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  1. Hi Team! My suggestion is.... add please hungarian GPS voice into the TruckersMP client. It's not a simple GPS voice, it's a funny GPS voice also. Until You drive, You will much more enjoy the drive! Here the URL where from possible download the GPS voice: Click Here! Thanks!
  2. Hello! I'd like to share a suggestion of mine for in-game features. I'd love to see the following... Let me know what you think, I will take any opinions Suggestion Name: Speed Limit removal adjustments. Suggestion Description: As TruckersMP is mostly about trying to implement the realism into play, I thought it would be a great idea to also match the national speed limits for motorways in different countries (e.g... No speed limit in Germany), although I would recommend not to decrease the speed limit any lower than what it is right now which, I believe at the moment the speed limit is 150 kilometres per hour everywhere, at least on EU2. This could be done by a similar method which was used for the double trailer restricted areas. Why should it be added?: This should be added because it adds more realism and accuracy into play, which most players would love to see. Feel free to disagree, just please provide a reason alongside. Best Regards, Zombiez
  3. Sup truckes! So I was wandering if it is possible to add van transportations for TruckersMP. We have Scouts with caravans so why not to have for example VW Crafters or Mercedes-Benz Sprinters that we can drive and transport cargo in. It could be drivable in 2 types of jobs. 1.: Cargo only in van. It would be A-B transportation without trailer. 2.: Cargo in both van and trailer. Trailer would work just like caravans for Scouts. It would also make the traffic more varied so we will be finally meeting something else than just trucks and Scouts. What do you think about it?
  4. Guide traduit en français par @HérissonMan. Cliquez-ici pour voir le guide original en anglais posté par @heyhococo. Bonjour à tous ! Vous souhaitez envoyer une suggestion aux développeurs de TruckersMP ? Voici donc un guide assez rapide pour vous expliquer comment envoyer une bonne suggestion aux développeurs de TruckersMP, pour avoir le plus de chance que votre idée soit acceptée et qu'elle arrive dans le jeu par la suite ! Avant toute chose, vérifiez que votre idée n'a pas déjà été proposée. Si vous allez dans le sous-forum des suggestions (pas n'importe où, juste suggestions) et que vous cliquez sur le barre de recherche en haut à droite de votre écran (ou la loupe si vous êtes sur un téléphone), et que vous cherchez votre idée, vous pourrez voir s'il y a des suggestions similaires, soit déjà acceptée/rejetée ou déjà ouverte aux discussions. Si votre idée est déjà ouverte aux discussions, vous pouvez ajouter votre avis/point de vue sur le sujet existant. (NOTE: Ne répondez pas juste avec "+1" ou "Je suis d'accord" ou quelque chose de similaire, cela n'ajoute rien d'important aux suggestions et votre message peut être caché par les modérateurs car cela *pourrait* être considéré comme du contenu inutile/spam). Il y a aussi un sujet sur le forum créé par un développeur expliquant les différentes suggestions qui seront automatiquement rejetées, ainsi que la raison: Tout changement en rapport avec le jeu lui-même comme des nouvelles cartes, de nouveaux camions, de nouveaux véhicules en général ou quelque chose qui modifie le jeu existant est à discuter avec les développeurs de SCS, et sera rejeté par l'équipe de TruckersMP car ils ne pourront pas changer le jeu lui-même. SCS a leur propres sous-forum des suggestions sur leur site web ici: https://forum.scssoft.com/viewforum.php?f=5 où vous pouvez poster les changements relatifs au jeu que vous souhaitez voir apparaitre. Aussi ne suggérez pas "plus de voitures" ou "bannissez toutes les voitures" ou quelque chose à faire avec les voitures. Juste, ne le faites pas. Ensuite, toujours poster dans la section New Suggestions (Nouvelles suggestions). Cela peut sembler ridicule de dire