bugs you too much, contact TruckersMP support, and explain the issue to them. I know alot of people already know about this trick, but I wanted to highlight it to those beginners on TruckersMP who might be experiencing this problem for the first time (as I was in that position not so long ago) I hope this guide was helpful, do feel free to leave a comment and let me know if you have anymore issues about this problem which I didn't mension in the main post. Thanks
  13. Hi, I just wanted to ask if its possible to together in American Truck Simulator, what I mean is having the same job and driving to the same destination. Its always a hassle to search a job that everyone has.
  14. Hello dear TruckersMP Community. Since a few days I have the problem that I hardly have or get any more WorldofTrucks jobs. Yesterday I was in the city of Lion and wanted to start a WorldofTruck job together with my friends. Everyone had this job. I didn't have a single job in Lion, though. So I'm forced to take jobs from the freight market every time. Any of you have the problem, too? If so, how do you fix it? I also wanted to ask in the SCS forum, but my post was not published there. Kind regards CrowTearZz
  15. After a few minutes of playing i got out of the server in a strange way and then told me a message..>> (Connection refused, someone is already playing with that steamID) A little while ago i had the same problem twice in less than half an hour !! Please help thanks in advance..
  16. Hello! My voice chat is not working. I cannot hear other people but others can hear me. The voice chat radio has been turned on in the truck and I'm always on the channel on others are but I can't hear others. Someone please help! Thanks
  17. Hello guys, i have a problem with app Truckers MP on my Macbook, do you have any solution for installation Truckers MP on OSX (Macbook)?
  18. Dear fellow members and mods, been wondering why am I having high ping in ets2 truckersmp? Tried connecting to europe servers, and get average 92-100 ms. As I did speedtest and set the server location to France, I get 71/75 ms? Please help! Thanks in advance EDIT: The most thing I'm confused of, around 4 months or so, I used to get stable 82/84 ms, and never received high dosage amount of choke, lag and ping? That time I used to get ADSL, now moved to fiber optic and connected to an ethernet, and I just received a big amount of ping from 82 to 95 to 100 or sometimes 300 ms, which isnt stable at all, I've tried updating my drivers, used WTFast, tried tweaking my settings, disabled my auto update in windows 10, any help would've be really a big help for me, thanks in advanced..
  19. Hi, I downloaded TruckersMP after a long time. When I tried to log in already in the application it was not, I tried to change the email and password, and other options but nothing went wrong. On all ETS2 web sites, this sign-in works. Where is the problem?
  20. So when i do everything correct on tutorials I was watching and when download finished I'm trying to open my launcher and then nothing happens that circle just loads for 1 sec and then dissapear And yes I have 64 bit Edit:I'll try it at evening 3/03/2018 I don't have time now Edit2:Does somebody have TeamViever so you could help me?Nothing repaired my launcher
  21. [Germany] Ich suche für meine Virtuelle Spedition bei Sped-V Fahrer. Die Spaß und Lust am Euro Truck Simulator 2 haben. Bei Fragen kann man mich gerne bei Steam adden ich heiße da Basti1401. Unter anderem kann man sich auch auf unserem Discord Server im Support melden. Discord Adresse: https://discord.gg/SVCKpGy Ich freue mich auf euch. [Englisch] I am looking for Sped-V drivers for my Virtual Forwarding. Have the fun and enjoy the Euro Truck Simulator 2. If you have questions you can like to adden me on Steam I'm there Basti1401. Among other things, you can also sign up for support on our Discord Server. Discord address: https://discord.gg/SVCKpGy I look forward to you all.
  22. Всем, Привет Решила создать эту темку ... Для выкладки Красивых мест Евро.и Американ.Тракта и чего то необычного ... Есть интересные места ... Порой, называю это Артефактами в игре. Ведь команда разработчиков и главных художников игры, старались сделать реалистичнее и красивее саму игру и для нас порой за ездой многое, упускается из виду, а именно саму природу и красоту вокруг нас в игре ... Выкладывайте, если на ваш взгляд - это интересно. Недавно меня пригласили, прокатится с компанией ♚®VTC TRADE AUX®♚ в АТС и решила снять видео этой поездки, приложив немного фантазий, создала этот ролик.
