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  1. Moin, mal ne Frage an die Runde. Wie seht ihr das, wenn der LKW/Auto hinter einem nur nen Abstand von etwa 50-30m bei ca 80-110KM/H hat, aber man dann absichtlich durch zb drücken der "Drucken" Taste o.ä. laggt, würde dies dann ein triftiger Ban-Grund sein oder eher nicht, weil es ja eigentlich "nur" laggs gewesen sind?
  2. Admin seems to have looked at the report, but the report is still new and the required is still not done. Please help me. Thanks in advance
  3. Suggestion name: TMPID under the users username Suggestion Description: It would be great if you could add the TMPID under everyone's name or next to the temporary ID Example 1: Example 2: Why should it be added: It should be added because when someone commits an offence, our recording software can capture the person doing the offence and also their TMPID which would be located with their name so you don't have to search in the player list for their name and get their TMPID that way. It makes it a lot easier when doing web reports and sometimes in the history section the players name would be gone and you can't report them. Same with if they leave too.
  4. Hi, I have recorded ramming, reckless and speeding. He disconneted so i didnt have any chance to find his /pinfo.. But! I found his steam account, profile picture in the video and steam is the same. So how to report him without TrickersMP ID? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198224693104 Evidence: https://youtu.be/6MlXhN6LRbs Best regards, Lukas.
  5. Make Sure Each Ban Which Is In-Game Is Always The Same Length For Players Hello All, I hope you're all doing very well - I've thoroughly enjoyed looking through the Forums with all the suggestions and points that have been made. Whilst doing that I have thought of some of my own which also help from other Forum posts that I have seen. Therefore, I'm just going to officially make this into a discussion. My suggestion which I would like to express is to do with 'Ban Lengths' and how the the Game Moderators situate it. Suggestion: - I have noticed that each Game Moderator will ban someone and decide their self at times how long the ban-able player should get. I also understand how there are some set rules about bans and the lengths but it needs to be strongly introduced to the players. I feel like it should be made known to the players how long they will get for each offence that they make. For example, if a player causes a scene from overtaking when its not safe and they cause an accident which leads on to them getting banned the Game Moderator should give a punishment duration which other Game Moderators would of done. It is not fair if one person gets banned for 3 days, where as another player would get banned for one week. Furthermore, maybe the Game Moderator Leaders should come up with a Strict Set Rule Duration Planner. This may be a hard thing to implement into the servers and for the Game Moderators to understand. However, this means the punishments will be fair to all players. I have seen in the past players 'arguing' and 'moaning' when they get banned because they've been banned longer then their mate did when they did the same thing and they have the same amount of bans previously. Also, another point is that you should create a table (like the rough one below) and make it clear for the players. Maybe this could go on the website or the Rules when the game loads up. It will give the players a good understanding and they will realise what the punishments are for each ban, this could stop trolling too and for new players to understand the rules a bit better. Obviously, I understand that there will be times where a Game Moderator would have to bypass this scheme due to something going wrong but if the Moderators set the same ban length for each ban-able reason then there would be no reason for people to argue against it calling the sever 'unfair' and giving grief towards the staff. Furthermore, when a player gets banned they could be stated with the graph, and the admin selects which offence they have done and their duration. Therefore, its more clear and understandable. This means that fair punishments will be given out and each one is equal. Its very important! At times it would go against this system - But then the Game Moderators would take the report by their self and submit the right punishment if they're not sure. For example: Unsafe Overtaking Reckless Driving Chat/CB Abuse Blocking Hacking Other No Punishment History = 3 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 Days Perm (Depends) Depends One Previous Ban = 3 Days 3 Days 2 Days 3 Days Perm (Depends) Depends Two Previous Bans = 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days 7 Days Perm (Depends) Depends Three Previous Bans = 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month Perm (Depends) Depends Four or More Bans = 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months Perm (Depends) Depends This table is only a rough sketch so you can understand my point more clearly. It features how long the ban should be if they have a certain punishment history - As you can see it clearly goes up in duration if they keep on failing to keep to TMP Rules. The ban duration's are not accurate, This is only for educational purposes for you to understand. I have not seen anything like this yet - This is why I'm introducing this and suggesting it! Feel free to state your opinions about this - Furthermore, it would be great if some higher up staff including Game Moderators could express their opinion about this as well! Its hard getting your head around it , but I feel like it would work so much better. Please be aware that the graph will not be displayed properly if you’re on your mobile. If you react then please tell me why you’ve decided to react with that certain emote. Have a great Night and also week- Many Thanks, Dan
  6. Hello! I have a quick question: How can I report a VTC for example, having an inappropriate or offensive Name, Description, Avatar, Rules or Requirements? I tried to search for an answer on this forum, but didn't found any helpful information. Your help is Greatly Appreciated! Thanks in advance! Have a Nice rest of the Day!