ça, mais croyez-moi, plusieurs personnes postent des suggestions en dehors du bon sous-forum. Donc soyez sûr que vous suggestions sont toujours dans le sous-forum "New Suggestions", voir le lien ici: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/8-new-suggestions/ Si vous postez n'importe où comme dans General Discussion, vous risquez que votre message soit archivé/supprimé car il sera dans la mauvaise section (Bien que la plupart du temps elles sont justes déplacées dans la bonne section et que l'on vous demande de modifier votre message pour suivre le format correct pour poster une suggestion). Rappelez-vous de garder ce format, cela permet aux autres de bien comprendre votre message et de poster des avis intéressants. Aussi, veuillez utiliser l'anglais pour les suggestions. Si vous avez besoin, demandez à quelqu'un de traduire correctement votre suggestion, ou commencez par la poster dans le sous-forum de votre langue, car très souvent Google Traduction n'aide pas du tout pour poster des messages. Maintenant que vous avez commencé à créer votre sujet, il est important de donner le plus de détails possibles. Si possible, ajoutez des images ou des vidéos de votre suggestion, car cela aide les gens à bien visualiser votre idée et à bien comprendre ce que vous voulez proposer. Si vous ne pouvez pas montrer d'images/vidéos, faites attention à donner assez de détails pour que les joueurs puissent comprendre ce que vous voulez changer/ajouter. Les idées vagues ne sont pas très bien comprises la plupart du temps, donc les gens ne sauront pas trop donner leur avis et votre suggestion ne sera pas déplacé en dehors de la section "New Suggestions" jusqu'à ce que vous éditiez votre post pour ajouter plus de détails. Après ça, votre post sera dans la section "New Suggestions" et un modérateur ou manager/développeur vérifiera rapidement, pour être sûr qu'elle n'a pas déjà été suggérée et que le format est respecté et qu'elle n'est pas destiné à SCS. Si votre idée rentre dans ces critères, le modérateur qui l'a vérifié la déplacera dans la section "Open for discussion" dans la bonne catégorie (Par exemple: In Game, Website, forums, etc.). Cette section est l'endroit où tous les joueurs peuvent écrire leur point de vue à propos de telle idée, et souvent ils vont écrire "+1" et une raison, ou "-1" et une raison pour que vous et les managers/développeurs puissent avoir une bonne idée de ce à quoi les gens pensent. Ils peuvent aussi vous donner de la "réputation" à votre message original s'ils aiment votre idée. Notez que les joueurs qui postent juste "+1" ou "-1" font du spam, donc ce genre de réponse sera caché par les modérateurs. Pour finir, après quelques temps dans la section "Open for discussion", un manager ou développeur ira regarder votre idée, et en fonction de ce qu'ils en pensent, il l'a déplaceront soit dans la section Rejected (Rejetée) soit dans la section Accepted (Accepted) (et éventuellement Accepted>Done). Ils donneront souvent une raison à la fin du sujet pour expliquer pourquoi ils l'acceptent ou la rejètent. Cette décision est souvent basée sur ce que pense les joueurs, si c'est possible que cela soit ajouté, et à quel point ce sera compliqué de l'ajouter. S'ils ont besoin de plus d'aide avec ce que vous souhaitez ajouter, ils laisseront votre sujet ouvert et demanderons plus de détails (bien que normalement vous auriez dû ajouter assez de détails lorsque vous avez posté votre suggestion ) afin qu'ils comprennent mieux ce que vous souhaitez. Et c'est tout ! Bonne chance pour faire de vos idées une réalité et à bientôt sur la route !
  5. Hello Forum ; By opening my own company and recruiting online players. making money is a good idea I think Good Forums Good Games
  6. The skoda cars should be removed. Because of all those who don't drive it properly. Moreover there is so much crashes because the car control is really hard. This is not a car driving game, thats a truck game. And cars are full of bugs. Cars want to overtake trucks but they cant because of the 110 km/h limit.