  23. Arkadaşlar ben geçen gün çarptığım için ban yemişim. Ban'a itiraz ettim ama adama ne sorsam istediğim yanıtı vermiyor. Benim banım ne zaman kalkar. Kanıt felan istiyor. İlla benim bişey yapmam itiraz etmem mi lazım? Yardımcı olur musunuz?
  24. Merhaba Kamyoncular, Sizlere bu gün bir konudan hem konuşmak hemde bilgi vermek için konuşmak isterim. Oyun ve forum kuralları'na BURADAN ulaşabilir ve okuyabilirsiniz. Bildiğiniz gibi, sayımız her geçen gün artmaktadır. Bu konu ile alakalı, blog yazısına BURADAN ulaşabilir ve okuyabilirsiniz. Benim sizlerle konuşmak istediğim konu ise şudur; - Oyun içerisinde bir çok kullanıcı D-C yolunu kullanmaktadır, kimi kullanıcı "Trafik'ten hoşlandığını" kimi kullanıcı ise "Yüklerinden dolayı" herkese kurallara uygun herkes istediği yolda ilerleyebilir tabii ki. - Ama sayımızın artması itibari ile oyun kurallarına ve oyun içerisinde ki trafik levhalarına da lütfen uymaya çalışalım, en çok hata kavşaklar da yapılmaktadır. Kavşağa yaklaştığınız da kavşak içerisinde ki arkadaşlara yol vermemiz kaza oranını azaltır. Kavşak çıkışlarında dönüşleri geniş ve açıktan almak kaza oranını azaltır. "Yol Ver" tabelası ile kim karşılaşıyorsa mutlaka geçiş önceliğini karşı tarafa tanımalı. Herke iyi oyunlar dilerim.. Saygılarımla.. NOT : Bunlar kişisel tavsiyelerdir.
  25. Ein Team mit voller Leidenschaft und Spaß am Spielen. Zusammen etwas ganz großes und neues Aufzubauen. Wir sind an die 15 Kraftfahrer mit vielen verschiedenen Eigenschaften. In der P&L Logistic Berlin wird mit einem Stufensystem gearbeitet das sich vom Auzbi/Fahrer bis zur stllv. Geschäftsleitung hocharbeiten kann. Unser Ziel ist es in der Welt zu zeigen, dass man zusammen viel mehr schaffen kann als alleine. Momentan haben wir folgende Stufensysteme : - Fahrer - Verkehrsaufsicht - Verkehrsleitung - Disponent Stufe - Stllv. Geschäftsleitung Diese Ränge haben alle eine bestimmte Verantwortung (Aufgaben etc...) Zum Beginn der Arbeitsverhältnisse bekommt jeder Kraftfahrer einen Virtuellen Arbeitsvertrag. Zur Beendigung der Arbeitsverhältnisse bekommen die Kraftfahrer ein Virtuelles Arbeitszeugnis ausgestellt. Wenn sie es noch nicht wussten : WIR BILDEN AUS ! Auch Neulinge sind bei und Herzlich Willkommen. Wir Bilden aus : - Berufskraftfahrer Schwerpunkt: Schwertransport - Berufskraftfahrer Schwerpunkt: Fernfahrten - Berufskraftfahrer Schwerpunkt: Zerbrechliche Frachten - Berufskraftfahrer Schwerpunkt: Just Time Lieferungen - Berufskraftfahrer Schwerpunkt: Weiterbildung zur Disposition und noch vieles mehr... Was brauchst du ? Was du brauchst ist : - Spaß am Spielen - Verantwortungen übernehmen - Regelmäßiges erscheinen - Kenntniserweiterungen und lernwilligkeiten Haben wir dein Interesse geweckt ? Dann klicke -->https://infop-l.wixsite.com/pl-logistic-berlin/bewerbung und Bewerbe dich noch heute bei uns !
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