  7. Hey, I have a problem! I was uploading to Plays an evidence video, and it looks just great on my computer, but the uploaded video has like a frame per hour quality. Sure, you get some sort of picture what happened. I even tried to reupload a video, when I noticed that, but it still has terrible quality. It seems that some uploads are only half that bad and suddenly stops lagging and shows the real quality. Are those still going to be ok evidence or not? Here's an example: https://plays.tv/video/5d6019a6214b86d99a The video was recorded as 1080p, 30fps and it does look like it on my computer, but not on Plays. And if those are not good, what would be a better service to upload evidence instead of Plays or Youtube, since the first one seems to kill the quality of uploads?
  8. Suggestion Name: New option to report players Suggestion Description: I'd really appreciate it if it was possible to click on player's name tags while having the tab open and right clicking on the screen to get the yellow mouse. Any example images: - Why should it be added?: This would be really useful to report someone in a high populated area as you can simply click on his name, as the player stands right by your side.
  9. An innocent player has been banned for 4 days because "Perpetrator" was changed to the player on the reporting system by Game Moderator. I'd like to open a feedback for this but could not create new one ("You currently have a Feedback open. Please finish this one before creating a new one."). So I wrote the "feedback" in the description of the evidence video (please *show full description*). What should I do next?
  10. In Inglish: Hello, I leave a report of a person who harassed me on the road. He locked me in for almost 10 minutes. I managed to stop in 2 opportunities, but in the 3 opportunity to want to pass it so that it did not bother me, it achieved its mission of blocking the route and making me overturn. En español: Buenas, dejo un reporte de una persona que me hostigaba en la autopista. Me estuvo encerrando por casi 10 minutos. Pude lograr frenar en 2 oportunidades, pero en la 3 oportunidad de querer pasarlo para que me deje de molestar, logró su mision de bloquerarme la ruta y hacerme volcar. evidence/evidencia ----> https://youtu.be/6x6CSmpu844
  11. Недавно я играл в truckersMP, ехал себе спокойно по ГЕРМАНИИ. И проехав 200-250 км на дороге стоят 2 игрока, который блочат проезд и начинают меня троллить, и не только меня кстати. Там после 3-х минутного разговора не с адекватными образовалась пробка. Эти индивидуумы начали утверждать, что это не Германия, а Великобритания, и МЫ не правильно едем. Я кинул 5 репортов им двоим, и думаю не только я.... Но при мне админы не пришли и не забанили их..... Я не помню их ников. Если этот текст не по теме, то извиняюсь. На форуме впервые, и пока не понял, куда подавать жалобу )
  12. Hallo, ich habe mal eine Frage an die Youtube Experten hier. Ich habe momentan ein Problem und weiß nicht wie ich da weiter vorgehen muss, da Youtube in dieser Situation sehr verwirrend ist. Und da ich momentan kein Feedback Ticket eröffnen darf bzw. noch ein paar Tage warten muss, versuche ich es hier, weil die Zeit drängt. Zum Problem, ich habe vor einigen Tagen einen Spieler mit einem Youtube Videobeweis reportet. Dieser Report wurde auch angenommen und daraufhin der entsprechende Spieler einen Monat gebannt. Heute, ein paar Tage später, habe ich von Youtube eine Mitteilung bekommen, dass das Beweisvideo durch einen Urheberrechtsanspruch durch angeblich schrotter04 (anscheinend prüft Youtube aber auch rein gar nichts) mit einer türkisch klingenden E-Mail Adresse runtergenommen wurde. Da diese Videos nicht gelistet sind und somit nur der entsprechende Admin, der gemeldete türkische User und ich den Youtube Link haben, gehe ich mal davon aus, dass der User dieses Video gemeldet hat. Wie kann ich da weiter vorgehen, da, vermute ich mal, eine Anfrage an die E-Mail Adresse nix bringen würde, das zum einen der User gebannt bleibt und ich meinen Strike durch Youtube wieder abwenden kann. Ich vermute mal erneut das Video hochzuladen wird nichts bringen, da es sehr wahrscheinlich der entsprechende User sofort wieder bei Youtube melden wird und ich dann einen zweiten Strike bekomme. schrotter04
  13. Hey Zusammen, ich habe jetzt schon mehr als 20 Reports auf der Truckersmp Webseite erstellt. Nur ich kann nur maximal 8 Reports an die Jungs senden. Kann man das erhöhen lassen oder wächst das mit den gesendeten Reports? Fahrt vorsichtig, (ich sehe alles ^^) Grüße Simon
  14. Ptterz


    Hey, when creating a report it now says that "Please provide all evidence, including /pinfo or similar". What does this mean exactly, like how does it differ to earlier reporting? Is it a must that /pinfo is visible on that video? Sometimes it is hard to see the number when something happens.