  7. Suggestion Name: Public Accses to police cars on EU4 [Freeroam] Suggestion Description: Simply allowing all players to drive the Police Cars on EU4 without being auto kicked. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Currently police cars can only be driven offline. I can see for a lot of fun to be had driving the police cars with friends and others. They don't even need to have accses to the siren/ all of the accsesorys if performance is a worry. This may also help reduce trolling behavior. To further prevent this players with trolling on the record could not be allowed this feature until after 6 months for example. Initialy it could be quite popular although this will probably die out pretty quickly. Since EU4 is no collisions it seems the perfect place to allow this.
  8. -Suggestion Format: Event Suggestions -Suggestion Name: The Next TruckersMP Rally Championship Race -Suggestion Description: To the people in charge of TruckersMP: I want to first start by saying that I was accepted to be a racer in the first ever TruckersMP Rally Championship races. I didn't even get through qualifying because of a stupid mistake on my part. But I still had fun and was excited to be apart of it. I wanted to give you my ideas or suggestions for the next TruckersMP Rally race Championship in ATS. 1. I know this one is the most hardest of my ideas. Racing was very hard because people were inside you and you couldn't see where the road was and judge maneuvers properly. But, American Truck Simulator is not a crash simulator so any contact would be a catastrophe waiting to happen. 2. Make race tracks easier and then get harder as we go along. 3. The "flag man" at the starting line should have a mic because it was hard to judge it when it was in the chat. 4. Racers at the starting line should turn off their engines and lights while waiting for their turn because there was noise pollution and frame rate drops. I know there was some night racing, but racers waiting don't need their lights. 5. Send the accepted drivers the race track info earlier so that they can practice the tracks earlier than a few hours before. 6. And last but not least, car racing! Yes, let's try and race the Scout car. That could be fun and exciting. And if we do that, adding some race customizations would be great. Thank you again for making such a great event. Keep up the good work. Here's to more to come! -Any Example Images: -Why should it be added?: Because it would improve the event.
  9. Suggestion Name: Entry Restriction on Servers by Time Played. Suggestion Description: Restrict Player Access to Certain Servers! Until you reach a level. After this level he could join the desired server. Ex. A Player has just finished a newbie, has just bought the Game, has only 2 hours in Offline Mode and already enters Death Road in # EU2 without first knowing that in that Region there are several Players and leaves beating everyone. A person. Watch and report, he takes Ban and he does not play ... Already with the Restriction it could only enter a certain server and could run with the Novato staff. As it runs on the MP it gains Points or Levels needed to join the Certain Server. And if in case a Member that can enter all the available servers he does bullshit or disobey order of one of the GMs he would lose points. And if he continued to disregard the rules he would drop from level to zero and he would start running on the server he is initiating! Any sample image: NONE Why should it be added? : Preventing Beginner Players from taking BAN unfairly and preventing Players from doing so in order to avoid the Trip of a Member who is in Simulation Mode there by doing some KMs for their Company or running for enjoying the game.
  10. Suggestion Name: [EU or US] Heavy / Special transport Suggestion Description: Dedicated Heavy / Special transport server only for DLC Client's Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Would be great have the opportunity play that dlc online with like minded people. it may be chaotic on times but fun.
  11. Suggestion Name: /flip Suggestion Description: You type /flip into chat and it re-spawns your truck back on the road. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Well because i'm sure a lot of people accidentally tip there truck whilst going around bends at high speeds. Your probably about to reply and say 'People can just teleport to services.' but its kind of annoying how you have to drive back to where you were. Thanks
  12. -Suggestion Name: More TruckersMP Scout Car Upgrades. -Suggestion Description: Add more options and customizations to the official car of TruckersMP. -Any Example Images -Why should it be added? I think the Scout car needs more customizations; like engines, paint schemes and additional exterior/interior options. And please have a better engine sounds. I mean, that engine...
