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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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About TheUltimateReviewer

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
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    United States of America
  • Interests
    American Truck Simulator
    The Blessed Virgin Mary
    Country Music
    Saint Joseph
    Justin Moore
    Online Racing
    Brantley Gilbert
    Colt Ford
    World of Trucks
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    Oregon: Ontario
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    France: Nice
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    I only know English.

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  1. I have scene horrible videos on what happens with these car drivers who race past truckers 30 miles higher than what the truck is doing. They treat virtual truck drivers as bad as we treat real truck drivers.
  2. -Suggestion Format: Event Suggestions -Suggestion Name: The Next TruckersMP Rally Championship Race -Suggestion Description: To the people in charge of TruckersMP: I want to first start by saying that I was accepted to be a racer in the first ever TruckersMP Rally Championship races. I didn't even get through qualifying because of a stupid mistake on my part. But I still had fun and was excited to be apart of it. I wanted to give you my ideas or suggestions for the next TruckersMP Rally race Championship in ATS. 1. I know this one is the most hardest of my ideas. Racing was very hard because people were inside you and you couldn't see where the road was and judge maneuvers properly. But, American Truck Simulator is not a crash simulator so any contact would be a catastrophe waiting to happen. 2. Make race tracks easier and then get harder as we go along. 3. The "flag man" at the starting line should have a mic because it was hard to judge it when it was in the chat. 4. Racers at the starting line should turn off their engines and lights while waiting for their turn because there was noise pollution and frame rate drops. I know there was some night racing, but racers waiting don't need their lights. 5. Send the accepted drivers the race track info earlier so that they can practice the tracks earlier than a few hours before. 6. And last but not least, car racing! Yes, let's try and race the Scout car. That could be fun and exciting. And if we do that, adding some race customizations would be great. Thank you again for making such a great event. Keep up the good work. Here's to more to come! -Any Example Images: -Why should it be added?: Because it would improve the event.
  3. We need to keep going with the Christmas Cargo challenge by World of Trucks. We have now past the 1.25 Million mark.

  4. You should know all of your key bindings before you go online or offline period. I do agree it should be more like thirty seconds and have a warning light and/or sound that flashes.
  5. I never thought of that. Good idea. It would let people now that so they can stay alert. I tried to type and drive. Quite frankly, I can't understand how people can text and drive.
  6. Thank you for your follow and thank you for your understanding regarding suggestions! Nice bro :love:B)

  7. -Suggestion Name:Default SCS Truck Swap -Suggestion Description: Swap trucks in both games. -Example Images: -Why should it be added? This is a little far fetched and not very plausible, but what if you could drive your favorite american semi truck in ETS 2, or your favorite European semi truck in ATS, in Multiplayer? That would be cool. The first image show, a Scania truck at a Peterbilt dealer in ATS. The second image shows a Peterbilt hauling a load in ETS 2. Like I said, a little over the top, but still a wish nonetheless.
  8. -Suggestion Name: More TruckersMP Scout Car Upgrades. -Suggestion Description: Add more options and customizations to the official car of TruckersMP. -Any Example Images -Why should it be added? I think the Scout car needs more customizations; like engines, paint schemes and additional exterior/interior options. And please have a better engine sounds. I mean, that engine...
  9. -Suggestion Name: Add More Drive-able Cars. -Suggestion Description: Adding more cars for more variety to MP, especially an American car. Example Images: Below. Chevy Silverado Chevy Impala https://images.hgmsites.net/lrg/2009-toyota-camry-4-door-sedan-v6-auto-le-natl-angular-front-exterior-view_100241753_l.jpg http://40ton.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/freightliner_cascadia_2018_12.jpg http://www.truckhelp.com/trucks/pictures/cache/full/ff10b38531d6e09ef1ecd67eb764eca34485.jpg http://jingletruck.com/img/2012-international-prostar-daycab-low-miles-tmp132553170633-0.jpg 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Police Version Example 2004 Ford Crown Victoria Civilian Version Example Pickup Truck Heavy Cargo DLC Options Examples -Why should it be Added? I think it would be cool to have cars or pickup trucks to drive. In ATS, we could have vehicles like 1995 (and other years) Chevy Silverado, 2009 Chevy Impala and actual semi truck models. I don't know European cars that well, but adding Toyota Camrys would be awesome. And finally, replace the official TruckersMP Scout car with a 2004 Ford Crown Victoria. And have this situation: Only an event operators, or official game and server moderators have the police or security version, and all other uses can drive the civilian version. If you add a pickup truck, you could put "oversize load" customizations so that a user can drive the semi truck with loads from the heavy cargo pack dlc, while another user drives the pickup truck.
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