  15. Herkese selamlar, bir oyuncuyu raporladım ancak ben yapmadığım halde aynı rapordan 2 kere göndermiş ve bu nedenle max. rapor hakkımdan 1 hak daha fazla kaybettim, bunun düzeltilmesini talep ediyorum...
  16. Hey, recently I've been playing a lot on Europe 2. I spotted some rammers and reckless drivers yesterday, I have them on video and I don't know how to report them. I don't know if this is appropriate but, here are the video and the time stamps. Also for future reports, how can I report with a video? Time Stamps: 0:00 to 0:35 -- alexloban (ID:2008000) 0:40 to 0:55 -- Ivan Kukutsapo)) (ID:2279590) Szyymeqq (ID:1661143)
  17. Hello, I decide to report player "HegloTheBaAYQan" report id 3553 Reason- Trolling/Griefing, Reckless driving. I was driving in city and he just hit me going about 110km/h I get 40% truck damage and 63% load damage. So I lose all my payment and about 35k for fixing my truck Prof- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198123568611/screenshot/966474320529316270 http://prntscr.com/kpp38p
  18. Hello, I just want to know why do I have reports limit in the profile page? What if I reach this limit, and then I need to report someone?
  19. Arkadaşlar "create report" ekranında aldığım clip i nasıl kanıt bölümüne gircem raporu kontrol eden kişinin o klipi izlemesini nasıl sağlayabilirim oraya clip i atarak?
  20. Arkadaşlar create report ekranında perpetrator id diye bişey var orayı nasıl doldurmam gerekiyor anlamadım ben raporlayacağım kişinin truckers id sini nerden bilebilirim ki
  21. Beyler rapor sistemi benim bildiğim kadarıyla adminlerin sahneyi izlemeleriyle yapılıyor ancak bu adminler nasıl bir gözle izliyorlar anlamış değilim tam izlemiyolar mı veya ilgilenilmiyor mu? bariz şekilde bilerek çarpan milletin önüne kıran bilerek blocking yapan veya normal yolunda giderken bile bile direksiyon kırıp bariz bilerek sana çarpan adamı bile raporladığımda bir süre sonra "Nickname" hakkında hiçbir işlem yapılmadı yazısı geliyor. adminler neden var diye sorasım geldi ama daha iyi bir soru buldum; rapor sistemi neden var?!?!?!
  22. Hi, i just wanted to know if a player gets a permanent ban and if he/she continues to play with another account, is that considered as ban evade? If it is then how can anyone report against it and what evidence is needed. [Please help]
  23. Hola gente. Hace dos días dejé un reporte sobre un jugador molesto que no arruinó un directo que estábamos haciendo con mi empresa en el American Truck Simulator. De momento nadie lo ha tomado. Está todo filmado y con los datos requeridos completados. Qué otra cosa debo hacer? Adjunto captura.