  13. -Suggestion Name: Add More Drive-able Cars. -Suggestion Description: Adding more cars for more variety to MP, especially an American car. Example Images: Below. Chevy Silverado Chevy Impala https://images.hgmsites.net/lrg/2009-toyota-camry-4-door-sedan-v6-auto-le-natl-angular-front-exterior-view_100241753_l.jpg http://40ton.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/freightliner_cascadia_2018_12.jpg http://www.truckhelp.com/trucks/pictures/cache/full/ff10b38531d6e09ef1ecd67eb764eca34485.jpg http://jingletruck.com/img/2012-international-prostar-daycab-low-miles-tmp132553170633-0.jpg 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Police Version Example 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Civilian Version Example Pickup Truck Heavy Cargo DLC Options Examples -Why should it be Added? I think it would be cool to have cars or pickup trucks to drive. In ATS, we could have vehicles like 1995 (and other years) Chevy Silverado, 2009 Chevy Impala and actual semi truck models. I don't know European cars that well, but adding Toyota Camrys would be awesome. And finally, replace the official TruckersMP Scout car with a 2004 Ford Crown Victoria. And have this situation: Only an event operators, or official game and server moderators have the police or security version, and all other uses can drive the civilian version. If you add a pickup truck, you could put "oversize load" customizations so that a user can drive the semi truck with loads from the heavy cargo pack dlc, while another user drives the pickup truck.
  14. Suggestion Name: White and yellow leds for skoda pilot Suggestion Description: I noticed that with version 1.33 the police car won new LEDs on the windows and front grille. I suggest the option of white and yellow colored LEDs on the pilot cars of the game. Example in the image below. Any example images: Why should it be added ?: So that players who simulate convoy escort on standard and event servers can use leds as a way to simulate reality even more.
  15. Suggestion Name: No Admin Allowed Server Suggestion Description: A new server that without rules and admins. So some people can play NFS over there. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: All we know that some people in the game doesn't drive logical. It's not a solution but It will be reduce trolling in regular servers.
  16. Suggestion Name: Twitch Streamer Suggestion Description: I think TMP should make a team under the media team that stream on the TMP twitch channel Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: This should be added because, Horizon is very hard working with him community manager role and others in the media team don't really do as much.
  17. Suggestion Name: Reduce or remove the area of auto-kick for Double Trailers. Suggestion Description: The best to me would be to completely remove the auto-kick and allow players to use Double-Trailers in all of Europe. Before this Auto-Kick was put in place, we had several users drive on these roads, and there was no issue with this. We have also previously had players use Heavy Cargo, which in my opinion is more difficult to drive than these Double-Trailers. But, if that is not a possibility, I'd at least like the area of the auto-kick to be reduced, as seen below; I think it will benefit the community if Double Trailers were allowed more in Central Europe, I will tell you why below "Why should it be added?". But as a description of this suggestion, to reduce the auto-kick for Double Trailers and allow players to drive more freely in your mod. I am also using this image as reference to where you can and cannot drive with Double Trailers, as it is the only illustration we have been given. Below I have added an image with green layer on-top of said illustration showing where I think Double Trailers should be allowed. I'd also like to add that a small bit of Calais - Duisburg road is made green on my illustration, that is because Euro Truck Simulator 2's map is not built to take "an alternative route", there are mostly highways in ETS2 and not small rounds going around. That is why I think it is important to allow Double Trailers to use the highway going south of Calais, but only from there allowed to travel towards Lille, or the other way to Calais Railroad. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Allowing players to use Double Trailers more would take players away from typical busy cities and routes, like Calais - Duisburg and the cities nearby. Meaning the player-base would be more spread instead of everyone just driving in the same area. It's rude and toxic to auto-kick players for no valid reason. They are well away from the majority of players driving on C-D, so let them be. If that is the argument. I think the area where you cannot drive Double Trailers is way too big, unnecessarily big. Just looking at the traffic statistics you can clearly see that, for example, Hamburg is almost completely empty, so why limit players from travelling there? It's just toxic to create auto-kicks that don't do anything good for the players, or the server even. The only place that actually needs this auto-kick is Amsterdam, Brussel, Calais, Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Rotterdam, and of course all the roads leading to and between these cities. I also sometimes use the boat to travel quickly, for example I would take the boat from Esbjerg, to Hull, to Europoort and then to Harwich. So, I'd like to see Europoort open for Double-Trailers, only to pass through. (Also, before you decide to trash my suggestion; this suggestion is also to reduce the area of auto-kick, not just to remove as seen in another suggestion made earlier.)