  24. Witajcie, Ostatnio dużo zgłaszam ludzi na stronie TMP . Jednak za każdym razem admin dziękuje za zgłoszenie i obok pisze tak: ,,evidence must be available for the full duration of the ban PLUS 1 month." czy ktoś mógłby wyjaśnić o co w tym chodzi? Z góry dziekuję
  25. Masz już dość nagrywania dowodów używając zewnętrznych programów, które zużywają dość duże zasoby Twojego komputera? Tracisz czas na edytowanie długości filmików do Reportów? Jest na to rozwiązanie. Ale co to jest? Windows 10 zawiera funkcję o nazwie "DVR z gry" do nagrywania wideo w ramach każdej zweryfikowanej gry. Zarówno Euro Truck Simulator 2 jak i American Truck Simulator należą do tej kategorii. Ta funkcja jest podobna do tej użytej w NVIDIA Shadowplay i Replay Buffer w OBS, lecz bez ciężkich procesów w tle, dzięki czemu Twoja gra jest bardziej płynna, ponieważ "DVR z gry" jest dołączony i zoptymalizowany w systemie operacyjnym. Jak to działa? To proste. Wchodzisz do gry i kiedy chcesz nagrać coś co się właśnie stało, naciskasz kombinacje klawiszy WIN+ALT+G. Spowoduje to utworzenie pliku wideo w określonym folderze. Na przykład: Jedziesz sobie spokojnie i nagle nadjeżdza Scout z NCZ hackiem i wysyła Cię do innego wszechświata. Po zreportowaniu delikwenta w grze ( Wiadomo, że i tak nikt nie przejrzy ), naciskasz kombinację klawiszy WIN+ALT+G, a klip wideo z tym co się wydarzyło w ostatnich 15, 30 sekundach lub więcej ( zależnie od konfiguracji ), zostanie zapisany w wybranym wcześniej przez Ciebie folderze. Co potrzebuję? Windows 10 Creators Update ( 1703, Build 15063) lub wyższy. Prawdopodobnie i tak już spełniasz te wymagania. Co muszę zrobić? 1. Wejdź w "Ustawienia": 2. Wybierz "Granie": 3. W zakładce "Pasek Gry" sprawdź czy zaznaczona opcja jest włączona: 4. W zakładce "DVR z gry" również sprawdź czy zaznaczona opcja jest włączona: Notka: Nie zapomnij o wybraniu ilości sekund, które mają być nagrane przed wciśnięciem kombinacji klawiszy. Osobiście polecam 30 sekund lub 1 minuta. Zazwyczaj więcej nie potrzeba. 5. (Opcjonalnie) W zakładce "DVR z gry" możesz wybrać czy wideo ma mieć dźwięk: Notka: Kiedy chcemy zgłosić kogoś za Ramming, Reckless Driving, Hacking itp, opcja nagrywania dźwięku może pozostać wyłączona, gdyż wtedy wielkość pliku wideo będzie mniejsza, a w takich przypadkach dźwięk nie jest konieczny jako dowód. Kiedy jednak chcemy zgłosić kogoś za CB Abuse ( Spam, Obrażanie ) trzeba mięć tą opcję włączoną, ponieważ w innym przypadku nasze zgłoszenie może zostać odrzucone. 6. (Opcjonalnie) W zakładce "DVR z gry" możesz wybrać czy dźwięk ma być nagrywany tylko z gry czy wraz z dźwiękami systemowymi: Notka: Włączenie tej opcji może być przydatne, kiedy podczas gry słuchasz w tle Spotify itp. i nie chcesz żeby piosenka której obecnie słuchasz również się nagrała. 7. (Opcjonalnie) W zakładce "DVR z gry" możesz wybrać właściwości wideo: Notka: Domyślne ustawienia (30 FPS, Standard) wystarczają w zupełności jako dowód do zgłoszenia. Czy to koniec? Tak, możesz teraz włączyć grę i zarejestrować to co się wydarzyło naciskając kombinację klawiszy WIN+ALT+G (Możesz dodać inną kombinację w zakładce "Pasek gry"). Domyślnie, filmiki zapisywane są w C:\Users\TWOJA_NAZWA\Videos\Captures. Źródła: oraz Poradnik opracowany przez: @Gonzalox Tłumaczenie: @Kid Fabi
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