  18. Memorial lights/decals I am inquiring if it's possible the make a skin for the scout car that say MEMORIAL in purple, MEMORIAL flags like the red ones, and to get purple colored warning lights? There are a bunch of people that run these types of convoys in honor of loved ones, fallen service members, PD/FD/EMS personal. It would make the convoys more professional.
  19. Hello, I have a question as to which post is better an additional team or additional support I would like to apply a post
  20. Boa noite para todos da comunidade portuguesa, tudo bem com vocês? Hoje eu estou aqui para fazer sugestões que poderiam ser adicionadas em nossa comunidade (Comunidade portuguesa) para tornar mais organizado e fácil de achar alguns tópicos que se encontram em nossa área (por mais que a atividade não seja tanta, por aqui). Ultimamente estou ativo no fórum para ajudar as pessoas, expressar opiniões, apoiar ou não certas coisas e diversos, como qualquer pessoa iria fazer. Mas vamos ao assunto, eu vou separar sugestões por seções, exemplo: Sugestão 1 (S1) e assim vai.. Observação: São pequenas alterações, mas que podem fazer a diferença! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nome da Sugestão (S1): Descrições para as seções Descrição da Sugestão: Na discussão portuguesa tem algumas seções, todos sabem que há pessoas experientes e novatas no fórum, poderia ser adicionado descrições em todas as seções. Exemplo: Seção de Ajuda - Descrição: Você está precisando de ajuda? Crie aqui o seu tópico que a comunidade irá lhe auxiliar no que for possível! Imagem de Exemplo: Porque essa sugestão deve ser aceita?: Pois as seções vão ficar "claras" no assunto que se tratam e pode dar uma breve descrição do que você pode fazer, como citado acima. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nome da Sugestão (S2): Criar seções / sub-categorias (Eventos, sugestões e em guias) Descrição da Sugestão: Eventos (Oficiais e públicos): Deveria ter uma área específica para a divulgação de eventos "oficiais" (que são realizados pelo TMP) e "públicos" (que são realizados por grupos ou VTCs), existe a área "OFF-TOPIC" mas para ficar algo mais atraente, facilitar a divulgação e organizar melhor as seções, seria interessante que tivesse uma área própria para isso. A área de eventos oficiais seria fechada para os jogadores, somente os funcionários vão ter a permissão de criar postagens. Para não ficar na mão de pessoas que são do Support, Game Moderator e diversos, podem colocar para Tradutores fazer a postagem lá ou qualquer outro cargo que tenha função idêntica. A área de eventos públicos pode ser uma área controlada pelos Moderadores do fórum que são responsáveis por essa área, para controlar quais tópicos serão postados, pois há pessoas que não sabem utilizar o fórum e acaba criando tópicos em área errada ou tem experiência e faz tópicos desnecessários naquele local. Novos sub-fóruns para a seção de Guias e ativação da moderação: Na seção "Guias" poderia ter categorias que separe os tópicos para tal categoria para ficar de uma maneira mais fácil e organizada de achar tópicos sobre determinado assunto. Exemplo: Em-Jogo, Site e Fórum. Acho que a área deve ser moderada em postar tópicos porque os Moderadores do fórum vão se certificar se é algo bom e necessário ou se é algo ruim e desnecessário, pois acho muito trabalhoso aos funcionários responsáveis por essa área e um pouco para quem faz os guias ter que criar o tópico na seção "Off-Topic" para ser movido a seção guias, igual a @[L.A] [41] Lorena* [PE] fazia com meus tópicos. Sugestões: Em nossa comunidade poderia conter uma seção com o nome "Sugestões" onde todos os tópicos criados que sugerem algo serão criados, pois é muito ruim fazer igual estou fazendo agora, que é criar um tópico de sugestão na área "Off-Topic". Nota: As sugestões serão apenas para a nossa seção dentro do fórum. Imagem de Exemplo: Tenho imagem de exemplo somente para a área Guias. Porque essa sugestão deve ser aceita?: Como foi citado no início, é para melhorar a organização das seções em nossa comunidade e ser algo mais direto e fácil. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nome da Sugestão (S3): Tópicos descritivos e padrões nas seções Descrição da Sugestão: Nas seções como sugeri acima poderia ter além de uma breve descrição, ter tópicos fixados que sejam: descritivos, falem sobre o objetivo de tal seção e padronize tópicos em certas seções. Imagem de Exemplo: Porque essa sugestão deve ser aceita?: Pois há áreas que devem ter padrões a seguir, é como se fosse regras para criar um tópico. Exemplo: A área de ajuda tem um tópico padrão que todos devem seguir para criar o seu tópico: Observação: As áreas "padronizadas" todos devem seguir o que foi proposto sem exceção, pois acabam tendo tópicos sem informações que são necessárias e ficam sem sentido, um exemplo é a área de ajuda coisa que nem todos os jogadores seguem e quando a comunidade e funcionários portugueses vão ajudar, acabam não conseguindo e tendo que adivinhar. Então todos os tópicos fora dos padrões devem ser avisado pelo menos uma vez, caso não haja a alteração e o não seguimento dos padrões o mesmo deve ser fechado sem aviso. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Nome da Sugestão (S4): Anúncios em seções Descrição da Sugestão: Deve ser colocado os tópicos padrões/informativos sobre a área que são existentes como anúncio em tal seção, para ser algo adicional e talvez facilitar a encontrar o tópico padrão/informativo. Exemplo: A área de ajuda precisa disso mas não tem e todas pessoas que acessam descer a página quase no final para encontrar o tópico. Imagem de Exemplo: Porque essa sugestão deve ser aceita?: Citado acima em: Descrição da sugestão. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Essas são minhas propostas para a nossa comunidade para ser algo mais: Fácil, objetivo e organizado. Aguardo a opinião de todos os participantes portugueses e o que acham sobre a sugestão? Apoiam? Se sim, quais. Se você apoia, coloque a sua opinião e no início ou final do post coloque: +1 ou se você não apoia, coloque: -1.
  21. Suggestion Name: Interactive traffic map Suggestion Description: The interactive map should be available in browser but not in the ingame client. The interactive map can be zoomed in and out and have 2 different looks. 1st look will be green, yellow and, red color on roads indicating on the map if there is heavy traffic:red, medium traffic:yellow, no traffic:green. 2nd look will be the look of small triangles indicating where each and every driver is at. Any example images: no Why should it be added?: To keep track of where your convoy is at on the traffic map on (2nd look). And check for heavy traffic anywhere in the world (1st look). For example Amsterdam has lots of traffic on intersections to go to Rotterdam but maybe one intersection doesn't have as much traffic at all and you can take a detour to that intersection using the traffic map finding where less traffic is at and get there easier and faster. Many people could use this to avoid lots of traffic if they lag a lot and take detours. Another example is me and my friend use the cctv to watch for traffic due to my friends game crashes when too many people show up on his game and we've been using the cctv to avoid the traffic but cctv only covers Rotterdam Amsterdam and would be nice to have the interactive traffic map to show where all the traffic is at in city's and anywhere.
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